Is this the bravest movie ever made?
Is this the bravest movie ever made?
Name one thing braver than standing up to neonazis
Being one in this day and age where even the antifa knows real nazi would have gassed Neo-Nazi's.
The Star Wars Prequels
When was Tom Wilkinson nominated for an Oscar?
All these kind of movies have totally desensitized me. Now my reaction to the new, bimonthly holomovie is "who gives a fuck about the holocaust?". IMO the only masterpiece among them is The Pianist.
two times: In the Bedroom and Michael Clayton
Holodomor movie when?
oy vey delete dis
Standing up to liberal kikes that think it's okay to throw people in jail for saying something they don't like
rachel weisz aged really quickly desu
>The Pianist.
The Pianist is just "hey, let's show some really fucked up shit, they love it". Schindler's at least was original
oy vey goy how DARE YOU mention the terrible lies
>dem lip lines
reminder that this movie lost 6 million dollars
>being skeptical of an historical event with tons of evidence that contradicts the agreed upon narrative = dude ebil nazi lmao
This is your brain on liberalism
In 2017? Getting out of bed.
>"who gives a fuck about the holocaust?"
This is what everyone says now though. It's fucking exhausted and nobody cares.
Yes, this is absolutely the most courageous kino ever put to screen.
yes, finally someone has the guts to declare the holocaust is real. hopefully this will be a step towards repealing those laws that make belief in the holocaust illegal in most western countries
It's hard to care when you spend kindergarten-senior year being drilled about the Holocaust. We get it, nazi bad. They have literally created an entire generation that laughs at dead jews and idolizes Hitler.
Underated holy shit
>reminder that this movie lost 6 million dollars
A lot more than that:
> production budget: $10 million (marketing costs are not included)
> worldwide gross: less than $5 million
> on average studios only earn a bit more than 50% of box office money
>6 million dollars
Uh, I didn't get the joke at first...
Ayo hol' up
Does the evil goy deny the Holocaust altogether or just the six quintillion meme?
Not only that, it's the BEST movie ever made.
>Proofs that the Holocaust happened:
Jews said so
I was really disappointed by it.
I'm in the difficult position of accepting the historicity of the Holocaust while also being an alt-right shitlord*. A part of the reason I accept mainstream academic positions on the form and depth of the Holocaust was the Irving v. Penguin Books verdict. Apart from the Nuremberg trials, this was the only time that the basic facts of the event were ever put on trial, and Irving lost. He had the public forum and opportunity to put the "hoax" to rest, and he got blown the fuck out.
It could've been a really good film. The basic questions here don't really have anything to do with the Holocaust. It's much deeper and much more important: how do you know what is real and what isn't? How do you interrogate what you think is true? At what point do you accept consensus reality, or challenge it?
Instead, they made a caricature not only of Irving as a raging, spittle-covered animal, but the whole affair. This was something that would've been made for the Hallmark or Lifetime networks even just ten years ago. It's an after-school special morality play for butthurt Jews.
>*I think the real question surrounding the Holocaust ought to be, what extremes can a people be permitted in defending themselves from the depradations of another people? It's an utterly fair question.
How can one deny something they haven't experienced first hand
>country next to me
how the fuck didn't I heard about this yet?
never considering it was mostly performed by jews
probably because you're underage and dumb
>Irving loses the trial but still acts respectful and offers to shake the others' hands to congratulate them
>they refuse and just ignore him
what did they mean by this?
If you're Russian, chances are your education downplayed how bad it was.
>deny the Holocaust altogether
Literally nobody does this. This is an outright lie. They question the numbers, killing methods and organization of events. But they have to make it seem like they're denying there were concentration camps 'n shit to make their position look much weaker than it is.
Yeah, who could possibly argue against the historical fact of masturbation machines, rollercoasters going straight into ovens and soldiers shooting infants for fun.
Congrats on the trips m8
I liked how they included this scene in the movie.
>mfw Irving isn't such a bad guy after all
It was a pretty good movie.
Its coming out in five weeks
I needed more explanation about the holocaust. It just felt too short.
So much more they could have done.
I suppose the book about the trial details more
cant make this up
The movie hardly got screened ANYWHERE. It's not that people didn't wanna watch it, it's that hardly any cinemas screened it.
Why though?
You'd think with a movie like this the director and producers would make sure it got a wide release
Uhh...the Jews? Idk
>the scene where they go to Auschwitz and she has a jew fit there
This shit felt so masturbatory. It's like every jew in the world carries a trauma that causes them to flip out if they touch a german soil
Jews and gentiles alike weep when they visit Auschwitz. It's not exactly a happy place.
The place is essentially a theme park where the goal is sadness instead of fun. They even have a hotdog stand.
Bunch of drama queens. Every city and village in Russia is a mass burial that dwarves Auschwitz, yet nobody bitchwhines. St. Petersburg is a lively city, even though literal millins died of hungers during the war here, nobody throws a spastic response in Volgograd either
Because the entire city of St. Petersburg isn't a monument to everyone that's died there. Are you fucking retarded?
Bitter Harvest. It's probably gonna be bad though
>Bitter Harvest. It's probably gonna be bad though
Don't judge it before you see it.
It's crazy how we needed to wait for 2017 for a movie about Holodomor and we've had about two movies a year about the Holocaust since the 50s, not counting the endless mentions in non-Holocaust films.
It's not a joke, they really did, kek has made meme's real desu~
We have enough examples of actual things that happen before we move on to the fictional.