as a jew he showed the world that the white race will triumph again and exposed his fellow jews for their attempts to destroy europe
A gay jew absolutely based gay jew
as a jew he showed the world that the white race will triumph again and exposed his fellow jews for their attempts to destroy europe
A gay jew absolutely based gay jew
Milo, you glorious faggot.
I noticed. I couldn't believe it, he gets bolder and bolder.
He is also a faggot. Very sad I hope one day he understands that gayzism is the ultimate form of degeneracy.
But anyway he says based stuff and expose the happy merchants.
What did that nigger say about me?
I don't care what he says, he's a faggot and therefore a degenerate. He's not red pilled, he's a faker exploiting the rise of the alt-right movement. He has yet to admit that homosexuality is a mental disorder, when he does than I will take him seriously because he knows that he is limited.
I think him being gay, half-jewish and British while still being hardcore anti-lefty is an asset that makes him the nightmare of every virtue-signaling SJW scumbag out there. They can't call him FUCKING STRAIGHT WHITE MALE without looking like hypocrites.
Soros literally came out of retirement and personally directed his investment company to bet on the market going down. He probably made money overall when most people lost a considerable amount of money today (and tomorrow). Soros won, even if his politics didn't. Soros is based.
But he is doing the work you guys should be doing: trolling and making liberals have brain damage on debates.
They're going to kill him now. Press F to pay respects.
>Soros is based.
>Jewery is based
Fuck you, kike.
Basically the SJWs and niggers can't use the racist card since he is a jew and therefore is a oppressed minority because every liberal despite supporting palestine think the nazis are evil and the jews are the good guys
>Publicly taunting one of Satan's minions
How long has he got left to live?
>he's a faggot and therefore a degenerate
He's admitted to this
>exploiting the rise of the alt-right movement
He's admitted to this also
>homosexuality is a mental disorder
I remember him saying homosex is an abnormality
Didn't Soros predict this though? Isn't he making a shitload of money today?
>he's a faggot and therefore a degenerate
>says A FUCKING LEAF of all countries in the world
i'd kiss this man.
>faker exploiting the rise of the alt-right movement
The question is: do we want him to stop exploiting the rise of the right ?
Do we want people to don't pay attention to the rise of the right?
(more people paying attention more chances of people considering joining our battle)
Yes but at this point money doesn't matter for UK , Germany or Soros. The agenda is what matters (exposing it)
I've seen many people that were marxist retards converting to the right. Some of them converted to Catholicism and stop doing degeneracy.
I've seen with my own eyes gays that ceased to be gays because the rise of the conservative movement (which some of you call alt-right)
stormweenies are the ultimate form of degeneracy
im not fond of gays
but if theyre just gay, dont bother anyone and are productive members of society i dont care
who cares in what disgusting activities other people engage in their sparetime? unless theyre trying to promote their despicable lifestyle as normal and healthy, pushing their shit onto children etc there are tons of other problems that are way more important
>inb4 faggot excusist
>I've seen with my own eyes gays that ceased to be gays because the rise of the conservative movement (which some of you call alt-right)
>we meme'd so hard we turned degenerate gays into straight ,upstanding,traditionalists
Oy yeah.
>unless theyre trying to promote their despicable lifestyle as normal and healthy
Which unfortunately most of them end up doing it
That's why I wish they were not gays and adopted a better lifestyle.. they should have a way out otherwise the path to eternal Damnation is near
I got some nice ovens. Wanna buy one oven? Very cheap, like free shekel.
>says the people who doesn't have toilet paper
>a degenerate calling a degenerate a degenerate
>homosexuality is a mental disorder
I thought that way to until my best friend told me he's been gay as far back as he could remember, same cool charismatic guy just as butch as he always was, doesn't cry about it or demand spacial treatment. He just screws guys, that's it.
This, like on black Wednesday, how much did the kike make this time
>He has yet to admit that homosexuality is a mental disorder, when he does than I will take him seriously because he knows that he is limited.
Here ya go faggot.
Now start taking him seriously like you promised.
I'm pretty sure he gets it. He's surely been told enough time that he should be gassed. He wouldn't act the way he does unless he knew it was a problem.
Jim Rogers made all his money for him betting on Asia and emerging markets. Soros himself only knows jew tactics.
Found the Muslim.
this anecdote, if real, proves gayness is just a preference that might as well be temporary. I hate hearing "born gay" "gay brain" and those damned ppl actually believe it....I myself am a sexual degenerate of some kinds (not a cuck though, ofc) and I would never claim i was born a fetishist.... after all that's what homosexuality umbrella fetish.
Soros is retarded, he get tips from top jews and do what they tell him to do
In exchange he show his jewish rat face to the TV and the Media while the real jews stay behind the curtain
It's a good deal: Soros get the money and the media and the jews get the gold and the power.
I'm not trying to answer for him but you are right that gay is a behavior. No one is born gay, it's impossible.
Sexual fetiches are imaginations ... is like believing in memes you know?
If you believe in a meme so hard you will become a meme.
If you believe so hard in sexual fantasies, you will become a degenerate (and thus a gay person)
Heterossexual people that have sex with many partners are degenerate, they might be gay, these people that have many partners will eventually try homo sex it doesn't matter how much they prove their ''masculinity''.
Searching for too many sex is a sign that the person is on the path to homosexuality
>(not a cuck though, ofc)
What you mean by not cuckolding ?
cuckoldry is a fetish i find ultimately degenerate. i find it distasteful and a form of psychological masochism unlike any others
Top kek. Based Milo
Milo spoke up for us when identity politics was at its worst and nobody could. But let's fucking end this identity bullshit.
Look .. you are always going to have destructive people in society
What you do is try to make the degenerates at least be in your side
You make anti-gay propaganda but not much to the point where they feel moving to the other side just to hurt the society. See?
You make anti-junkie propaganda, pro-conservative propaganda! but not kill or genocide or treat them with brutality because more junkies will be born and they will give birth to more degenerates and they will know what you have done to their "similares", consequently they will move to the other side just to destroy your society
You basically have to deal with degenerates, drug addicts, drug dealers, faggots, etc. They should live and do their things in the shadows, of course, but you don't treat them with brutality because it's impossible to remove degeneracy form mankind you gotta keep it to a bearable level
No fuck that. People only ask for an end to identity politics when whites start doing it. America is no longer a nation because of immigration post 1965. Nonwhites since then have to go back
why do stormfags try to sabotage the alt right / libertarian movements? do you guys really think that people who have nothing against homos will join your nat soc movement or whatever conservative sect your in?
>You basically have to deal with degenerates, drug addicts, drug dealers, faggots, etc. They should live and do their things in the shadows, of course, but you don't treat them with brutality because it's impossible to remove degeneracy form mankind you gotta keep it to a bearable level
bazed hue
the state should make no propaganda, the free market should validate these types of things. if you are a conservative and belive that its the superior way of living then after a few generations you should a conservative country. its not rocket science, but its not going to work if you make it in a forceful way.
Milo is a great man...If they touch him in Sweden will come for them
>conservative sect your in?
That's how you start a fight between white nationalists and alt-right wingers
You never undermine that the common core of any right wing movement is traditionalism and anti-globalism
he's just pandering to the Sup Forums spastics for lulz
He's still a niggerfucking faggot that says nobody is anti-semetic, nobody is actually pro-White and everybody is only joking about anything right wing.
The alt right is a collection of the far right.
If you're not explicitly pro-white, you're not alt right.
>the free market should validate these types of things
While I agree with that , you can't stop the state from making propaganda. It's virtually impossible. What you wanna do is make the people reject the idea of making propaganda but if they do, they will do in a light way which is not bad considering that it's impossible to live in a libertarian/utopic capitalist-anarchist society
Which can attract more people to /pol, make feminists, sjws and jews angry and get more pro white attention
The end result is not bad my friend.
Let me repeat something for you you retarded babies: (almost) ANY KIND of pro-white propaganda is good
The only bad thing that could happen is sexual perverts make pro white statements.. but what we see is a festival of paedophiles supporting liberal causes. So we must take advantage of that
Wrong flag, leafless Canada
probably the best way to advertise us desu
giving up core positions to get more popular is why the conservatives now care about diversity and the libertarians are now more interested in socially left wing programs than in economic ones
You know why Sweden will be a Muslim country before 2050?
Because they believed in the libertarian meme: ''fixing the economy and applying free-market principles in the core of our will save us''
>of our
Maybe these huehue next developed nation thread are on to something
>are on to something
Of course we're not giving up core positions. Stopping nonwhite immigration is a core position. Gas da kikes lmao ROFL! is not a core position.
>Stopping nonwhite immigration is a core position
Your problem is not to stop but how to convince the democratic and republican party to deport the illegals
They are both owned by master judaism so you better hope that Trump moves forward with his go back policy otherwise you will end up in 2022 with 25+ million more immigrants and jihadists (refugees).
>modern day sweden
what, TIL I guess.
you have to go back.
If I lived in the US I would serious consider two options
1) Fight against the liberal, feminist and jewry degeneracy
2) Stop caring about politics and just move to the mountains with a hunt rifle and a dog.
Huehues confirmed for dethroning roofuckers as worst shitposters
I said Sweden will be a caliphate because of libertarian memes and I'm right btw. 4 generations of brainwashing by libertarian memes of free-market and now they adopted free market principles with socialist policies like transgenderism, equality and importing brown rapists.
It's possible he's playing a very long game and is only pretending to be gay. He probably has a wife and kids stashed somewhere.
How do you fight liberals? with Mises books?
It was Mises and free market principles that gave sweden money so they could live their autistic life and have time to elaborate socialist policies to destroy themselves
A true socialist society can only work with money, that's why Trotsky went to USA to receive funds for the bolshevik revolution
Sweden did the same thing: they paid for their own death
Free-market is liberalism in its core. How do you convince a generation of brainwashed libertarian amorals that they should feel pride and honor?
Free market is amoral and degeneracy enabler in its conception.
one thing too many Sup Forumsacks keep getting wrong is enforcing the "gay is degeneracy" and white/black memes
If you hate keep getting wrongfully blamed for shit for being "white", then stop calling yourself that. You don't need that crutch to feel pride in your heritage either.
why keep giving legitimacy to this republican/democrat shit show of world views?
This picture is free-market. See? it works. People living meme lives destroying white societies
It works! Who could ever predicted that free market meme and no traditionalism, no nacionalism, no Christianism will destroy any society?
it was all ironic duhh
libertarianism doesn't really says much about immigration, being a pro open border libertarian is a american invention. To give you an example, one of the most successful right wing party in the EU is the austrian freedom party, which surprise - is libertarian.
and I still don't get how the worlds most adored and jerked off by berniebots country is any libertarian.
>which surprise - is libertarian.
Because the brainwashing is bad to the point where the only thing that the media and university accepts as right wing is the lhe libertarian-jew
You see that the people who don't have religion and don't care for tradicional will always fall for libertarian or liberal memes because they are THE SAME YOU DUMB
*traditional values
what is the ((()))) meme
meh Leonardo da vinci was most likely a faggot. I won't hate the master becaus eof that. He created beauty for the world. I just don't like the flaunting fo their fagness.
Sweden has been socialist ever since they modernized their economy in the late 19th century. Also
>Conflating economic policy with social policy
The world powers need to stop worrying about each other and annihilate you monkeys before you start making enough money to hemorrhage out into the developed world.
Was some chrome addon to detect jewish names and put (((GOLDBERG))) echos around them. its basically saying jew
Both ways of destroying but at least you have a choice!!!!!!!!
Liberal: let's give all the money to the God State so our State can use to make degeneracy and self-destruction a golden rule
Libertarian: Ok let's give the money to the people so they can destroy themselves with themselves with their equality fantasies and anti-white propaganda
Result = your society is destroyed what changes is how your money is treated in the process.
If a jewish person betrays jews l guarantee you he'll betray anyone for a bit of fame.
>implying this faggot isnt doing all this for fame
>implying anyone knew about him before he started being a complete drama queen
Right wing anita sarkeesian right there
Soros made 4 billion dollars in profit last night.
Here you go your beautiful anti-western daughters
Ready to breed little kebabs
>Right wing anita sarkeesian right there
Do you see the left making anti-Anita stuff? why should we?
>media and university accepts as right wing is the lhe libertarian-jew
you don't know what you are talking about the FPO (austrian freedom party) is one of the most cockblocked parties I've ever seen. I goes so far as the state media is not even pretending to be objective but calls the outright islamophobes.
see, there is a reason why the most based people more or less embrace libertarian policies or come from such backgrounds.
agreed, but at least he is able, due to his degeneracy, which affords him a voice in the current climate (and armor), to say what a lot of us can't.
he's a useful tool for the moment.
Tell me a european country that has a anti-libertarian right wing party
even if that existed it wouldn't make a difference. European laws are made in Belgium and approved by the jewish elite
Milo is DONE.
You don't mess with the big guy.
He will regret this.
like he gives a shit about money anymore, this one hurt his plans worse than anything else
>Tell me a european country that has a anti-libertarian right wing party
france, and its not going well.
He already understands it. He wishes he wasnt gay and has openly stated he would be a better person if he was straight
>What you do is try to make the degenerates at least be in your side
I understand that nobody is perfect, and all I ask of people like him is that they understand their degeneracy is what it is, rather than try to normalize it or claim it something to be proud of.
I have no interest in purging the world of imperfect people. Everyone is sinful / 'degenerate'
The problem with the left is they deny the existence of sin, to profoundly destructive effect.
>austrian freedom party
Everything in Austria is decided by Austrian People's Party and the socialist austrian party
>The problem with the left is they deny the existence of sin, to profoundly destructive effect.
The opposite: they embrace sin and degeneracy and their only goal (since the publication of Communist Manifesto) is to make everyone a degenerate and a sinner in the worst way you can imagine.
Next year will be our crusade against degeneracy. This year proved that we can take on anything.
There is absolutely no way this is real