How will they ever recover from their demi-god trashing their favourite capeshit
only the tourists and redidit like capeshit, true Sup Forumsknows all capeshit is trash
This was 4 months ago you piece of shit.
How can one man be so based
>september 2016
hello newfag
>implying Sup Forums likes capeshit
They used to be contained to one fucking thread if that.
>using gay as an insult
either underage or /pol either way get out
>what happens when an unstoppable force meets and unmovable object
>tfw Druze Mel might get killed after the latest IS advance
;_; F
ha gay
ur gay
>Sup Forums
you mean Sup Forums
Bait or Sup Forumsmblr? Srs question
t. Capeshit loving pajeet
> reddit kike thinks he runs shit
Fuck off you filthy big nosed heeb
>"Like, what the fuck? Needed way more Jesus analogizes crossed with excessive violence. Batman never even tortured Superman while Superman repented his failure as a savior figure for 16 straight minutes. The "save Martha" line needed to be "save your mortal soul" and involved way more blood and torture. Gore in general was lacking for what people want from a Superman movie. Using Lex as a Jew allegory was on point though, he was perfect."
Interesting interpretation to be honest.
You can tell by the context that he's being forced to say it, like how he was forced to talk shit about drump
Because Gibson champions honest filmmaking and Snyder is a disingenuous hack.
Is this the internet version of the le six gorillian?
Each time i see a pic of Mel i only think of the angry phonecall with that Russian chick
>how dare you be such a cunt when im being so fucking nice!!!! You should just smile and fucking blow me!!!
I think Mel is a p. cool guy but I've never pretended to enjoy that piece of shit, or any of Snyder's collection of trash.
How did you arrive at that interpretation? It was unprompted.
>GIBSON: Wow, I mean if you’re spending outrageous amounts of money, $180 million or more, I don’t know how you make it back after the tax man gets you, and after you give half to the exhibitors. What did they spend on Batman V Superman that they’re admitting to?
>DEADLINE: I want to say $250 million. Then you’ve got marketing.
>GIBSON: And it’s a piece of sh*t.
t. Buttblasted pajeet
Sounds like he didn't watch it and just heard the reviews.
You have to go back.
Hello Newfag, only you shitskins like these garbage kid flicks
>Marlelcuck admitting being gay
How can one man be so based?
mel bls do apocalypto 2
Finally the DCucks are put in their place by a pure alpha.
>Sup Forums says they hate capeshit and that only plebs/manchildren like capeshit
>only thing Sup Forums talks about now is capeshit 24/7
Really gets my noggin joggin
And I bet if you ask him about Marvel movies he would say the same thing. Mel doesn't seem liek the game that gives a shit about capeshit.
Oh the irony
I have to go to work now but I'll be back to debate you soon.
Some people are in total denial about what people like on this board, yet they refuse to leave
Go back to 2010 or even 2011 in the archives and see for yourself what Sup Forums was before it was flooded by all the meme spouting fags bane attracted.
Its no coincidence that people who like sports also like capeshit.
Pleb detected
t. Nu-male cuck with shit taste in movies
>t. Plebesaurus Rex
that kike's got nothing on us, we control the jimmies we control the rustling
So this type of poster that's on Sup Forums right now spamming capeshit....hmm really makes me think
What's on the front page?
Says the person watches flicks marketed to 10 years olds
Wait, he like capeshit AND voted for Trump? How does that work? Aren't Sup Forumsmblrinas staunch liberals?
Wasn't he already killed by Naked Snake?
plebs vote for trump
patricians don't vote in shit elections like the one that just happened
> he didn't vote root for trump to throw whiny liberal dogs into a constant state of hyperventilation
You're the pleb, I'm the patrician
git out fagit
Who cares what some racist misogynist thinks.
BvS was a masterpiece
i'm playing 3D chess dude, a vote for Trump actually strengthens the liberal party.
>voting for a fucking meme
well, what did you expect?
>t. user from the Plebacious Period
Why would I be a pleb for not voting for another Zionist puppet.
>there are cucks from reddit posting right now who didn't vote for the God-Emperor
> as opposed to a screeching entitled feminist/minority pandering hag
>vote for the God-Emperor
You see the irony, no?
I like this guy too much to disagree.
Fucking embarrassing, how'd this happen to Sup Forums? It was brilliant during the Zimmerman trials
nah, based Mel has been holding his position in Deir Zoor for the last 5 years now while being surrounded by goatfuckers on all sides and repelling constant attacks
Still hoping Marvel might cast him in some role, preferably as some villain since he is very tight with RDJ but I guess now that Mels career is back on track might not be interested.
There were two choices, the sandnigger killing kikes or the domestic diversity forcing parasite kikes, which one would you have picked if you had no choice but to pick one?
>jew in the background
Don't hicks realize that trump is an Israel cuck and that his grandkids are kikes
He's gonna rethink and apologize for his wrong opinion 20 years from now.
They offered him Thor's father's role but he refused. He hates capeshit, a true auteur
>God emperor
Hola r/the Donald
/our guy/
>all these non Sup Forumsacks
I can definitely respect him sticking to his guns even though I like capeshit
>Go back to 2010 or even 2011 in the archives and see for yourself what Sup Forums was before it was flooded by all the meme spouting fags bane attracted.
This is from 2011.
It was a lovely board right up until you fucking retards thought it would be a good idea to colonize reddit's front page
Here's your Sup Forumsack.
It's doing fine, just because some faggots voted for Trump doesn't mean Sup Forums's dead.
That top 10 is almost as bad as /r/movies
All capeshit are pieces of shit.
There's a big difference between Israeli Jews and American kikes.
It's basically identical.
Here's shows.
>The Simpsons
>Above Futurama
>Despite Futurama getting canned twice before reaching JUST levels of the Simpsons.
if that the only issue you see with that horrid list you're most likely a pleb
it was just one guy that decided to do that
don't blame the rest of Sup Forums for one fags decision
don't put me in the screencap faggot.
Notice samefuck poster giving u many angry replies but all same, can't creatively vary the replies. What's that illiteracy about?
>tfw the jews will force mel to direct capeshit in your lifetime