Why did Data need a chip to experience emotions?
Why didn't he just get drunk again?
Why did Data need a chip to experience emotions?
Why didn't he just get drunk again?
I'm on season three and Data is rapidly becoming one of my least favourite characters.
That's like asking a blind man, "If you want to see stuff, why not just get high off of shrooms?"
>disliking best human
Just like every other long-running tv show, the writers just made it up as they went along. They tried their best to keep the universe in a general continuity but things always slip by.
Pay no attention to that episode
Or the Pilot where Data is like one of Peter Pan's Lost Boys instead of a robot
Once Measure of a Man rolls around, then the characterization is more solid
Though personally, I do not like the idea of the "emotion chip". I prefer Data becoming complex enough that he develops emotions "naturally", which the show often implied he was doing anyways
>tfw to intelligent for starfleet
There is no one better in TNG
>Hire Brad Douriff for Voyager
>Cast him as a murderer.
Are you suggesting that's a bad thing?
Because he did a great job
I don't like it when he tries to act funny or puts on those false voices.
Like in 'Allegiance' when he's being false to the people and giving a speech about how they will die and no one will remember them.
Or in 'The Outrageous Okona' when he tries to learn humor.
The one where Picard is kindapped and put in a room with a bunch of aliens and he figures out that it's all a charade?
I don't think Data is much in that episode
But also, yeah, in the earlier season it seems they wanted Data to be very childlike and naive
Your friendly reminder that Dukat fucked Ki Wynn, and that was wrong.
he was just simulating intoxication, he wasn't feeling it
What else would you cast Brad Dourif for?
Shit man I mean 'The Ensigns of Command' I watched them out of order.
After the episode where Dukat and Sisko are trapped together and Dukat finally admits that he hates Bajorans and enjoyed killing them, Dukat's story goes to pieces
Fuck the "Pagh'wraiths" storyline
Because they needed a plot to bring Lore back.
Honestly, the whole emotion chip thing was a stupid idea anyway, because Data experienced emotions in his own way. He had desires, preferences, and could consent or not consent to the actions of others. His problem was that he was basically just autistic with a number of verbal tics like overly elaborating when being asked for definitions.
Why is the doll holding a picture of dead Tommy Wiseau?
>Data experienced emotions in his own way
I always liked Data and everything Data related for this reason.
What I can't remember is if any character ever told him "well you see Data, you were human all along!" or similar, everybody always seemed to play along with the "yeah I'm an artificial life-form I feel no human emotions" and never looked past that.
remember that episode where tasha yar raped data?
I will build a subpace graviton field and Bajor will pay for it!
Rape is all she knows user.
That episode where he tries to kill that Jew and lies to Riker about it really sold me it
>he was basically just autistic just like me!
but yea, what data wanted was the series of intense hormonal drives that motivate people to do more than just sit on ass and shitpost on Sup Forums.
Someone post the rape gang picture.
Anything that Jeffrey Combs passed on.
Agreed. Data should have developed emotions over time, similar to how he unlocked his ability to experience dreams. They could have done a lot more with Data than they did in terms of character development. Unfortunately, there were too many times where Data had an entire episode dedicated to him seemingly reaching a milestone in his quest to become more human, only to have it be forgotten in the very next episode. It felt like one step forward and two steps back.
Friendly reminder that Dr. Julian Bashir was born legally retarded and has autism.
Such was the cost of a TV show made in the 80s and early 90s where continuity was a rarity
Commander, tell me about your sexual organs.
True. If TNG had the continuity of DS9, it would have undoubtedly been the greatest Trek, and possibly the best tv show of all time.
I think we can all identify with Broccoli.
He was literally made to be a typical autistic Star Trek fan
Some of the writers were worried that the fanbase would get angry and reject him
But everyone loved this relatable antics
Too bad shows today would never have the balls
>Wesley Cruser was meant to be Gene Rodenburry's self-insert
>everyone hated him
>Reginald Barclay was the creators' ways of taking a jab at the audience, as if to say "You guys are autistic faggots"
>everyone loved him
This must have been what killed Rodenburry.
Fun Fact: Spiner was told before the audition to act more like an android than a human. Right before the audition he was told they wanted more of a human than an android. The resulting character Spiner produced became Data.
Can someone post the TNG and DS9 viewing/episode guides?
I've seen him in LotR, Cuckoo's Nest, and Myst 3, and in two of those he murders and in the other he's mentally ill.
i haven't got the TNG one
The only movie I can think of where he isn't a killer or mentally ill is Critters 4. He is typecasted worse than Vincent Price
Thanks user.
I would sit through any of these even Move Along Home but I'm introducing and watch it with a girl friend.
>If Wishes were Horses
>no importance
Uh, what about Sisko's baseball?
>what data wanted was the series of intense hormonal drives that motivate people to do more than just sit on ass and shitpost on Sup Forums.
Me too, man.
Me, too.
It's not Data you hate, it's Brent Spiner.
Data is based, Brent is a tool.
Sheriff in Halloween remake
Here's the updated DS9.
Check the link at the bottom for TNG.
Did Brent call your kid's art shit again?
>Data wants emotions
This never made sense. He has basic emotions already then. He wants more sophisticated ones?
Why didn't Dr Soong write down the schematicsnfor the emotion chip so Star Fleet could make Data a new one?
>giving a shit about starfleet
Wants are emotions though they usually are
I read somewhere that the writers didn't like that Dukat was more popular with viewers than Sisko so they made his character go full retard in the last two seasons. If that's true I wouldn't be surprised if Dukat was originally meant to have Damar's role at the end; his daughter's death leads to his drinking problem and disillusionment with the Dominion until he betrays them.
It would also explain why the Pah-wraith plotline came out of nowhere and had no consequence.
>Pah-wraith plotline
Daily reminder that something like pic actually happened in an Star Trek episode.
my and my dick on the right
>I read somewhere
You probably read it on Sup Forums, where anybody can make anything up for shits and giggles.
Man FUCK that shit
DS9 was doing such a good job with the Prophets being aliens who say time non-linearly
But the evil Prophets?
Well they're just comic book villains who love being evil
I'm considering that list to be accurate solely based on them rating Move Along Home as bad.
Every one of you contrarian fuck dicks who claim to like it can rot in hell.
I fucking hated just about everything to do with the bajorans and that funky ass religion.
>it's a the bajorans come to the brink of destroying their own society and upsetting the balance because a random fanatic showed up and threw some new scriptures at them and the Federation has to carefully sort everything out and patch up their ramshackle culture and then they learn nothing at all at the end and do it again episode
>you can't get mad at us, you have to feel bad because muh Occupation! Remember the 50 million!
>Season 2: The Cardassians killed 10 million Bajorans
>Season 5: The Cardassians killed 15 million Bajorans
>Season 7: The Cardassians killed tens of millions of Bajorans
What did they mean by this?
Oy vey...
Is it really a religion if their gods/devils exist?
They do but like reality, they made up all the rules to control and exploit each other
Data was as autistic as the plot needed him to be. I think it was done intentionally, but also unintentionally just because there were so many episodes and so many different writers. Some new writer would probably come in and do a bit about how Data doesn't understand humor, even though like 15 episodes ago they made a point of showing how he got some joke.
It's the showrunner's job to manage that, but honestly, I think that "let's teach Data to be human" was such an easy plot point to mine for content that they were never motivated to make him advance.
Season 3 starts slaughtering all of the characters, it's shit.
That's exactly correct, I've recently come to the conclusion that I can't stand Brent Spiner when he's playing anyone other than regular Data. Whenever he's playing anyone else or even just Data with emotions his acting is limited in range from smug to impish.
>Season 3
You finally got to the good part of TNG.
It resembles too much of a soap opera at times, but that's really when the series get good.
This always bothered me.
Is Dukat Gul Macet from that episode of TNG?
got a gif with all the beams dancing around?
It's alright for shitposting on Sup Forums and clips of the cast doing retarded shit.
I mean it's more entertaining than the average Jadzia episode snoozefest.
>Every one of you contrarian fuck dicks who claim to like it can rot in hell.
We can't account for your ability to understand the material presented to you.
Go somewhere else if you need guides and hand-holding.
Remove Bajoran.
Same actor, different characters. I think it was handwaved in supplementary material as Macet and Dukat being cousins.
I'm not him, but it's entirely plausible if you find some of the old Trek magazines.
Dukat grew to be extremely popular somewhere around the time they gave him a Bird-of-Prey and his role as antagonist blurred a bit.
Ira Behr also tried rationalizing this in an interview and he did it so clumsily that it sounded as though he really didn't want Dukat to be liked so much.
Different characters of course, it just threw me for a loop hear that wonderful voice on an other Cardassians.
That was a good episode, focused on Miles and Cardassians, like a mini DS9. Is there anymore TNG episodes w/ Cardassians as a main plot?
The final scene was so good. I love hearing Patrick Stewart drop the diplomatic pleasantries and start making threats, he's so good at making it apparent that he isn't fucking around.
Chain of Command
>Is there anymore TNG episodes w/ Cardassians as a main plot?
Yes user.
There is an episode where Captain Jellico verbally shreds some pompous Gul in the observation lounge and tells Riker to piss off back to his trombone lounge and prostitutes.
>watching voyager for first time
>its literally TNG except without the likable TNG cast
Pretty much. Also there's no feeling of permanence or that anything the crew does matters because planet of the week format and the reset button.
>it's another "Janeway could get the crew home right now but decides to destroy the technology" episode
My favorite TNG episode tied with Tapestry.
I don't know why I like the Cardassians so much, I was obsessed with them as a kid.
Marc Alaimo is fantastic, he has such presence
here's the TNG one
>needing an autism list for watching a tv show
people like you that post this shit really can just die.
>I'm sorry Elder Guru, but to use one of your people's wishes with the dragonballs just to get us home would be amoral or something. Please keep it for yourselves.
>This guy never finished the Voyager one or even started an Enterprise one.
I need his guidance now more than ever.
How many episodes were like this?
Not just "we've found a device/thing/person that could get us home", but literal Janeway fucks it up again episodes? I swear there's like 20 of them and 3/4 is Janeway being a huge cunt or making a dumb mistake that causes the locals to shew her away.
And even when they brought up that Seska story arc, they have her siding with fucking Kazons who they write in as being essentially incapable of finding water, but can pilot FTL starships that they stole from "massa" slave owners called the Trabe (sic).
Voyager's continuity is so bad that it has it's own lore, separate from the universe.
I'm dying of prostate cancer, I don't have time to watch them all before I'm too weak to even open my eyes. Just let me skip in peace, you [triggered] little shit.
Holy shit, is that you initialism filename guy/gal?
An Enterprise guide was started, but unfortunately that son of a bitch ain't ever finished.
It already contains one classic Sup Forums meme though.
Also, that's the 6-foot model, because it's close up but lacks the hull detail of the 4-foot model.
Yeah, I know my TNG.
Here you go faggots
It gets good in the later seasons
What is it that was meant by this?