1 > 3 > 2
What movie trilogy am I describing?
1 > 3 > 2
What movie trilogy am I describing?
the first three Indiana Jones movies
4 doesn't exist
Honey I shrunk your pussy?
Back to the future
But that's 3>2>1
Lord of the rings
Indiana Jones
Im 100 percent positive its Jurassic park
Die HAard
the godfather
Jurassic Park is a trilogy?
All of them. Seriously
Pirates of the Carribbean
(4th like Indiana Jones doesnt exist)
I'll fuck you
Like poc and indina jones the 4th does not exist
The Matrix Trilogy
Three Colors Trilogy
Good taste.
Lord of the Rings
>4 over anything
I liked 2
I liked 2
2 was shit
Agreed. Why didn't they think of pterodactyls before the 3rd one?
Halo 2 is amazing user
Three Colors Trilogy.
>acknowledging 4's existence
good bait
die hard and bttf
Taken trilogy
Nolans Buttman
spider man
Toy Story
Halo goes 2>1>3
90% of all trilogies do
The Ocean's Trilogy
sw prequel
naked gun
Iron man
Die Hard
It's 3>1>2
>Temple of Doom is bad
if you're an ultrapleb, sure
>putting it last in ranking the quality of films makes something baaaad
It's a solid movie. It's tone just makes it less rewatchable than others. Also, when I watch it with my friends, they regularly complain about Short Round. And they are very proud they understood the Café Obi-Wan reference in the beginning.
Alien or Indy.
star wars
I would rank the first 3 Terminator movies in that order personally
>people think return of the king was better than two towers
i can't handle this kind of shite taste
the godfather