/lbg/ - Letterboxd General

what a waste of lovely site

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Reminder to report Will "pedo_guro" Folsom to the FBI for being a pedophile

Silence was incredible

slience had me in silence. so good.

Kill yourself, stop shitting the threads


the legendary shitposter known as saikol


Reminder to ignore pupkin the deluded shitposter and winstonne the furfag for being butthurt about getting banned from the discord

never posted on stupint discord idient not me never postet there sod off

Said nobody ever

nice try you degenerate furfaggot

'hoyp doyp you're donning the same namesake i used when i started this crap-ass butt-ass meme therefore it was u'
damn yr dumb dude.

t. furfaggot

you cant even counter my argument in a convincing manner! which implies you are genetically inferior to me when it comes to brain power! which means you are less likely to enact personal success in this world! which means you are less likely to get a hold of your very own femaliae to have and to hold forever til death does you part! which means my posts hold more weight, bitch! get bent you asked for it!

I beg your pardon

I don't like sand. It's coarse and rough and irritating and it gets everywhere.

Fuck cinebro he purred himself as a liberal cuck with all his trump bashing

He may know what he's saying about movies but when it comes to politics he's my bitch boy

>Paterson 1 star
>A very convincing argument for suicide.

wow I hate sand now


>He may know what he's saying about movies
He wishes



why is he sweating

nice try furfreak

NOT ME oh my GOD yr so damn dumb i dropped the fox posting crap a long time ago i'd NEVER call my self WILDE in that scenario. yr shits gay dude fix it.

whats wrong with him saying your name dropout_cuck





Your mamma's ass

Your sister's ass

Your granny's ass

Your dog's ass


I think he finally had a breakdown


Said nobody ever

hey im back did anyone miss me?

that's a sick question, you're a sick fuck, and I'm not that sick that I'm gonna answer it

Post yfw your hear Mister Bean has died.

Not falling again, fag

is the discord active? these threads just keep getting worse

Another dead M. Hulot knock off


>threads are bad
>he wants the discord
I'm sure you believe you're making sense

God, I need to join a private tracker. I have been trying to download Out 1: Noli Me Tangere, for 3 days and is at 18% since there is only one person who is seeding.

Just watch it on Netflix

Isnt on the mexican netflix, one of the bad things of living a third world country

*dips bedora*

u are not making a *ahem* cogent *ahem*
u are not making a cogent point
oblique strategy: consider abandoning Sup Forums halfspeak now&then

Just watch it on Fandor

Nice meme christcuck


You gotta pay for Fandor and the likes

>This one is going to have to marinate in my brain for a few days before I even attempt to write down some cohesive thoughts. But I'll leave you with this: Holy Fucking Shit! Marty hasn't lost it one bit.
Also, that final shot...WOW! One of the best final shots I've seen in a film to date.

>the double life of veronique
>3 and a half stars


that's a gay album cover


How fucking hard is it not do fuck up on a private tracker? Jesus Christ.

Manchester by the Sea was really overrated

Not him but I wasn't a fan either. Besides, 3.5 is a good rating. There wasn't really anything wrong with the movie, but for a film whose whole point was to convey feelings through pure emotion and not plot etc, they weren't really feelings I related to. So yeah, 7/10, it's a very well made film and unique, but I felt no love for it

Opinions on A Short Film About Killing/Love?

I'm a little DUDE LMAO'd right now, thinking about watching a double feature of the two

Is it worth the 3 hour journey

idk I've never been in one >:(


Is Tango & Cash worth watching?

>downloading Out 1 on rutracker
>it's a fucking remux that download at 50kb/s max

One of the most agonising experiences possible. Good luck.

I haven't seen it yet but it looks like pure kino, along the same line as other Russellcore films like Escape from L.A. and 3000 Miles to Graceland, if you haven't seen the last one I strongly recommend it though, it features a presurgery Courteney Cox in her prime, I get a boner just thinking the fuckdoll she used to be.

It's entirely ridiculous, but a lot of fun.

post top 10 and profile if you do that kind of thing

You soulless moron!


top 10 (favorites)
The Double Life of Veronique
Fanny and Alexander
La Notte
Paris, Texas
Fallen Angels
Certified Copy
Code Unknown
Winter Light

Proust isn't even that good

I think you should be more embarrassed of Nostalghia than Zodiac.


It's textures farthouse fluff. Zodiac has more substance.

oh I like you lol

email me at [email protected]

textureless I meant x_x



Looks as if I will be watching only Japanese films this year.

did the Human Condition get a blu recently? it got a huge bump in popularity

anyone downloaded the screener of Moonlight?


>Arrow Video released a dual-format (Blu-ray and DVD) edition of The Human Condition in September 2016

Also, what should I expect of the film? Will it change my view on life and everything? I'm scared to go in but thankfully there are still lots of films to watch before it.

I did what up

how's quality? and what did you think of it?


Why'd you email me nine hours ago?

Not him, I recently watched the trilogy because of the popularity too and fell for the title meme aswell. No, there is no deep philosophical questions, think about Saving Private Ryan, Full Metal Jacket, Fires on the Plane, you know, all those war film? yeah, that's what The Human Condition is about.

Oh, alright.

Why the fuck are there so many mexis in this general I only knew of like two. Post profile.!

Wow that was a long time ago. It's actually more thematic than people realize so how you feel after it depends on you. Watch all 9 parts in one day to get the full effect.

I haven't watched it yet but the quality is just about what you'd expect from a DVD.

It's real.

I was hoping to get kinos on the down low.

>Watch all 9 parts in one day to get the full effect

Ehhh, I don't think I will.

hey... alll you newFAGITS
follow me
learn sumthin

What the hell are you talking about!? Learn how to write in english and GET THE FUCK OUTTA HERE YOU FILTHY ANIMAL

He's asking why the General allows Mexicans.

yaas slay king

>315 films
>185 hours

Lean how to be an embryo?

You look edgy and "redpilled."

I know things you couldnt even comprehend

comprehend THIS