Huh. Funny how such a silly show can be so insightful

Huh. Funny how such a silly show can be so insightful.

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Family Guy Funny Moments

What kind of "sciences" did religion even oppress in the real world?
Seems like they co existed pretty well after the Dark Ages.

I'm not even religious but Seth is a belittling little shit


>dark ages of scientific repression
>there are people who actually believe this


really makes you think

Well they did kill try Galileo for heresy and imprison him.

>implying christianity wasn't the only beacon of enlightenment and learning during the dark ages
>implying it wasn't the uncivilized barbaric pagans that ruined everything

Name one atheist that has contributed anything of worth to civilization
>inb4 someone picks 21st century hacks like zuckerberg

Well Christianity helped end large scale boy diddling and slavery in Europe, so it all evens out.

Is this the circlejerk thread where I can virtue signal to my fellow anons about just how darn STUPID those atheists are? Man I sure hate those atheists. Deus vult am I right?

Richard Dawkins has made some small contributions to biology, I think.

Seth McFarlane

hurr durr

my gf left me

therefore there is no godddd

For one thing there as no valid alternative epxlanation to the complexity of life until Darwin and no explanation for the origin of the universe until the Big Bang. Furthermore some scientists simply didn't call themselves atheists because atheism culturally implied stuff that doesn't strictly conform to the actual definition. For example if you read up on what Einstein believed he was an atheist, though he didn't see himself as such. He believed in Spinoza's god, despite that for all intents and purposes still being atheism.

Showing these to my stupid Christian mom.

No Christianity.

So an entire planet full of people is going to Hell. Nice, Family Goy.

*tips fedora*

Watch out, pure distilled autism coming through

TL;DR: The Church actually did a great deal to preserve classical knowledge. Popular stories like "the church tried to kill Galileo because he said the earth revolved around the sun" are at best badly distorted versions of the truth and at worst malicious lies.

yeah that'll show here haha!

anti-usury laws (illegal to charge interest for loans) greatly slowed investment and thus development during this period.

>projecting my own irrationality on others
You shouldn't base belief on emotions, bro.


>living during the 'dark ages'

You shouldn't feel totally stupid, a lot of people are historically illiterate.

Pre Christian Rome wasn't progressing. It was stagnant except for a snail's pace improvement in architecture.

The truth is that geopolitics have a lot more to do with progress than religion. Empires with no other empires on its borders to seriously worry about have no need to progress because progress doesn't give anything to the elites. The elites just want to maintain the status quo.

Europe only rocketed ahead of the world because of the printing press and because it was full of nations of relatively equal power competing with one another. You can thank the Peace of Westphalia for that, and by extension the Church for arbitrating it.

So in a nutshell: War = Progress.

not atheist or religious
I was being sarcastic

with that being said

it's just what I've seen over and over

when someone says they don't believe in god
the most common thing they say is

well if he exist then why do bad things happen

that to me is not a valid reason to deny his existence

They sentenced him to house arrest for teaching his unproven theories as fact. Also he insulted the pope.

And he was not alive in the dark ages. Tip your fedora a little harder.

good man! Show that stupid dead kike on a stick-worshiping bitch what's what!

>Seth literally embodying the CURRENT YEAR meme

He's still based as fuck

stephen hawking

What's going on here? What's the machine doing to the books?

This is probably the most compelling argument I've heard for how Christianity might have slowed progress


People like you are why Plato thought democracy was a mistake.


That's highly debatable. He believed in the divination of Oracles and the concept of a human soul. Even if he was an atheist, he would not be a "modern" atheist. Just because his political opponents found him guilty of impiety out of convenience doesn't mean he was actually an atheist.

why is he so based bros?

Athiest means non christian you retards

How is he wrong? People who deny science ought to be publicly ostracized

It's a time machine. It's sending them to the stone age.

This is coming from people that treat science like a religion. It might as well be miracles to them, they sure as fuck don't understand how most of it works. Idiots like this literally believe the accumulation in of human knowledge is the sum of 5 high school textbooks and that there would be flying cars if Christianity never existed. All this while failing to acknowledge that the countries that have contributed the least amount of technological innovation to modern society have all been non-Christian as the lesser races have only recently adopted it well after the Renaissance had already started.

What has Seth McFarlene contributed to modern society if he's so fucking smart? Low brow fart and tasteless sexual humor? Get this man a Nobel Prize

Please try harder next time, user

You got me to reply

It isn't called the dark ages by anyone anymore, it's the middle ages.

White christian men built the modern world, it's just plain ignorant to suggest otherwise in any way.

and in the year twenty sixteen muslims think they're rewarded when they die, fucking crazy huh.

From economists by way of Isaac Asimov.

>anti-usury laws (illegal to charge interest for loans) greatly slowed investment
Laws that wouldn't have been made in the first place if kikes hadn't abused loopholes to loan money with ridiculous interest.

Usury is right up there with child sex slavery and murdering homeless people. What are you, an AnCap?

The dark ages is a meme. Science progress actually went up comparatively.

This is just not true. It was outlawed because it's a sin, and legislating morality was what you did at that time.

No, because Empires have just as much war, and European nations competed in trade as well.

Competition is the key, and competition doesn't necessarily equate to destruction.

Friendly reminder that there is literally no fossil evidence of transitional species to support the idea of one species evolving into another, fully separate species.

>It was outlawed because it's a sin
It was forbidden by the church because it wasn't a productive trade and the templars had made a lot of messes thanks to their treasuries.
Then the jews waltzed in and exploited the not-being-Christian loophole to lend out money.
Then pogroms and laws specifically forbidding loans with interest were created.

It's also explicitly laid out as a sin. The fact that the church ever did it at all is astonishing.

Simple Google search proved you wrong.

>inb4 hurr durr Wikipedia!!
Attack the credibility of the article's citations, not the article itself.

Einstein was something of a pantheist but if pressed would likely say he's ultimately an agnostic. He was far from religious and certainly not christian

Wrong, and there is a lot other evidence besides fossils as well.



>It's not a transitional fossile because I say so

wow this should have been the first reply

Plato said Democracy was the best system but prone to decay into autocracy. He also made a lot of fallacious arguments so who gives a fuck?

No. money usury is literally illegal because it's an evil machination meant to harm others. Most laws are made to protect people from the evils of others as laws are nothing moral than a higher level of morals communally agreed upon to protect the interest of themselves and others. Just because Jesus knew what the kikes were doing and took a wipe up to them doesn't mean it was all done in baseless moralfaggotry

Religion and scientific advancement are not mutually exclusive. Almost every great scientist of the past was a Christian, Jew or Muslim.
Pretty much this.

Fuck off edgy fedora-tipping faggots.

Lol religion will never go away

Well they can't rightly say "this is the world without Judaism", can they.

Islam shall take over the world

Not at all. Theres a lot of strong arguments to doubt any religion and they are pretty solid

>respecting X means X is a religion haha so that means my nutjob theories are just as valid as your evidence

There are hundreds of thousands of pieces of fossil evidence. If I remember correctly horses have some of the most detailed fossil records of their lineage, with distinct visible changes over millions of years.
If you have a high school level of biology education you should know that evolution is a direct result of how DNA and heredity works.

Not at all. Science is dynamic. Religion static. Science relies on criticism, of doubt, and is constantly amending or rewriting itself.

Flying cars don't seem very practical though. If Christianity was magically wiped from existence or any major religion for that matter my guess is the changes would be nuanced and unpredictable.

Religion is just a belief centered in faith. Unless you actually understand everything science tells us (you don't) you're operating on faith as well.

And why do you think it was laid out as a sin? Same reason every other sin is called a sin - because it's bad for society. Rape, murder, theft, adultery, etc. Lending money to someone with so much interest that they cannot pay you back is evil and thus was made a sin.

You don't understand. You think science is good. I think religion is good. That means science is your religion and is no better than my religion at determining what is real.

As much as I dislike him, he's absolutely correct here.

>Jesus knew what the kikes were doing
He sure did have an eye on those jews, didn't he

Faith != Confidence

Humans have confidence that science is a good way of determining what is real and for good reason. The fact that most of us aren't dead due to disease is one glaring example.

He's correct but he's not "based as fuck"

This is absolutely false. The "missing link" link was discover about 5 years ago and all it did was abridge the gap between lesser apes, like lemurs, and greater apes. There's plenty of evidence of other transitional species between Cro-Magnon and other hominins with plenty of bones on record of other human species including neanderthals, denisovans, australopithecus, homo erectus, etc.

WTF I hate Pence now.

>my le strawman le shitpost haha xD xD
*tips respectfully toward you*

Majority of scientists and inventors in history have been religious. Deal with it and grow the fuck up.

Thats incorrect. You are saying a value judgement is what makes either legitimate. What I'm saying is science is fundamentally different than any other religion because it is ever evolving and open to scrutiny. You may think your religion is "good" but good=/=accurate

Faith absolutely is confidence, in fact, it's in a definition:

complete trust or confidence in someone or something.

>You shouldn't base belief on emotions, bro.
Tell me the one again where all humans are biologically the same except for skin colour which is for some reason not a marker of genetic difference

Most major religions accept some kind of guided evolution and don't really reject it.

It's really some of the more fundamentalist branches that feel it is a threat.

>all these religious scientists, philosophers, inventors, doctors, engineers, etc, etc

huh.....this REALLY makes me think....

Science inspires more faith because it fulfills it promises and admits when it is wrong. Religion has been proven wrong so many times and yet fails to right itself.

Islamic countries under the golden era came up with many of the scientific methods that formed the backbone of later work so that's just bullshit science and religion co-exist fine.

>the post
>your head
Of course you sidestepped your shitty equation of religion and virtually everything anyone could ever value.

Don't worry, esoteric Kekism will take us out of our current dark age.

>religion is static
I mean it's not like we still stone people for-

Oh right muslims. SHIIEEETTTT

You mean how science pointa out the genetic differences in humans, from individual to individual, as well as genetic drift..and has for a long time now?

Learn to read, my negro. People have confidence in science, not faith, because there are reasons to be confident in it. It's proven itself time and time again.

Galileo was used by a noble to call the Pope a cunt. Every other scientist at the time wanted to see his work for peer review and he couldn't under contract.

Science and religion are not mutually exclusive.
Why do you autistics believe this absolutely idiotic notion that you have to wear a fedora and tip it daily to do any sort of research?

Those religions are implicitly admitting the books they base their beliefs off of are writen by humans and susceptible to be wrong.

Prove it.

Religious is metaphysical, it's not to be taken literally. The only faith you take is on the historical merits on some of it just like we take faith in things like the historical accuracy of what happened during the Roman Empire or ancient egypt etc.