Is is it so hard for African American athletes to get over slavery?

Is is it so hard for African American athletes to get over slavery?

I bet this motherfucker is at least 1/2 white therefore he is an descendant of slavers as well

his father too, look at his surname

i've come to the conclusion that a large portion of african african athletes are mentally retarded. dont worry im black canadian. im not even sure what they are protesting, blacks killed by cops? there are literally almost a million cops lets say and maybe a hand full of tragic incidents, what the fuck are you protesting exactly? wht the fuck do you want changed? human nature? this is beyond nearsighted and fucking humilaiting, men and women die to serve your country and you want more screentime than you already perpetually get, fuckin dipshits desu

he's mulatto so he should feel half guilty with his way of thinking

it's not about african americans, all americans are retarded

Kaepernick is indeed 1/2 white. His biological mother is white. She burned the coal and paid the toll and got pregnant by a nigger. The nigger ran away and the mom, realizing she's a stupid, incapable mudshark, put the baby up for adoption.

He was adopted by a white bread family, in a white bread neighborhood in white bread rural WISCONSIN. It was only later that he "found his true identity," grew a huge afro and started talking as if he were born and raised in Compton.

Did his skin get darker since he grew the nigfro or is it my imagination?

I'm pretty sure a girlfriend had something to do with his change. The things guys do to get laid...

african americans are too isolated from the larger society its not their fault, they dont understand human nature yet and perspective and big picture thinking

Yeah, it's so blatant

>give the nog sprog every opportunity in life
>it becomes a rich famous football player
>cries about the hardship it faced

Niggers don't deserve any gibs, they are entitled bottom feeders by nature

I would fuck pre-revolutionary Kap so hard

he looks like an arab

>mother is white
>almost no african american is 100% black due to racemixing
He's over half white, raised in a white neighborhood by a white family. What a fucking poser lmao

That's because he's part jew part nigger, leaves him with arab colour skin and a big semite nose

What's he supposed to do? White people definitely won't accept him as being white.

i'd rather call him white than black
i bet his ancestry points in the same direction

Not cry on TV about how white people are evil after white people gave him millions of dollars to play a game after white people raised him over their own biological kids while being over half white himself. Dude is a fucking joke. If he's just looking for a sense of community, he should stop being such a pathetic tryhard and hang out with other light skinned people like himself.

whites don't accept him because he doesn't look white enough
blacks only accept him because he protests for them
such is life in the racial society of the usa

multiculti is the biggest mistake of all time.

every nigger stereotype lmao

i thought it was whites who have a hard time getting over slavery since they wont get rid of systematic racism

>whites don't accept him
except for the part where white people adopted and raised him and then paid him millions of dollars to play a sport

in what ways will white people "not accept him"?

probably never felt really part of the family because of his race
very sad

He's not protesting white people though he's protesting police brutality and other racial injustices. It's fucked that he can't peacefully protest something without triggered conservatives bringing up his money as if white people just gave it to him for doing nothing.

He's isn't white. Nobody will ever see him as white even if he is 70% white because of the one drop rule. If he goes to rural Alabama or WV people will still call him a nigger.

i honestly would accept him as white racially provided he is over 70% white
though americans are firm believers in the 1 drop rule so they won't see it that way

antebellum slavery which begot black codes which begot jim crow, which begot the civil rights era which begot the war on drugs which begot three strikes which begot gentrification which begot...

i didn't even see this post

One drop rule is truly a stupid way to classify people. A leader of the NAACP was considered black even though he has blonde hair and blue eyes.

He was adopted and raised by a nice charitable white family who changed his shitty diapers because his nigger parents were losers and then he got bench and threw a chimp fit

the dad wasn't a nigger, he was a North African arab lmao

>literal wage slaves not understanding the pain of slavery
if you wake up each day and work for someone else, you're just a modern day slave.

Daily reminder that >we didn't enslaved anyone, niggers enslaved other niggers in Africa and then we bought them in something that was considered a >legal transaction on that days.

was it the tranny who converted him to BLM?

Being a millionaire probably makes black people not care about "rural and suburban retards" calling them niggers.

>he was a sand nigger
Dat hair splitting, tho.

>It's fucked that he can't peacefully protest something
He could have done anything, but he chose to kneel during the anthem instead of stand for it, which disrespects the country. No one would complain if he did all his protesting off the field, because that isn't a spit in the face to our country.

what do you mean by working for someone else though? if you own a car repair shop, are you a slave to your clients?

did african slavers also sell the right to claim ownership of their offspring?


niggers stole mars from us we went to the moon in 1969.


Just remember that when anyone says we spend too much on defense.

I'm so glad Sup Forums stopped this bad end and elected trumpy

we gave them money and things and they gave us a receipt, a completely legal transaction based on that days laws

>What is freedom of speech

This authoritarianism from the right is what's actually disrespecting this country.

Cut them both.

>tfw without niggers and jews we'd legit have a moon base right now and universal healthcare

>leftyfags complain when one of their own gets social repercussions from freespeech but laugh when it happens to those on the right

No one's saying it should be illegal, everyone's saying they're doing it for retarded reasons and are disrespecting the country.

without slavery, would the US have had the workforce to build and sustain themselves?

Yeah easily.

are you saying systematic oppression doesnt exist or being against sytematic oppression is retarded?

Why is it so hard for whites to get over the Confederacy?

> missed slavery
> missed being freed by Lincoln
> missed living under Jim Crow
> missed the civil rights movement
> lived to see equality and black president
> no more battles to fight and aren't content to not being a subjugated race

Systematic oppression doesn't exist against black people and if it did protesting the flag isn't the way to protest it.

Wrong. The US industrialized because of capital accumulated from cotton

I'd have a leftist white man killed long before I'd have a negro killed.

That isn't true at all.

But there isn't equality in the whole country. I've been to rural Upstate NY as well as the Deep South.

picking up a gun would be?

oh no its so hard living in the USA better join a gang :(

Cotton was 60% of American exports at it's peak. It was the single most important source of European capital; without it the US would not have industrialized so rapidly.
