Is he right, Sup Forums?

Is he right, Sup Forums?

Pic related is probably the smartest person I know. He's a business lecturer at Universities here in Kiwiland and he's a directer on the PHARMAC board. He's drowning in degrees and qualifications on business and economy.

I can never work out where he stands politically. He's very left on social things. eg.. he is for immigration, as he feels it helps the economy. But he's quite right on economic and business things. eg.. he's very much for capitalism.

I'm all for Brexit. But I also take what this guy says seriously. What is your opinion on this? Is he right?

He has informed opinions on economic stuff, but uninformed meme opinions on social issues and doesn't connect culture and genetics with economics. Economics cannot stand on one foot without a firm grasp of what makes countries work properly first.

>The UK won't be overrun with shitskins

Yeah, nah, fuck off

I am an American student in Uni and I don't pay anything, so he's wrong about that.

>university lecturer
Is being intentionally stupid a new Sup Forums meme?

Fucking retard. Re-read his post. Kys

>it's impossible for specialists in one area to be ignorant about things in another

might want to rethink that post lad

This guy clearly hasnt seen the number of "international student" currently within the UK. Chinese student population in sheffield is mad

This guy is literally a joke, they broke the chains and we're free to do business with the UK without the EU cucks taking their cut. Stop biting the bait of psuedo-commies lad, the UK voted for their freedom today.

Trade is important, but heres the thing to remember the EU got how much of its resources from the UK. The short term is that Brexit hurts the UK, the long term is that it cripples the EU which is already facing issue, and it potentially strengthens the relations between the UK and Russia politically.

The Rothschilds are not going to take this lightly and Soros will not be around for much longer I would imagine. 7


So you posted your own tweet to ask our opinion on it?

Look m8 noone can predict what will come next as much as they pretend. There is simply no way that no other non EU countries will refused to trade and the panic was only by those invested in Leave/brainwashed plebs

Tldr keep it on Facebook if you want to talk about your shitty (wrong) opinion

> Isolation has helped no country, ever
*raises hand*

He's a statist. More Government solves nothing and creates many problems.

Yeah, West Street is chink central

>isolation has helped no country ever
yeah sure

I just noticed
>'in 2015'
>posted two minutes ago

> Isolation has helped no country, ever
*raises hand*

I read an article about this. Foreigners pay nothing for the excellent schooling in Germany, and even if they only stay for a couple years after completing education Germany still benefits from the transaction.

>the Brtians
>those Britains
"Educated" professor.

So you're planning on becoming a tax haven like Switzerland?

I'm not sure he truly feels sorry, tbqh

The guy is from the school of Jew.

Hitler would gas him.

Capitalist schools indoctrinate people into believing only capitalism works.

Hitler proved them all wrong.

Hitler was smarter than your kike professor.

Tell him I said so.

>isolationism helps no one
>the most powerful country on earth today by far was isolationist until 1898
>remained quasi-isolationist until 1941
>it still had the most powerful economy on earth before it became interventionist
Your smartest, most educated person is ignorant on basic history.

This goy is a complete kikesucker.

George Soros must be bretty mad about the failure of his globalization schemes.

>But he's quite right on economic and business things. eg.. he's very much for capitalism.

No he's a leftist who understands economics.

Being in University, you should know how leftist lecturers are, spreading these vague notions of "unity" and "diversity" while living in their ivory towers.

PhD in political science/MA economics focusing on the EU.

No, he is not correct his theory is pure speculation and we have seen a slight regress in the market that should take less than 3 months to recover fully and possibly pass standards.

He is just another academic appealing to authority, he has not studied the EU project as in depth as some of us.

t. UofT assistant prof (4years)

>Posting on facebook


And this is the smartest person you know? Time to meet new people user.

> oy vey goyim, you need to accept millions of somalis and sudanese refugees. It will be good for economy, safety, multiculturalism,... Be a good goy now.

You keep us out of this anglo.

>spreading these vague notions of "unity" and "diversity" while living in their ivory towers.

Did a sociology course and in the introductory video the (female) professor started going off on capitalism. I thought: "But you get paid by young peole borrowing money from the taxpayer and banks to pay you..."

he is still a retard. he is educated stupid.

there are economic benefits and costs of different kind to open borders.

Trade economists only take into account the benefits of trade, because they/we have methods to calculate this.

The costs of open borders are CRIME AND WELFARE LEACHES.

Where is the economic theory about welfare queens, huh? Where is the "security economics" school?

t. PhD in economics

My parents had British pensions and moved them here years ago. Next election i'm voting Winnie and he will help build trade with Great Britain.

He is probably just a butthurt German lecturer at the leftwing shithole Victoria in Wellington.

>voting for Winnie
Mein nigger

He is retarded because this affects more than just tourism for countries that have trade agreements with the EU.

Say that you sell the EU wool sheep for 100 tons, say that the UK took 20tons of that bunch, you don't care because you sold that shit to the EU and then the EU divided it among its members. Now you will have to sell the EU 80 Tons, and when the EU gives you the money of 80 tons instead of 100 you will ask "what the hell happen m8? I have 20 Tons I need to sell still!" then you will have to talk with the UK to avoid having a void of income yourself.

This fearmongering against Brexist shit is completely retarded and baseless. Sure the UK will have higher tarif and taxes to pay but so does the countries that will negotiate with the UK so it is in the best interest of both countries to make a "good deal" that doesn't make them lose neither their production more their revenue.

>I can never work out where he stands politically. He's very left



>swap polish immigrants for pakis
>not overrun with shitskin

are you fucking retarded?

THANKS UK. Your country just proved our collective psy op of fat neckbeards can brainwash you with memes while making our country richer in the process.

>this means nobody will trade with uk

wow this niggas dumb

Yet another ivory tower idiot.

No, he's not right, because he's observing things in short term.
Yes, UK will suffer.
But this is only chance to be saved from cancerous neoliberal globalism.

He's a professor and he doesn't understand inherent human nature. Typical.

You guys here on Sup Forums have meme opinions. The guy in the OP is right on the money.

They're gonna get more Pakis now. Congrats! Those guys didn't come from the EU!


Noice one m8

With EUck propaganda banished and Scotland leaving the UK, the whole country will swing rightward.


He's German, but lives here

Thanks, clearly your qualifications are enough to outclass a professors opinion on his area of specialty through your cogent argument that he might not be well enough informed on contiguous fields of study.

>smartest person I know
>spells Britain wrong in the first sentence

>isolationism has helped no country, ever
well that's just factually wrong. America emerged as the strongest world power after two world wars precisely because it avoided getting involved until the last possible moment.

Also, British students already have to pay fees. A lot of European universities charge foreign students less than UK universities charge UK students.

like most Remainers, he doesn't really have an argument. Just a set of trite platitudes.

If this is the smartest person you know, you really need to meet more people.

Those who can, do.
Those who can't, teach.

>muh shitskins

kek the majority of niggers in the UK is not even realted to the EU diplomacy

no wonder the world goes to shit when thick cunts like you are allowed to vote

what if you're a really good teacher?

Yes, the prime minister John Key wants this. We have no property tax on foreigners and you can setup some kind of tax free trust as the Panama papers show. Fucking house prices are ridiculous.

Isolation sure helps japan.

If he's so smart why doesn't he understand the UK can just enter free trade agreements without giving up sovereignty.

>muh shekels
Funny how all leftists turn out to be materialistic fascist totalitarians when people dont vote for their globalist shit



We raped neanderthal to extinction.
They'd still be alive if prehistoric leftists didn't shame their youth into fucking with niggers.


I'd be curious to see Sydney, just add Muhammad and it'd probably look similar.

those first four sentences apply to leftists though, as does "it's ok to blame religions [but only Christianity]"