Call it, friendo

Call it, friendo.


It's going to land and stay on its side

The current state of Sup Forums, everyone.

Thats not even the line, dumbass. Its like when people "Luke I am your father" when what he really said was "No, I am your father".

how about I call the barber and make an appointment for your prince valiant ass ayyy lmao


Not with that bowl cut

What does that even mean?

Ah, so you're from the Berenstein universe.

los tripletos

I don't think he's edgy, he's not trying to prove himself to anyone. In fact, he doesn't want to be seen or noticed by anyone.

yeah and Kirk never literally said, "Beam me up, Scotty".

this movie was absolute kino, and I mean that honestly. It reminded me of old 70's films.

Thats one way to not pay the full price for his snack and the gas, all he gave the guy was a quarter

What did he win though???

Sherlock is dead

>autism is edgy


>If you were a nigger, I'd stab an pick through your eye right now, you welfare leeching piece of shit

I get he's a cold blooded killer, but what were they thinking with that line?

I think he meant the coin landed on its edge you silly goose


That's how much things cost in the early 80's