What was his fucking problem?

What was his fucking problem?



>he becomes the villain next season after watching his dad get dragged away
>he uses his status as one of those uberkids to climb the nazi ranks and defy Based John Smith at every turn

>be the culmination of accelerated Nazi science
>bred to be an absolute superhuman
>gets played by some American dude like 50 times
>has no agency of his own
>does drugs in the woods with blonde hippies

I mean he's tall and good-looking but why was Joe so stupid compared to the "normal" Nazis? Why was Smith able to play him like a fiddle?

Doesnt he get arrested as well?

because the 'normal' nazis are high ranking officers who got there due to being exceptionally able

joe is just some nobody made significant by circumstance of birth

Next season is going to be OFF THE CHAIN. Prepare to see the birth of feminism, psychedelic drug popularity, and hippies in Nazi Germany.

He does but something tells me he won't stay arrested, the dad will claim full responsibility for his actions and Joe will be free to begin his revenge on Smith.

I'm actually worried that the new show-runner is gonna take the show in a more resistance oriented direction showing them as traditional gud bois and the ebul nazi's as the real threat due to the current political climate. SMITH IS OBVIOUSLY THE NEW HITLER AND THEREFORE TRUMP.

This, I wouldn't be surprised if Joe turned into some kind of eco-terrorist sabotaging Nazi public works projects or CRASHING THIS HIJACKED ROCKET CONCORDE WITH NO SURVIVORS[/SPOILER]

Someone needs to slip CIA in there.

I was amazed we got two seasons with sympathetic antagonists and protagonists anyways. I mean what was the moral of the story at the end of season 2? "The Reich is eternal and just"? How the fuck did that happen in the current year?

I'm gonna be seriously mad if John Smith goes to the American timeline and sees his son still alive and that turns him against the Reich. I can already see that bullshit from a mile off.

Aside from Juliana and maybe MAYBE that black resistance guy they were total cunts and not sympathetic at all. Juliana handed them everything they wanted and they were still going to kill her at the end.

And I think they were trying to go for a "look guys the Reich is the real enemy don't you remember!? nukes are off the table but now himmler has control of the reich and all these guys in black uniforms are spooky!" but after everything that happened during the season it just backfired and made people wanna join the reich again.

Yeah like I know that ending scene was supposed to be like "wow John Smith tried his best to do what was right but he ended up helping these LITERAL HITLERS!" Instead it turned into "I've just done a great contribution to the greatest society that's ever existed".

And I thought the jew with the glasses was sympathetic, I saw where he was coming from. But that's because I'm not Japanese so the resistance killing Japanese didn't really rustle my jimmies. I was madder at the East Coast resistance for trying to fuck it up for everybody.

Glasses guy was annoying because of how emotional and flippity he was with everyone definitely the worst of the main PoV characters. And the resistance just comes across as so petty, they know nothing they do could really change anything at this point so they are literally trying to spark a nuclear war so they can live in a fallout-style universe where everything has gone to shit.

In the resistance's defense, their collection of films is actually what allowed Smith to avert a nuclear war. Not that it was their actual film, but them having made this network of films and spreading knowledge about them is what allowed Smith to put his plan into action.

>mfw they replace his character with a sassy black resistance leader who don't take no lip from nazi's

but their self-awareness is still zero, they can see the future or at least a possibility of it to some extent and they still try to rage against the machine even though all the negative outcomes are seemingly caused by them to some extent. even the nutty man in the high castle can barely see past his own prejudice, to the point where he actually considered that scum-fuck resistance guy on the east coast that was gonna have Juliana killed a "good man" and john smith as a "bad man".

So, the other world is not quite ours but similar?

>this BOMBSHELL REVELATION destroys the Reich, who was Hitler really? Coming 2018...

I can't wait to see the bullshit about how Juliana's temporal pureness helps to "bring down the Reich" or something

The based ending would be Juliana killing the man in the high castle after realizing that he is causing most of the damage in this universe and wrapping everyone up in his insanity. he basically said she was just the ultimate pawn in his grand scheme and she just has to deal with it. she has had miles more abuse from the Resistance than she ever got from the Reich or the Japanese Empire.

Does anyone know where I can get that sweet version of The Future Belongs To Me from the end season credits? I can't find it anywhere.

The worst is that really skinny guy, I want to beat him up so badly.

Smith took such incredible care of her, and she took incredible care of his family. It's mind boggling that she decided to leave to be honest.

The only reason she would is because High castle kook is using her sister as a carrot. Although I think that she is probably her sister from another timeline and he is just being a total cunt and lying to her to manipulate her further. I would love to see her realize that sometime down the road and end him for it.

Ed? Poor guy man.


Maybe next season we see him and the Antique dealer guy setting up shop in the neutral zone. ;_;

That'd be interesting to be honest. I really hope Ed isn't a faggot, it would break my fucking heart.

Do you mean a literal faggot? because it was pretty clear from the flashback that he liked Juliana too but he wasn't gonna betray his best friend and say anything about it.

Yeah I mean a literal faggot, and though it doesn't seem like it, apparently there will be feninists and shit next season...

Does he glue his hair or something? Why he always has that one little piece that sticks out?

That's what I was worried about, after 2 seasons of based Nazi's someone finally came in and told them it's the current year and they need to put in more comparisons to trump. nice dubs btw

I just finished the last episode.

How is Trudy still alive?
Who is the Man in the High Castle and how does he get the movies?
Why and how the fuck does the minister travel between dimensions to see his son fuck Julianne?

It seems that people with enough imagination that live in extremely dire situations have the ability to move into other dimensions if there is enough emotional pull, Trade minister was able to go to our timeline because he would pray on his Dead son and Daughter and the state of his world and he transported to a reality where they were still alive(ours). Man in the high castle seems to just be a kook that is obsessed with finding the films that these dimension traveling people leave scattered in different universes for some reason to try and determine a way to defeat the reich. My guess is that Trudy is not the Trudy from their reality but a different one and Man in the high castle is using that to manipulate Julianna into helping him.

What will he do when he later finds out alternate version of his son was is? Would he then wish he wouldn't be alive?

Don't overthink it - the writers are just making shit up as they go along. Now is not the time for internal consistency; that comes later.