This show isn't very good.
This show isn't very good
sup Sup Forums
This show is pro-Sup Forums though. Hitler saves the day in S1 and Himmler saves the day in S2. Meanwhile Obergruppenfuhrer John Smith, architect of the American Holocaust, is the poster boy and most likable character.
>"On tuesdays we burn cripples"
>Pro-Sup Forums
why does every cuck repeat this line? was it in some youtube video?
I'm not very Sup Forums, it's just kinda boring.
All the characters that aren't Obergruppenführer Smith, Minister Tagomi, or Inspector Kido are just uninteresting.
Juliana, Frank, Joe, all of the resistance members are annoying.
Kido is so based
It's the only spy shit on television until homeland is back senpai.
Watch Sneaky Pete instead user
The Americans
I just watched it before I start The Man in the High Castle, and it's leaps and bounds better than this show.
Season 2 is fantastic though.
Half way through s2. Meh.
We can't cure your shit taste, unfortunately.
What are your favorite shows, bud?
Well maybe the show just isn't for you. I'd be surprised if you don't think it's a big step up from season 1.
The X Files, The Thick of It, True Detective.
Game of Thrones.
Thick of It is one of the best shows of all time, True Detective s2>s1, haven't seen much of the X-files
I haven't watched S2 os True Detective yet - I know it gets a lot of hate, but I hope it's not as bad as people say. I wanted Vaughan to have a more noteworthy career than Wilson/Stiller comedies + who does't like Farrell?
Well you should watch The X Files if you have the time - on a good day, it's usually brilliant.
It's on my list buy there are so many damn episodes.
Might go through the Stargate spin-offs first.
Nah I like it. S2 is an interesting take on what would have happened if PKD made a follow-up book. Also has one of the comfiest intros.
It was in the pilot, which is the episode more normies have seen
You guys should google "define nuance"
This. Frank is just boring, DJ Qualls and the shopkeeper carry his scenes.
Juliana and Joe have their moments, but they're just so over the place in terms of who they support and what they're going to do. Like, not in a good way, as in they're torn.and the show is showing their confusion. But more in the sense that they really don't know where the fuck they're heading with each of their lead characters
Homeland is back you retard. And it sucks.
idk, i'm through s2e7 and think s1 was better, it was better than most spy movie ever.
True Detective S2 is definitely a step up from S1, but it pales in comparison to the last 2 seasons of GoT, or that Dexter finale
Did you honestly like the Marshall episodes?
I will say that Frank in s1 was better than he is in s2 (until the end) - what happened with his family and going to assassinate the prince was pretty good.
Generally though, I think everyone's arcs/stories were improved in the second season - probably because season one set everything up.