Why couldn't the show just be about them solving crimes?
Why couldn't the show just be about them solving crimes?
Because Freeman married whoever it is that played Mrs. Endless-Amounts-of-DVD-Monologuing-Sucking-Up-Precious-Character-Development-Time
God just kill her and focus on John and Sherlock and flesh out Eurus instead of focusing on Mary for fuck's sake
I want a new Sherlock Holmes set in Victorian times. Get in the Taboo and Peaky Blinders bloke - Steven Knight.
been there done that a x1000 times.
Arthur Conan Doyle only wrote 4 big novels and a huge shitload of smaller stuf to make money. In the first two or so season they stitched these four together withe everything they had about Holmes and builded an arch. They made some meta-jokes like his hat or altered some of the stories to fuck around with the hardcore Holmes fans. It was fun!
And then guess what? They had to come up with their own stories.
trips is right
Because Tumblr killed the show. I read it got lowest viewing figures for a Sherlock finale, which is a bit of a surprise considering the sheer amount of promo they've been giving it over the past month. I LOVED the first two series, remember watching the wedding episode and cringing wondering why the fuck they bothered. If left at 2 series it is arguably the best British show of the past decade. It's basically Dr Who for people who *think* they're too clever for Dr Who these days.
Because it has smart characters written stupidly.
Anton Chigurh from No Country for Old Men is a smartly written smart character. When Chigurh kills a hotel room full of three people he books to room next door so he can examine it, finding which walls he can shoot through, where the light switch is, what sort of cover is there etc. This is a smart thing to do because Chigurh is a smart person who is written by another smart person who understands how smart people think.
Were Sherlock Holmes to kill a hotel room full of three people. He'd enter using a secret door in the hotel that he read about in a book ten years ago. He'd throw peanuts at one guy causing him to go into anaphylactic shock, as he had deduced from a dartboard with a picture of George Washington carver on it pinned to the wall that the man had a severe peanut allergy. The second man would then kill himself just according to plan as Sherlock had earlier deduced that him and the first man were homosexual lovers who couldn't live without eachother due to a faint scent of penis on each man's breath and a slight dilation of their pupils whenever they looked at each other. As for the third man, why Sherlock doesn't kill him at all. The third man removes his sunglasses and wig to reveal he actually WAS Sherlock the entire time. But Sherlock just entered through the Secret door and killed two people, how can there be two of him? The first Sherlock removes his mask to reveal he's actually Moriarty attempting to frame Sherlock for two murders. Sherlock however anticipated this, the two dead men stand up, they're undercover police officers, it was all a ruse. "But Sherlock!" Moriarty cries "That police officer blew his own head off, look at it, there's skull fragments on the wall, how is he fine now? How did you fake that?". Sherlock just winks at the screen, the end.
This is retarded because Sherlock is a smart person written by a stupid person to whom smart people are indistinguishable from wizards.
>imblying he wrote for money
>Anton Chigurh
Maybe he wrote to fuck chicks, doesn't matter still only four novels.
The Sherlock Mom will be the ultimate big bad boss
I don't know; the last two episodes of this season were alright. Not as good as season 1 and 2, but miles of ahead of the crap in season 3 and most television shows currently airing. I thought they were fine.
Maybe he has a second secret lesbian Mom?
this show is turning into fucking Dragonball Z level of retard, the only people that have over 9000 brain power are Holmes, they're like fucking saiyans
everyone else just don't even bother trying
because they're fucking awful at that kind of show
>It's basically Dr Who for people who *think* they're too clever for Dr Who these days.
is this some kind of joke? It was *always* like that. If anything, it stopped being "Dr Who for clever people" and became purely Dr Who by season 3.
I like this copypasta.
No it's not some kind of joke you thick cunt. Go back and watch the first episode, then compare and contrast to ANY of the recent episodes. It is a completely different show. Also, had you read properly you'd see that I'm implying it is in fact no better than Doctor Who and is for people who incorrectly think they're above it. Have a good day.
Was better when it was steeped in a very unrealistic version of reality. When Sherlock is making deductions in the first few episodes it's ridiculous and over the top but nothing seems beyond the boundaries of possible. Nowadays you have them breaking into top secret prisons with ease, then getting held prisoner themselves because Feminist Holmes has the ability to brainwash people using Tumblr-licensed psychology. It's rubbish.
Coming up with good mysteries is hard.
The season 3 finale is the best episode in the series though.
"A show for people who incorrectly think they're above Dr Who" is the definition of Sherlock series 1-2. Right now it's just a shit show clearly made for the Dr Who fanbase.
Every short story has enough material for one episode. This show absolutely didn't need to be made. We've already seen plenty of great Holmes adaptations.
"Dude let's fuck around with hardcore fans lmao and make Holmes do drugs and use a cell phone lmao" is possibly enough to carry a single feature film. But never for a 4 season series.
They're literally all already written though.
That's why educated people do that type of stuff.
Literally no excuse for awful ep3.
>John, remember Moriarty?
>Yeah, we fought him for, like, 5 years
>This fag is nothing in comparison with that bald guy you've never heard of
Nope because as I keep saying, the first 2 series are decent and more in keeping with the tradition of the original stories. It's also less edgy and "random". Again, have a good day.
>I want a Sherlock Holmes show where they actually solve crimes, there's no retarded fan service, the characters are written like human beings, and the plot isn't just a series of twists
Elementary. It's biggest sin is that it's bland, but it has always been more about mysteries and characters than Sherlock.
Holmes did do drugs. Just wasn't a complete edgelord spastic with it.
How is the villain not being in the series as much as Moriarty a bad thing? With the time he had, he left an impression.
I also need it to be set in Baker Street, London.
It was probably the biggest anti-climax in the series, until Sunday's ep came along and shat all over it. The writers come up with some decent ideas but it's like they lack the intelligence to fully realise said ideas.
>oh this guy is unbelievably intelligent, perhaps more so than sherlock
>oh he's definitely worse than moriarty
>let's build him up and have sherlock really struggle against this guy
>mind palace
>we have no idea to write ourselves out of this one now we've built it all up so we're just gonna get resident genius sherlock to just shoot him in the face because it's what we fantasise about doing to every single one of you tumblr faggots that have forced this show into becoming a shitfest where john and sherlock's bromance is more important than the fucking crimes they solve
Also I read today Benedict Cuntsnatch and Martin "I'm still acting like I'm in the office" Freeman don't get on so I hope that means it's the end of the show and those TJLC spastic can do one too
The thing that made me the most annoyed with this show. Was the Commanders Cody serial esq quality of the transition between series. How will our hero ever escape this perilous situation? Next series, everything we showed in the climax happened differently and we will move instead of addressing it.
Also Eurus can be the prime suspect in the disappearance of another child. Her only punishment is to hang-out and chill until she burns down a house?
>She gets over it! Surely at a certain point you have to figure out that after Sherlock escapes tells her, “I’m really sorry about that, it was a code, I thought your flat was about to blow up.” And she says, “Oh well that’s okay then, you bastard.” And then they go back to normal, that’s what people do. I can’t see why you’d have to play that out. She forgives him, of course, and our newly grown-up Sherlock is more careful with her feelings in the future. In the end of that scene, she’s a bit wounded by it all, but he’s absolutely devastated. He smashes up the coffin, he’s in pieces, he’s more upset than she is, and that’s a huge step in Sherlock’s development. The question is: Did Sherlock survive that scene? She probably had a drink and went and shagged someone, I dunno. Molly was fine.
There's literally nothing wrong with Mikkelsen's mind palace.
That's what I meant. There were no stories in which the focus was Holmes doing coke.
god post
And thus lies the issues with many TV shows based on books. They won't stop after they've used all the source material.
>I feel like I know this from somewhere
>Mind palace
Are they stealing from based Hannibal now?
They even tried to steal the actor.
>god just kill her
Oh boy have I a surprise for you
What I love about this copypasta is when you read the Anton Chigurh bit, you think "Why, that is so simple", exactly how you are supposed to think when Sherlock's deductions are explained.
You didn't think it was the writers figuratively writing themselves into a hole they couldn't get out of? It's no coincidence that since then the plot has been all over the place.
Please, tell me more
The guy they got is Hannibal's actor brother.
we have Taboo for that
but in general, I agree. if the whole season was like s4e2, then it would have been goat
>"heh, I can blackmail you now because I know your biggest secrets"
>"oh really, show me proof"
There's nothing wrong with the mind palace as long as you don't treat it as an actual palace.
>Sherlock Holmes has no basis in reality
If only they had 3 years to think really hard about it.
That, combined with the Sherlock's solution of killing Magnussen, destroyed any faith I had that the show writers/creators could produce any more good episodes.
Well, Sherlock just found out Magnussen has no physical evidence to blackmail people with, what should he do? Should he exposes Magnussen and let all the enemies he's amassed over the years take care of him. Nah, let's just have him shoot Magnussen and end the season with slo-mo and dramatic music.
>leave a dozen dvds about sherlock
>not a single one for her baby
Why the fuck would anyone not use the standard day and time format for posts? Who the fuck can't take an extra .5 second to realize when the post took place? Fuck these people.
triggered me also
for screencaps especially i want to see when they were posted
>implying they didn't altered original stories so much they were basically their own stories with few meta jokes
Watch The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes instead of this garbage.
She has one for Rose that will be sent by one of her super-spy friends when she reaches her 18th birthday, consisting of a message that's somehow relevant to the current situation because magic.
There's shitloads of stories they can remake.
They haven't redone the Speckled band, if I'm not mistaken, that's a fucking classic. And dozens of others.
Why not just spend 4 seasons remaking original stories?