Late Night TV

Anyone else lose respect for this guy in 2016?

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most of america judging from his ratings

What did he lose?

Your respect was never worth anything in the first place.

Why would you have respect for any tv show host at all?

Unfortunately, no. His show was already an inferior imitation of a bad show where the mimicking joke became old and nonsensical after several minutes. He even quit around the same time as Leibowitz.

>a comedian

pick one

he'll be canned

can't lose what you never had
I lost respect for CBS when they hired this hack in the first place

Do people still watch these shows? It seems after the Letterman/Leno generation the late night show is a bit dead, other than people watching Conan highlights on YouTube.

yep. the Colbert Report was one of the last bastions of right-wing views on a network other than Fox but apparently he never had any real convictions and just says whatever his writers feed him, which on the Late Show is SJW crap. Sad.


He's doing just fine, and if you like Jimmy Fallon, your taste in comedians is objectively millennial shit

Yes. He's not even being funny anymore. I'm starting to wonder if he was ever for, or if I just thought he was because I agreed with him.

>the Colbert Report was one of the last bastions of right-wing views on a network other than Fox
Is this sarcasm, or are you out or your mind? There were right-wing views there, but only delivered as a parody of right-wing commentators.

I liked him better when he was a Republican

he really turned into a cuck

Again, is this a joke? He was only a Republican as a parody. Have you people ever watched the Colbert Report for more than several seconds?

>>he doesnt get Colbeets current Democratguy schtick is just as false as his former Republiape

sad. thats ACTING.

no one watches tv for any length of time anymore
people just watch short clips on facebook
ratings are a meme pushed by old tv execs who refuse to adapt
it's literally just 5,000 household's viewing habits projected onto 100,000,000 houses with tv sets

Okay, but the Colbert Report was popular ten years ago, in which nobody who wasn't a complete idiot could have thought he wasn't parodying other Republcians.


i lost respect for the cuck when he went on twitter talking about how he's a brony and stupid mlp shit

He'd make fun of liberals too, but doing that nowadays is career suicide. He should have just stayed in character.

Did this really happen?

Never liked him, and I'm not just saying that to be contrarian.

He was alright in Harvey Birdman though.

>dumb democraps don't get that his current show is a parody of libtards

Yeah, last straw was when he implied that misogynist Berniebros were a real thing.

yeah it was 2011 or 2012

Right in the middle of a Jimmy sandwich.

I'm not liberal in the slightest but bush administration Daily Show was legit funny. Stewart is respectable.

Colbert show was a decent parody.

Trevor Noah isn't even worth mentioning and Colbert is a huge faggot now.

wtf i love colbert now

>the Colbert Report was popular ten years ago
people who were watching Colbert 10 years ago aren't shitposting on a Maldivian alpaca breeding forum

there are many newfriends amongst us who have only seen his previous shtick on youtube

>Stewart is respectable.

>Daily Show was legit funny.
Disagree, but certainly got much worse when Obama was elected and he became a partisan hack.

>Colbert show was a decent parody.
Also disagree. The joke of imitating a right-wing host becomes stale and can't even be consistently maintained for more than a few minutes.

Well I guess we'll just have to agree to disagree partner.

I still don't mind Jon Kikeowicz, he's well spoken even if I disagree with him.

>R means reruns
>stevie cuckbert heeds other shows to be in reruns to be second
>even seth meyers reruns are comparable in adult ratings share

didn't know it was this bad

when is his contract up?

yet Colbert did what you call stale for a decade and became worth more than $100,000,000. how bad does your butthole hurt? sooo staaale.

>he's well spoken even if I disagree with him.
Don't even agree with that. He looses much of his intelligence once he take moves his gazes from the autocue. Case in point when he was interviewing John Yoo, the person most responsible for developing the legal basis for the US's use of "enhanced interrogation," Stewart couldn't get anything on him and Yoo wasn't fazed in the least.

And then there's the argument of, "Well you can't accuse me of being a partisan hack or having low standards because I'm a comedian! Never mind the fact that my show is totally unfunny because I don't have the Bush administration to use as a punching bag anymore and my show is basically liberal talking points with weak attempts at humor."

Trump will save late night TV because now they have something to make fun of again

How is that an argument?

It will probably give them a boost, but I doubt it will increase the ratings sufficiently to counteract the downward trend that television and particularly late night television has experienced for the last several years.

Colbert is too political and it drives away the dumb ass boomers who watch this crap.

Jimmy Fallon seems to be the only successful Late Night host right now. If only because he had a head start, and has learned that being neutral sells.

So he had all the politicians on, he made fun of them, but in good humor. When he made fun of Trump, it wasn't in a straw manny or mean spirited childish way. He did a Trump imitation a few times, because Trump is easy to imitate, and then ruffled his hair on live TV affectionately.

and hey, his ratings seem to agree with that approach, as opposed to...


but otherwise, yeah the late night scene is pretty dead, as far as the heavyweights NBC and CBS go.

personally I think the scene is prime for Arsenio to try a comeback. His second attempt failed because Letterman and Leno were still at their peak. with both gone, (and Craig as well) id say third time's the charm.

>more than $100,000,000

yes, I really liked the dude too.

>Trump wins
>"We all drank a bit of the poison right? Both sides?"

>Next week

I mean at least heed your own words.

>Le I like Colbert the fag because he make me feel like an "intellectual" lamo

Kill yourself, millennial faggot dipshit.

I'm not a big Fallon fan but I definitely agree he's smart by staying neutral. The blue collar demographic isn't going to get home from work every day, turn on the tv and be lectured about politics. They just want a laugh.

I wonder if that's why his ratings are so high. Fallon's possibly the least funny and charismatic of them, but he's killing it in the ratings. Or perhaps it because he appeals to the lowest common denominator a little harder.

Who's worse between this fag and le current year man?

>the least charismatic

How's it feel being mentally retarded? Colbert,(((Meyers))) and occasionally Kimmel are waaay less charismatic than Fallon. He may be annoying, but he's Sinatra in terms of charisma compared to the others.

dude trump
dude republicans

there, that's late night.

>most of america judging from his ratings
his ratings are up/good

>in which nobody who wasn't a complete idiot could have thought he wasn't parodying other Republcians.
republicans hired him to speak at the white house correspondence dinner for george w bush because they thought he was a real republican. conservatives literally are dumb enough to think colbert was one of them for a good couple years because the rightwing are literally a living parody

I think Republicans just wanted to show that they could take a joke. How fucking dumb are you?


>How's it feel being mentally retarded?
That seems unnecessary. I would not consider the way he acted when the Switch was demoed to be "charismatic" as much as "embarrassing."

As for the lack of charisma, he seems to have have poor prosody, saying everything with an even, monotone voice.

I guess we have different views of what charisma means.

I lost respect for most media this year.

Either they were completely wrong about the election, which means they are ignorant.


They knew what the outcome would likely be but reported otherwise in an effort to change the impending result, which means there are serious ethical implications to consider regarding the news and it's role as "The Fourth Estate."

I lean towards the former. I haven't seen more news anchors that stunned since 9/11.

>republicans hired him to speak at the white house correspondence dinner for george w bush because they thought he was a real republican.
So is this based on a real story? You could be talking out of your ass.

>I think Republicans just wanted to show that they could take a joke. How fucking dumb are you?
no they didnt realize it until after he did his thing and embarrassed bush/republicans

>American comedian Stephen Colbert was the featured entertainer at the White House Correspondents' Association Dinner, held at the Hilton Washington hotel in Washington, D.C. on April 29, 2006. He was invited to speak by Mark Smith, the outgoing president of the White House Press Corps Association.[1] Smith later told reporters that he had not seen much of Colbert's work.[9]
>Although President Bush shook Colbert's hand after his presentation, several of Bush's aides and supporters walked out during Colbert's speech, and one former aide commented that the President had "that look that he's ready to blow".[30] Colbert recalled that "not a lot of people laughed in the front row" during the speech, and that "when it was over, no one was even making eye contact with me ... no one is talking to me in the whole damn room"; only Scalia came to him afterward, praising Colbert's imitation of a gesture the justice had recently been photographed doing.[26]

Probably a bit of both, his appeal to the lowest common denominator is at least partly due to not shoving a political agenda in their faces.

That makes some sense and it's a little embarrassing for them, but it's another thing to say they hired him because they thought he was a Republican.

You need to be over 18 to use Sup Forums.

And yes, they were this stupid. Bush-era neoconservatives never could catch up with modern times. They mostly disappeared from politics in 2007 when the economy crashed. Bailing out banks pissed off both far left socialists and rust belt republicans

The rise of the "new conservatism" is just as much a reaction to Bush neocons as it is to the Obama presidency.

You fucking dolt.

>they're dumb
>because I say they're dumb
Can you provide one piece of evidence that Republicans didn't know who Colbert was? Fucking one?

I stopped watching him years ago.

you had respect for him at all?

the dude was always a phony piece of shit and bleeding heart liberal, lol

I guess a lot of people bought into his act on comedy central when they were kids

"Colbert" the character was great but he's a hack.

This Kimmel one is the best out of all of them.

>not 2015

You dumb cunt

Muh safe space.

Yes, this is your safe space. Say what ever you want about Colbert.

I miss Ferguson and network Conan.

He has no competition. Leno and Letterman are gone. Fuck, even Craig Ferguson.

>He has no competition
Not literally true, of course. He has plenty of competition, but he's still killing it.

I watched colbert report daily

I watched one episode of that trash

the majority of the 5,000 nielsen households are falling asleep to the local nbc affiliate out of habit and somehow that projects to huge ratings due to and antiquated measurement system


Okay. That's an interesting theory, of course. I think it's bullshit.

It's not like I like Fallon. Aside from his show not being overt liberal propaganda, he's the least funny and most low-brow of his competitors, which probably contributes to why he's so popular.

no they aren't look it up, Colbert's ratings are lower than they were his first year and in December his first run shows were tied with repeats of Kimmel

the fact that nielsen ratings are as accurate as the polling data during this last election cycle is 100% true

I'm not trying to discount the fact that Fallon has a following by any means, but ratings are a fucking joke

to borrow form Jamie Oliver, it's the current year....relying on unscientific polling as a measurement for a show's popularity is so 2014

we all do user, we all do

don't speak for me you butthole

read a BS headline that he was getting replaced by james corden and believed it 100%, even told my friends and family about it.

He used the clown nose defense so much it's now called the John Stewart defense.

He also had the uncanny ability to take full credit for his writing staffs work.

He did a great interview with Eleven from Stranger Things

They'll go back up now that a Republican in office is providing him material.

>not losing respect for all whiteys

>polling data during this last election cycle
The results of the presidential election were within margins of error. Stop denying that Fallon is killing it.

Still, they're are extremely inaccurate in this day and age, considering that the technology for far more accurate ratings exists. It would not be difficult whatsoever for cable companies to determine exactly how much time a show or its ads are being watched, and while this could be considered an invasion of privacy, it's no worse than Facebook and represents an immensely superior form of generating ratings.

>Every having respect for a talking head or celebrity

I've lost respect for most everyone after the 2016 election.