They went for david byrne

>they went for david byrne

Other urls found in this thread:

Implying us Talking Heads fanboys aren't filthy leftist commulist legume lads anyways.

>all leftists adhere to neoliberal idpol virtues signaling non sense

fuck off

i cant wait for the day of the rope

Who are you quoting?

Yeah... they won't come for you at all, child.


Tell me this is fake

Looking forward to egg & mayo sandwiches with the crusts cut off becoming a staple part of the post-melanin era diets.


Um.....I don't think so. Words with different letters are different words.

What did he mean by this?

I'm an anarcho-individualist fascist and Talking Heads is my favorite band



>It's hard to realize that no matter how much effort you spend nudging the world in what you hope is the right direction, sometimes you are part of the problem.
This kind of shit is what made me an unironic fascist. Fuck this "no matter what you do you'll never please us" bullshit. I want them all genocided.

incel gone too far

haha what a cuck

>This kind of shit is what made me an unironic fascist
Don't you think you're going a little too far?

Which bean hurt you, user?

no one cares about your edgy political views, this is a music board

Sorry, guess it's 2 deep 4 u.

*farts on ur head*

lol fag


like i love trans ppl(never met them b4 btw)
like black ppl need rights and stuff(has zero black friends)
UGH why do men dominate the music industry so much(is usually some shitty visual artist or musician leeching off daddys money or in a band with other guys)
dont get me started on white males(even tho they never ever date poc)


So in the future just put a token woman on the list as an "advisor" or some other shit.

I've been expecting the SJW boot to drop on David Byrne for a minute now. "Now I'm Your Mom" could easily be construed as transphobic. Once the leftists find it, Talking Heads will be toast


You sound awfully triggered, gramps.

Reminder that David Byrne didn't want Tina in the Talking Heads originally because he thought it wasn't a woman's place to be in a band


>We could use a lil more representation
>This SHIT right here is why we need a fascist entho-state and right-wing death squads on every corner

Do white people really do this?

>>We could use a lil more representation
im black. do you really want ppl to give u free shit for something u didnt earn. just for "public" attention. are you that much of a loser you need society to validate you????


>man why do sjws always dump people for having different opinions than them

You were disgusted by some college kid idiots so you swung all the way to the other end, good job moron.

They are overexagerrating, but they do have a point. Nobody should be "given" representation based solely on skin color or gender, especially in a field like music which is already extremely diverse. Representation should be something that you earn by being good at what you do. How would you feel if you knew the only reason you were admitted onto the collaboration album was to check a box?

>do white people really do this?

Some white people do, just like how some black people are in gangs and deal drugs and rap. Maybe, instead of pinning the actions of some people on entire groups of individuals, we can recognize that some people in all groups of individuals do stupid things. Grow up.


QUICKLY, someone alert The Fader

they really did my man david byrne

Patrick Bateman LOVED Talking Heads. They were his favorite band

Hey, he used to make great music. Glad I don't care what musicians have to say about politics unless they are trying to shove it down my throat in song. Has he done anything relevant in the past 20 years?

Speak for yourself niggerfaggot

The idea of representation is just a neoliberal distraction from capitalism lack of intention to improve the economic conditions of the proletariat.
More gay nigger women muslim handicapped otherkin on TV doesnt solve any actual real problems.
Its an illusion of progress that makes minorities believe progress is being made while corporations profit off the commodification of their social or ethnic group.

I want you to understand that the left won the culture war not the economic war.
The media is controlled by 6 corporations.
They all promote the neoliberal capitalist status quo.
They use identity politics to promote culture wars that divide the lower class and make them fight each other.

Okay, now with that in mind. Understand there is nothing that can be done about it because everyone else is mentally ill and keeps falling for it. And now it time to become an alcoholic and read marx.

absolutely no idea what you're talking about, and i'm a really smart person

>becoming an extremist in response to extremism
ironically, yeah you're part of the problem.

The western bigshots have successfully desecrated both the left and right. The bigshots end up as winners regardless whether the """left""" or """right""" wins this """"""war""""""

capitlists dont actually care about representation or mironirties. They want your money.

The minorities think its progress.

retard, Byrne is not advocating a woman quota. he wishes he had included talented women on his album (he has been in the industry for decades, he knows many). retard.

where did i mention bryne in my post. you legit fucking imbecile

Basically you got like a horde of minorities begging capitalism to turn them into a product. Its pretty psychotic when you realize it.
And then you got the white guys saying "NOOO, NOOO, this is my product" and then they fight with each other over who can consume the product the most.
Or who the product belongs to.

And im all like *drinks from a hip flask

And, and, and the homeless people on skid row are all like "dont you find it intresting that california is dominated by democrats but has the highest poverty rate"

And, and, and nothing ever gets solved, you just keep fighting over who owns video game culture or music.

And no one remberes what economic class is. And if those people in charllotsvell had united and marched to the rich side of town instead of fighting over a statue.

that would have been something huh folks

*this drone strike brought to you by black history month and mountain dew

james ferraro is that u ?

>this drone strike brought to you by black history month and mountain dew

>*this drone strike brought to you by black history month and mountain dew
What MDE skit did you steal this from?

tl;dr the McRope™ is already around the neck of the proles and we're too divided to notice. Also praise Žižek

>posting on a thread specifically about byrne
>complaining that the other user figured you'd be talking about him

>I'm a really smart person

At least we'll always have based Moz

>this drone strike brought to you by black history month and mountain dew
Love this.

But you do.

what the fuck

what happened to byrne

I love that the band that wrote songs exclusively about muh feels is fronted by public pc enemy #1
