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i thought it was an xwing
FACT:Leafs are the STRONGEST race in the world.
Bit of insider information here. Episode VIII will have the words "Episode VIII" in it. Don't tell too many people or my boss will know I let it leak.
I can't wait for them to make the Force's light side = feminism and dark side = toxic masculinity.
Are you really surprised at the rumors though? Sure Anakin destroyed the Sith. But he can't be the chosen one. It's 2016 you guys, having a CISHET white male chosen one is just problematic.
So fucking fake. You can literally see the scaffolding in the lower left hand corner. What an embarrassment.
Guys, guys, this is tottally the tree from the comics and cartoon Rey is like the Daughter from Mortis and Kylo is the Son and they are force gods reincarnated and reborn in a cycle and they fight each-other and it will be reveled in twist flashback.
This is all from comics and cartoons, which are CANON. This means it's all true and very important!
>post YFW Star Wars is gonna pull some Adam and Eve bullshit
Jesus Christ Disney
Falling for the tree meme still?
Episode VIII: The Force Embarks
hey guys i work at lucasfilm and i have some inside information about the movie
princess leia dies in the movie
don't want to post too much info, might get found out, don't want to lose my job.
that's a thicc tree
>force tree = forbidden tree
>The Girl(Light side/Eve) = Rey
>The Boy(Dark side/Adam) = ?????
>Snake = Snoke
Huh it really makes you think.
>Sup Forums - nothing but reposts
truly we have become reddit
Trees were a type of plant found on many planets throughout the galaxy. Some sentient species such as the Wookiees of the planet Kashyyyk and the Ewoks of the planet Endor made their homes in the branches of trees. The subterranean caverns of Aleen housed a species of tree-like sentients, the Kindalo. They were good friends.
>the force = the apple
If anything the rumors go against what the cartoon said.
Here's a pity (You)
Sup Forums STRONK
is that what the inner earth actually looks like?
wtf is this real ?
so... the rumours about this shitty force tree """""""""""""""""idea""""""""""""""""" are, dare I say it, true????
The first x-wing
>set up to be some buddhist/taoist mystical bullshit
>turns out its christianity instead
waht a twist
>Count Dooku
>It's tree son then
It all makes sense now, Sheev was warning the council about Kylo Ren, the son of the force tree.
That's no tree!
Isn't this retconning the holiday special with that tree of life shit?
Someone post the Chinese Dracula and Riff-Raff.
It's just a fucking tree, the cartoon shit is not happening, you can relax.
It's Devils Tower in Wyoming.
It's going to be a copy of the dark side cave Luke went into in ESB. Luke probably takes Rey to that tree to confront the dark side or some shit. Either that or it's just weird for the sake of weird. This is Star Wars after all.
Damn, George's master plan keeps revealing itself
Wait, so Star Wars is Naruto now?
>"No, Rey, you are MY father
I cry everytime
>complaining about scaffolding in what essentially amounts to a "making of" shot probably taken without permission
shit this board.
W-what? Are you genuinely complaining that film sets aren't real?
>trusting wikipedia
how new are you lad
^ Autism in action.
Oh no so the horrible back story of the force that was leaked is real
The Empire Strikes Bark
Is it though? Autism? In action? Autism in action? Is it actionable autism? Dare ye?
>episode viii: the empire strikes bark
I'm Luke Skywalker and now my role in the galaxy is to protect this tree.
Jezus, user
it's like pottery, every stanza kinda rhymes with the next
Since The Force™ is modeled after The Tao®, does it really make sense to have a physical source?
Snoke is the son, Kylo is the father/balance.
wow, such deep lore!
I love nucanon!
Its real but its an /x/-tier conspiracy theory that those kind of mountains are remnants of actual "world trees".
that is some fucking amazing set design.
the movies might be absolute trash but I will just enjoy that all day
>The Force™ is modeled after The Tao
it's modeled after all religions
SCP 682
I feel like an insane amount of the budget was allocated towards building this set, but couldn't they just have built the giant tree in a real valley? why'd they have to build the entire fucking ground?
I know, I know, muh practical effects but holy shit this seems so inefficient even Lucas would frown upon it
I think they wanted to ensure it looks like Skellig Islands, but they could not built shit on the actual islands themselves.
Maybe it's easier than finding a place that looks enough like it.
Star Wars episode VIII: The Phloem Menace
underrated already
But pretty much all of Ireland looks identical to Skellig Michael
Not enough green compared to Skellig!
At least wait a little before you samefag.
It's clearly Lukes home.
Woweee another scary force tree
Not samefagging, I just thought it was a good pun.
Do you think Ep VIII will have lightsabers in it?
wtf I love evangelion now!
it's okay they have computers to fix that now
They are already doing that.
yes. and apparently it's climbed a lot.
Is this /got/?