what were some cartoons with inappropriate things?
What were some cartoons with inappropriate things?
Imagine being crushed between those thighs
this brainwash being forcefed to impressionable young kids
stevens universe makes me feel bad for the kids who think every cartoon is good
it's unfair to them
There are serious, organized efforts to control and influence the opinions and perspectives of the children without their being aware of it.
Gay acceptance is the tip of the ((iceberg))
sounds like you need to go back to Sup Forums
Sounds like you can kiss my ass.
muh dik
forgot about this character
Going all Basic Instinct
you got btfo
Dude, kids have been brainwashed by morals since forever. Since the first nursery tale scared them into keeping out of the woods.
This is inappropriate why?
it's only bad to brainwash people when it's instilling them with beliefs I don't like
If all cartoons taught kids to hate niggers I'd have zero problems
I am a reasonable person, however.
This cartoon breeds serial killers
And that's the bottom line because Stone Cold said so!
You fucking retards are acting like it's bad to teach your children what you think is common decency. I have an idea, why don't we let the state decide what's right to teach the children?
I'll fucking kill you if you say that again about my favorite cartoon again.
She was the goddess of chaos and having a bad day. Nothing inappropriate 'bout that
>You fucking retards are acting like it's bad to teach your children what you think is common decency.
How was that suggested by either post
What is your argument predicated on
Newsflash: It already does.
>>>/israel/ is thataway
>it's brainwashing when I say it is
You are being a fool. Find a better argument if you want to pawn your preferences off as objective.
>calls teaching "brainwashing"
>trying to act like you weren't being a fucking retard
more like
>it's only brainwashing when it's in steven universe
it does already via the complacency central, aka public school.
pol likes israel now user, dont cha know
This. Sup Forums died in 2014. It's Sup Forums2.0 now and instead of talking about international politics and history it's about muh banter.
I don't know what Sup Forums is like, but Sup Forums seems like Sup Forums these days. They do nothing but spout memes. Nothing else.
how to spot newfags
This is fucking painful to watch
Th-those are robots r-right user?
Sup Forums is so shit now. At least Sup Forums sometimes puts effort into their memeing. Sup Forums is just boring. The only good threads on Sup Forums are when someone posts a news story or a "happening" thread when something major happens and people start creating OC. The rest of the threads are rehashed garbage.
>showing gay people is wrong
How? It's not like they're some special minority they're everywhere, what's wrong with cartoons being representative of the world?
cuz i hate fags, that's why fruitlover
over representation and no strong male characters
the matriarchy must come down
No strong male character is the biggest problem. Every male in every cartoon is a retard or a cheapskate or has some other major flaw that the female main character has to constantly correct him on and he never fixes it and everything bad is always the males fault. There is zero masculinity and when there is masculinity it's a flaw or a joke rather than something that actually matters.
I have only seen bits and pieces of this show, but I fucking hate it. Hated it even before I heard anything about the LGBT propaganda in this show. The basic premise alone makes me nauseous.
>main character is an obnoxious, tubby, jewfro'd, pignosed, loser
>wears a pink shirt and pink flip-flops
>weak and slow, tags along with three (alien? superhero?) girls
>dad is a filthy beach-bum hippie
>episodes contain unmemorable, god-awful music numbers
How does anyone like this shit?
you realize kids don't watch this shit right? it's only watched by teenagers, manchildren, and SJWs. kids prefer teen titans go.
I wouldn't say the music is godawful but it just feels like every song is indie hipster shit. Nothing unique actually stands out.
>no strong male characters
literally the main character
I hope you're aware that complaining about this, or even pointing it out, means you can weigh no less than 300lbs.
she's a woman so it's ok to cut off men's heads
>fat, weak, slow, retarded
>only get shit done because he's the main character and the story calls for it
she is so based
I thought everyone on the hobby boards was a fatty.
It reminds me of that episode of adventure time where Marceline is writing a song, and its off-tempo, off-key hipster indie bullshit
This made me chuckle
I think R&S (and spongebob pre movie) was the only good show to come out of the nineties, it retained that same mentality looney tune cartoons had thanks to Bob Clampitt.
>defends steven's niggerverse
>everyone on Sup Forums that doesn't agree with me in obese
>I don't watch the show but let me tell you about it anyway
Steven could literally rip you in half. Just saying.
rocko's modern life was pretty awesome too
You were right about everything else, but that was just lazy.
>every gay moment in Steven Universe video
user, I don't feel like watching the entire series.
Me, my sister, and my dad watched it. That was some messed up tooons, yo.
my mom absolutely hated it whenever i watched Ren&Stimpy as a kid. As a parent now, i see why since it really doesn't offer any good educational values and R&S are disgusting creatures.
Now I feel the same way whenever i see my son watching Oggy and the Cockroaches lol
*unsheathes katana* I'd Like To See Him Try.
>m-my cartoon character could totally beat you up!
check'd and kek'd
>the main character is weak
>no he isn't
>haha! look at this dweeb bragging about the main character being strong!
now THAT was a good trick
you're right because it's impossible to marginalize males right? our feelings dont matter
>her touch of southern drawl
posting french cartoons is cheating
What is with French cartoons? Code Lyoko and Totally Spies comes to mind
Nope. Human beings getting their heads chopped off.
>tfw a Cartoon Network CGI fest has more balls than George Lucas' "dark, serious" Episode III
cartoons has always been used to influence our mind. hell i always wondered why i hate the jews until i found the reason a couple of months ago
they really like anime
i never found anything arousing on code lyoko all i remember where the fiveheads
To give that much of a shit about "your feelings," you need to be more feminine than most women.
Morbid obesity has a causal relationship with low testosterone.
I don't mean arousing just that they all seem to be a little weird for a children's cartoon
that's french-canadian, not french.
i've got more testosterone than you bitch boy
>the main character of a movie getting burned alive isn't dark and serious
>implying George wasn't heavily involved with the production of CW
If cartoons were filled Marxist brainwashing that shaped young minds then why do you hate Jews?
Bad bait
Chel and her blowjob scene from Road to El Dorado
gay men are ~1%
trans < 1%
bi's ~2%
in total all lgbq are about 5%
>Mon Cal
>being pro Empire in any way
It would have made more sense if they were part of the Separatists.
>4 years ago
The attitude towards gay/bi/les dosen't bother me as much as obviously sexual as it is. I mean I know there was some of that shit back when I was a kid, but this is definitely more obvious then that.