you faggots are as useless as sansa
/got/ general
Is this a thread for awesome GoT art?
I can't always be here bumping the thread.
>the mind trick queen
lol literally sansa's only use is because little finger wants her pussy
sure, you go first
PQ has literally never been wrong about anything, reddit plebs btfo once again
The Others aren't truly evil, this is confirmed by GRRM. I don't think the Children are truly evil either, but they've done some bad shit.
He's right about Bloodraven. He's a Hobbes character that is willing to do anything for the greater good, including setting up a police state with dragonlords and weirwood big brother.
>PQ has literally never been wrong about anything
R+L=?? prestonfag
PQ is not preston you dipshit.
tv not same as books, dont mention that fat fucker again.
Fuck, my bad
I wasn't talking about the show. No one cares about DnD's fanfiction
>I don't think the Children are truly evil either, but they've done some bad shit.
Yeah, no shit sherlock. They did what they needed to do to win the war when the first men were slaughtering them. But somehow stupid people take this and run away with it calling them "evil" while completely missing the fucking point that the humans who slaughtered them werent the good guys either.
Men aren't evil, Others aren't evil, Children aren't evil. Some individuals are evil though, like Euron, Ramsay, and Dany.
The only people who are truly evil are Rhaegar Targaryen and Lyanna Stark.
autistic fag.
illiterate showtard.
>killing thousands to save millions
Please leave
suck my dick
>ushering the Others back into the world and causing the death of millions
yeah no
>trying to escape the Dreadfort dungeons
>It Ain't Reek starts flaying
They aren't as evil as characters like Euron or Gregor. They are just idiots who's mistakes killed thousands.
>still believes PTWP prophecy
You are worse than the Sansafags
why do you guys still deny what PoorQuentyn knows?
>Rhaegar fucking Lyanna is why the Others came back
WRONG. Mance was already trying to gather people together before that.
>not believing woodswitches
Bet you think Shireen isn't unclean
>thinking melisandre, whos had a literal 0% accuracy rating, is right about anything involving the others
only accurate source on matters involving the Others is Bloodraven
Are you guys hyped for the Frey civil war?
Who here /teamrosby/?
Are you retarded? The Ghost of High Heart gets her visions from the old gods. The old gods are fucking Bloodraven.
Bloodraven used the PTWP prophecy to manipulate the retarded Targs who do anything they see in dreams, no matter how many people they kill.
>tfw the Rosby Freys avenge based Robb
I'm okay with this
AA being evil is practically a given.
i love the fact that there's absolutely nothing going on around them despite the fact that they were meant to be in the midst of a massive battle
>A + D = J
I'm guessing A is Ashara, who's D?
He looks like a mix of Zilla from '98 Roland E. movie and an Aligator. Looks kinda cool though.
>the winged wolf is an objectively cooler nickname name than white wolf
>cant have that, just nix it and turn three eyed raven into an inherited title
really david?
>thinking Melisandre is a woodswitch or was the one who called a greyscale survivor like Shireen unclean
lol wot?
Maisie's feet are pure sex. Helps make up for some of her other shortcomings
Modern day Isaac Hempstead Wright
What's going through his head right about now?
do you think he was regretting killing renly?
a respected member of the scientific community. do you think theyre discussing the cure to cancer?
Bloodraven IS a Targ.
He's a loyalist, it's why he got sent to the Wall in the first place.
He's a Targ ally, not an enemy or someone just pulling their strings for his own plans and who'll discard them
He has manipulated the Targs to get stronger dragon blood in their main line. That's how Dany was able to hatch dragons.
He schemed to put Maekar's sons on the throne, because they all had dragon dreams, and took out many Targaryens in the way. He's not loyal to his family. He's a Hobbesian Leviathan.
He sent the PTWP prophecy to the Ghost of High Heart to get Jahaerys to marry his children and prevent them from diluting their bloodline. He probably influenced Rhaegar's retarded eloping with Lyanna to get some first men warg blood in there (like his own mother's house).
He's basically like Tuf from GRRM's other series.
Bobby B's rebellion probably ruined most of Bloodraven's plans.
Bloodraven can't be dumb enough to not spend a second around Euron and not figure out he's unpredictable and not a good ally to trust with saving the world.
kek i have the dorne version of that image but ive never seen an ironbabby version before
thanks for the upload
This chicks pictures are so hit and miss. Sometimes she looks really cute, other times she looks like a hobgoblin
i only see two pictures of a hobgoblin?
The most rare I've only seen was a Vulpes Inculta looking down of Nipton. Haven't seen it in years.
Reminder that the Three Eyed Raven is actually Bran from the future
>Bloodraven is behind almost all the other Targaryens dying
>it's all according to keikaku
>people actually believe this
legitimately impossible
any nudes from sansa yet?
>implying I didn't mind trick you all to let the thread die
Not yet, wait for her and Joe to break up
We don't know how many Targs he took out to put Egg on the throne, but there was clearly something going on. He's literally called Aegon the Unlikely. Bloodraven isn't just a family man if he's such a kingslayer.
Bloodraven only kills Blackfyre fucking shits, not regular Targs, that's a Maekar thing.
And he's unlikely cause he was a fourth son, but look at two of the ones ahead of him.
A drunkard who fucks whores, and a crazy man who names his kid after possibly the worst Targaryen king to ever exist. One way or another Aegon would've moved up that succession ladder.
What the fuck us Bran=Bran=Bran?
Egg is the 4th son of the 4th son. Many of the Targs in line ahead of him died under mysterious circumstances. It's incredibly obvious that Bloodraven would go on to put Egg on the throne if you read their meeting in Mystery Knight.
Bloodraven sent the PTWP prophecy. That's undeniable. He probably also tried to guide Egg to hatch dragons, which of course was a major setback. But at least Aerys and Rhaela survived, and hopefully their children might have dragon dreams. And in the mean time, he manipulated Rhaegar to breed with a first men warg house, just like he did with Egg.
I'm not saying Bloodraven is evil. I'm saying he's some retarded Targ loyalist. He has planned for centuries to bring back dragonlord kings, with a weirwood greenseer behind the scenes (Bran is his successor of course)
that's the "all the brandon starks are the same person" theory iirc
*he's not some retarded Targ loyalist
I highly doubt he had a hand in the deaths of Maekar's brothers or nephews and great-nephews.
If he is and more then George is a hack. It's almost never good to have a "haha, it was all part of my incredibly detailed decades in the making plan type villains"
Breakspear's sons are the ones he most likely had a hand in
Wasn't it spring plague? Lots died if it's like the Black Death. Nothing suspicious
hes not dead
It's likely that Bloodraven used the plague to his advantage, and possibly spread it himself. He's explicitly linked to it when Egg describes him burning a quarter of King's Landing along with the mountain of bodies in the dragon pit. That action is a good metaphor for his character really.
Why is burning dead diseased bodies a bad thing and mean he spread it?
Preston Jacobs logic. Just say "possibly" and "likely" to every one of your retarded theories and then build even more retarded theories on top of them.
It wasn't a bad thing. You're missing the point. He's willing to sacrifice anything, including his kin, for what he sees as the greater good.
Azor Ahai is literally Muhammed. R'hllor is Allah. Stannis was basically running a Jihad.
Being willing to burn a shitload of the city because there are thousands sick of a deadly as fuck disease does not translate to a willingness to kill your trueborn nonbffs kin
>we will never have comfy tyrion-cersei scenes ever again
We are obviously supposed to see Aegon the Unlikely's ascent as suspicious, and GRRM is practically rubbing it in our faces in the scene with Aegon and Bloodraven in the Mystery Knight.
S2 Tyrion was elite-tier tbhfam
But why Aegon?
Was it cause he was married to a Blackwood?
>Maester Pycelle, I'm small council
>uhh, you don't get to bring hill tribesmen
Is there any realistic way to avoid this /got/?
are you talking about the red wedding or are you shipping robb/roose?
can't quite tell
Well if you are talking about the red wedding, Robb should just stick with the Frey and ignore Talissa/Jeyne.
>try to ignore Jeyne
>but those hips...
>shipping robb/roose
so was it a writing error in AFFC when jaime observes she has shit hips or is there some fuckery going on?
>27 Works in Roose Bolton/Robb Stark
Where does tumblr come up with this stuff?
The theory is that the Jeyne Jamie sees isn't the real thing. I don't think he would mess up her hips that easily after going out of his way to write about them both times. If i remember correctly she is pregnant with Robb's kid which would be the heir to the north giving Lannisters if not control at least a great bargaining chip.
George is not very attentive, he's admitted he needs assistants to point out his mistakes and continuity errors and that the hip thing is one of them
Jeyne isn't pregnant
He admitted that the hips were a mistake? I doubt that. I'm pretty sure he said that we will see her in TWoW prologue. They say something about her taking moontea or whatever its called. The other possibility is they Freys or Boltons still have the real one.
>27 works
Seven hells, red wedding on these lunatics when?
>I'm pretty sure he said that we will see her in TWoW prologue
And i mention this because it seems like she is important enough he would be attentive about her and to mention the hips twice he must have had put some thought into it.
preston thinks that blackfish made off with her IIRC
but im pretty sure i read somewhere that the hips thing was just a writing mistake
which kinda sucks, it'd be pretty interesting if she was pregnant
Yes he did admit they were a mistake
>[Note: This report refers to the question of Jeyne Westerlings hips, described by Catelyn as being "good" for the purposes of having children, and described by Jaime as "narrow". This seeming contradiction has sparked theories that the girl Jaime sees and is told is Jeyne is in fact an impostor.]
>I actually asked GRRM about this at the union square signing. When he spoke he said some mismatched descriptions are him doing it on purpose, and some are mistakes. And the mistakes are really unfortunate because it detracts from when he does it on purpose.
>When we approached the stage for signings we had the chance to ask a quick question, and he told me that that the hips were a mistake unfortunately.
Elio's talked about it and said George said it was a mistake too
Can't be unseen
>719 Works in Theon Greyjoy/Robb Stark
looks nothing alike
Oh okay well i guess thats that thanks. Maybe he is a fat troll?
I remember when Jaime meets her she runs away crying or something then they say that they made her terminate the pregnancy and it won't be an issue.
Let me guess, they also have works on Ramsay-Sansa/Poole and Ramsay-Theon too, right?
What's next Tyrion x Cersei?
i dont think she ever got pregnant, her mum was feeding her shit to make her barren and pretending it was for fertility