What is he thinking?

What is he thinking?

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He's thinking his payed Football Hooligans gave England enough small penis anxiety to vote in their own suicide

They're popping champagne in the Kremlin right now. Good job getting cucked by Russia, Britbongs.

He's hoping for a peace, but everything points to Russia being attacked soon

>Can't wait for EU to collapse so I can fire up Soviet Union and try to take over Europe again :^)


russian stuff

but why

cuz ameribros said so


>My feet hurt
>I wish I was at home, fucking up the Ukraine

Mostly? About how much he wants to have a nice relaxing 24hour sleep. He doesnt get much of it.

Trump, Boris and Putin.

Dream team 2020

Since this is probably the start of the end of the EU and ruskie foreign policy considers the expansion of the EU as one of their biggest security threats, there's probably one hell of a party going down at the Kremlin right now.

He doesnt even have to invade. he can just watch europe destroy itself.

Just according to keikaku.

>take over Europe again
It's almost like Europe attacked first or something.

he is debating if he should go through with a drastic measure

that being if he should put his benis in the queens prajina just to make germany and america ruin their own economies through reckless military spending since the debt will push them over the edge and they will have negative gdp growth

after all worse case scenario if murica tries anything china spent 5 tril on its military in 3 years and has a fleet of subs so massive they can line americas coast end to end because they spend way less on man power than murica

>What are we doing now Vladimir?
>The same thing we do every 50 years, try to take over Europe

>50 years

>Germany attacks you
>"I think this justifies us taking over the eastern half of Europe under fear of death"

But seriously, if the EU does collapse doesn't that give you guys a chance to buddy up with the ex-soviet countries again? You probably wouldn't even need to put that much pressure on them, especially when another Euro crisis hits.

The problem is they would rather collectively shoot themselves than buddy up with us.

We do have some more space for meneuver now though, Britain was one of the main "fuck Russia" voices in the EU.

>buddy up with the ex-soviet countries again
>buddy up
>with the ex-soviet countries

We're either becoming one country or nothing at all.

>What is he thinking about brexit?


redpilled here

>BBC nigger noise

>Soviet Union

Try Russian Empire
Hail Czar Putin & the Grand Duchesses

Oh ok, I see.


best border senpai, but still Bulgaria needs to remove more kebab and stop being so boot-licking

They also have more corruption than us but hey there's enough time for that.

I don't think EU will collapse any time soon, but this will probably put a lot of pressure on Ukraine and other new potential members that would have to consider their options much more carefully.

Also this. The relationships with EU might actually improve a bit. Of course there are still Baltics and Poland, so not much.

The same thing I'm thinking.
He's amazed Brexit didn't get rigged the fuck out and so he didn't have to activate it as a result.
>Britain was one of the main "fuck Russia" voices in the EU.
Sounds like it was coming from a bunch of scotcucks and globalist pawns.

Well, Germany curmstomped the eastern half first so Russia had to take it back.


if tayyip wouldn't be a huge retard, we could deal a huge blow to yurop with leaving nato and joining an eastern military alliance with russia+iran right now.

what a missed chance.

>we intervened into your civil war and tried to topple your new government
>we fostered and allowed Hitler to take power so that he will fight you for us
>we let him murder millions of your citizens in most brutal ways while delaying real military action as long as possible
>you should have just stopped at your border bro, let Hitler and his regime continue plotting your extermination at peace
>okay, thanks for liberating Europe, I guess, but now you must leave and give all that territory you shed your blood over to us so that we could plan your destruction better

when western kid make noise about brexit, BIG RED BEAR COCK much closer to your ANUS

Russia is building a military intelligence base in Nicaragua.
Musk is planning to launch giperlup Moscow-Beijing.
SCO gradually goes to a higher level of interaction.
Japan seeks a rapprochement with Russia.
Asks Europe to lift sanctions
Middle East gradually passes completely under the control of Russia.



China's going to blockade their own goods from reaching America?

Lol nice try my fellow burger

>I should buy a horse mask.

>Proceeds to be inspired by Hitler & the Nazis and do the same thing for the next 50 years.


>I have literally no idea what the fuck I'm talking about but I heard Stalin was uh bad sorta like Hitler or something duh
If we had done "the same thing" then all those countries wouldn't exist in "the next 50 years".

>Be Ukraine
>Don't want to be cucked by Russia
>Cry for help to EU , US
>Trump becomes Rep nominee , loves Russia
>UK leaves , starting the crash of EU
>You died for nothing

Waste no time on this faggot, he's brainwashed since childhood.

obama is a beta faggit.