Britbongs BTFO HAHAHA!!!!!


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Do you know anything about economics?
Everytime we do something the pound drops or rises, it will literally increase within a few months.


>mfw people on FB reeeee'ing about the exchange rate for their holiday money this morning

Fucking imbeciles, this shit was going to happen regardless. The queen sneezes and the FTSE shits itself.

I suggest we all grab ourselves a big bowl of strawberry ice cream and wait for this to all blow over.

Faggot, the pound might be temporarily down, but in the long run the UK will be a lot better off than when they were being poisoned by the globalists, and in the end Germany will either follow their lead and dissolve the EU, or your country will soon be overrun by invaders and cease to exist. Your move.

I'm honestly not understanding the point of Brexit if it was just going to kill the economy.

I mean they can vote how they want but seeing the economy freefalling like this, it looks like it was a mistake.

Why are germans retarded nowadays

Markets bounce up and down on all political events, Schlomo

well you also don't understand the Economy, clearly

now that's fine and all, but why do you feel the need to comment before educating yourself?

Enjoy bailing out Greece all by yourselves.

hallo mutti how was last night?

Why are people concerned about the economy when this is a huge boon, as the EU has no control over the UK with immigration anymore?

How is the Euro doing?

Yeah! We should forsake the future of our children to avoid short term inconveniences!

Don't be jealous, Hans.

its at $1.38 you tard. go to bloomberg. it was at a bloated $1.45. its already rebounding

the german market is hundreds of points lower

Green tea ice cream. It seems rare, I've only seen 5 gallon tubs of it.

The only people who will feel it are the Jews in London.

The Jews were betting on their global, One World Government. It just failed.


Pound was already dropping from mid 2015

My partner works in Berlin, I work and live in UK. Enjoying the drop in value of Euro, means more money for me. Wuhey.

Is that drop even significant or sign of a trend?

Do you think we give a fuck?

FUCK. I never have money to invest when the time is right. Life is shit.

Hopefully we are only the start.

The Dutch people have recently been doing some polls. Looks like they want out too

Drop is exaggerated. Surged to 1.50 when the polls closed because traders thought we were staying. It was artificially high, hence the massive looking drop.

So its where it has been 1 week ago?

It's just the Jews throwing a tantrum and manipulating numbers, don't be fooled by it. That's the whole reason Brexit needed to happen, the Jews have had entirely too much power over the UK's and all western economies, and they can pull shit like this whenever they don't get their way. Tearing off the globalist leech was always going to hurt at first, but when the wound heals, you're a lot better off without that parasite sucking all your pounds.

>Record low not seen since 1985
>The year of our Lord and Saviour Nineteen Eighty Five

>Be hanz
>Anglos keep bullying and fucking up Reich

Cry more, as an Anglo i will never turn down salty Aryan tears.

The coming drop is going to make a lot of Brits more wealthy.

>gamble on bremain
>gamble wrong
Hope the globalists lost billions.


Be gentle Murica, you're cutting deep there :(

>30 year low
Ok idiot

It's already rising again.
Market trends mean every little.

Why would it ever rise again? You have no more free trade!

Jesus Christ...

It's falling because it's uncertain. If it was a good choice it will inevitably grow, if it was better than eu it wil grow past it. I'm not even a bizcuck but this is so basic stuff.

>London over 50% Foreign
>Run by shitskin

You filthy mudbloods are done, this time it's the last time.

Value dropped low enough to encourage investment. More investment means value goes up.

thats a dead cat bounce, bro

>middle school level economics

>tfw i actually trade forex
>tfw i made a cool 1400 USD by selling the GBP/USD

i picked a damn good time to get in

>The Euro has been in use since 1985

I don't think so bud

You have to renegotiate a shit ton of trade agreements.
Every politician I see on tv is in full damage control.

After a crash like this there will surely be a correction, because the crashing was also made by people panic selling and the big corporations and banks who don't believe in UK already sold everything. GBP will surely not return at previous level but a few cents down in value are not going to kill anyone. I suggest buying right now

>Dead cat bounce



ahahaha stupid brits enjoy your collapsing economy

>Country 40% foreign between the ages of 18 and 28
>Run by a German

stay safe poverty ghost

Merkel, is that you? quit being a faggot and close the borders you stupid bitch

The only people investing are morons. EU isn't exporting anything which makes foreign investment worth it.

Versus the dollar you fucking mongoloid

Ciao (((Mario)))


It has barely been a few hours and people are already calling Brexit a "failure to the economy" because of a short-term drop in response to an extremely recent political decision. Stop thinking short-term you wankers.
>left EU
are you retarded or am i taking obvious bait

Stay safe poverty ghost


Stay safe poverty ghost.

Yes because soros crashed that market in an act of impotent jewish rage


>he thinks other countries will trade with someone who's competing on an uneven playing field

oh noes

Atleast our sexual assaults got media attention, not like rotherham.

That's the best decision they took, if the steps they take now are good i.e. get good trade deals with other nations of EU they'll rebuild their economy and strengthen it.

But the sad part is Germany will remain forever cucked by EU.

The EU is now holed below the waterline and was already on-fire before Brexit. Meanwhile 3 million illiterate boatniggers are incoming to you and your only option is to pay them all from borrowing (Soros stands ready to lend).

mfw Germoney ends up being cucked by a Jew after all this time.

Nah just Achmed trolling.

stay safe poverty ghost





pound on 30 year low
>it's just a meme, it will recuperate in no time

are you actually that fucking dumb?

Who shorted th pound? Also time to buy! Wish I could into forex

>The EU represents "free trade"

It's like if a bunch of countries in SE Asia just got together and only traded with one another

Kind of fucking silly huh? That was the EU.

Does this mean it'll cost more if I want to import something from Japan?

>wage everything on remain
>blame leave supporters

EU jobs rely on British business, they will look elsewhere if they wish but if they stop business in relatiation they only hurt their own citizens.

Have fun letting your country turn into islamabad, now apologise like the bitch you are.

It was known to be a failure beforehand. Now that it's confirmed the markets are reacting.

Someone imported all the smart germans.

I bet 450 on brexit when the odds were like, 1:3.5 against exit
Hopefully we both made enough to cover the medical expenses, because I swear to god, this entire day has taken five years away from my life.
Good job though, famalam.

>the Jews

and that's where I stopped reading

It will recuperate on no time you Stupid Fuckshit

Do you think everything in britian magicly got rusty in the last 24 hours? everything is valued the fucking same

>something volatile changed in value
>its OGRE!!!!

Faggots like you are the reason I managed to sell off over >40k in bitcoins with no problem


ahahaha eurocucks BTFO, EU officially on suicide watch

>every time we do something, our currency drops a little!
>it's a ~10% devaluation
Even Bitcoin was more stable than your meme pounds when it was taking a nosedive amidst Mt.Gox fiasco. Let that sink in for a second.

Literally the issue Finland (and other nations that started to use the Euro) keeps having with the Euro is that we can't devalue it.

This is not necessarily a bad thing. Economists are pretty much gamblers. You have an unsafe bet, they start to waver and take their money out from where they see uncertainty.

This started happening already before the results were out. They are playing it safe. That makes way for the ones looking to profit from the markets, and now they buy as soon as possible, with the price as low as they think they will go.

On the other hand, some people that didn't get their shit sold may hold on to their shit once they see that the drop was not so bad.

You have to be underage, or at least a kid not to see this shit. Happens on pretty regular intervals. The shit might hit the fan for an extended period, maybe up to 5-10 years or so.

That will not last. People like you are absolutely btfo'd if this doesn't last until next year.

stay safe poverty ghost

>control over a member state's immigration policies
Not really. Most EU "mandates" are mere suggestions of self-compliance.

>muh globalists

That's the bounce you get from investors trying to save a sinking ship. It's still following an overall falling trend.

But all in all, I guess we have to wait until this time tomorrow to see what's going on.

>scotland planning to leave already
>all of GB's oil is there
>which is 10% of exports alone
>factor in all the capital that goes with it as well
again, are you actually that fucking dumb?


Another thing these britcucks don't get it there is a good chance of workers' rights getting shot to shit

>some dumb fucking austrian on an anime imageboard thinks he's smarter than all of britain and understands economics

just LOLING at you


i'm starting a gofundme campaign to fund my genocide of everyone that voted leave, would anyone like to back it? also i need a logo.

Stay safe poverty ghost


stay safe poverty ghost and also all illegals must die

> Current price of crude
> Scotland receives more in subsidies than their GDP
> Most of the worst deprived areas in the UK
> Remove Haggis pls.

The amount of damage control from everyone on tv, including the reporters is pathetic.

>I'm out of arguments so I just start memeing
cmon australia, you are better than that :^)

boycot UK ; stop all trades ; let them rot and starve !

Good. This is a good thing.

UK exports are now more competitive. Even if the EU does impose tariffs, the lower pound will offset that cost for companies.

It's also still the world's most valuable currency even after the drop.