>Be careful not to CHOKE on your aspirations, Director...
Be careful not to CHOKE on your aspirations, Director
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Was he talking to Gareth Edwards?
>Be careful not to CHOKE on my huge Black Dick, you pitiful Nazi
wow Disney... this is a kids movie!
I like that they made his eyes red like in the OT, but they've made them too red. In ANH they have a tint of red, in RO they're full on red.
How did they make Vader look sad when Luke was getting lightninged, even though his face is a helmat?
That is the cognitive machine inside your head processing that said scene and then projecting those attributes into him. It is the same helmet.
Of all the things to nit pick you choose this?
Vader was always a dick and often enjoyed humiliating upstarts with his space magic.
Like someone cant make a pun once in a while
Lord Vader will handle the fleet. Target the base of Scarif. Single reactor ignition... You may fire when ready.
Yes, that's why I said even though it's a helmet. How did they achieve said affects? Was Vader's helmet always sad looking, and we just didn't realise until the end of ROTJ?
There's really only one major complaint about Rogue One. The rest is just nit picks.
Angle, lighting, motion, and music.
So, what's the problem with that? Vader always did dark humor, and Krennic acted somewhat disrespectfully. I liked the whole scene, honestly.
>I like that they made his eyes red like in the OT, but they've made them too red. In ANH they have a tint of red, in RO they're full on red.
They didn't seem too red to me. But I don't like how they didn't cover the neck of his helmet. It looked pretty bad.
Is it that the characters have retarded arcs and change when the plot requires them to or the fact that the Rebels, the supposed good guys, spend the entire movie murdering people and having shoot outs in crowded areas?
No, I think it's that it's boring as fuck and doesn't feel like Star Wars at all.
His body language conveyed a lot. The angle he held his head and the slump of his shoulders. We read the body and make up the face he would have been making
Angle, lighting, his posture is somber and he's looking down quietly. A lot of communication is body language.
>I find your lack of faith disturbing
>Apology accepted, Captain Needa
>We would be honored if you would join us
>Impressive! Most impressive
wtf Vader is a quiplord now
one of the few things that remained from his old Anakin persona
>the characters had arcs
>there were characters
did we watch the same movie?
How can you tell what a doggo is thinking?
they do it on some Spider-Man movies too.
>"We are the star wars"
Braveau Lucas
We actually cared about the characters and understood their motivations so it was pretty easy to figure out what was happening
CGI Tarkin was the only bad thing in RO.
“I’ll try spinning. That’s a good trick. Whoa-ah!”
Man I can't believe that bad guy was Danny from Bloodline, how the hell did I not recognize him
I only found out yesterday seeing him in place beyond the pines and checking the imdb
>I'm a cancerous millennial and think that star wars is supposed to feel like the retarded pleb-quels, and everyone has gay names like Darth bad guy and general displeasure because I have autism
One of those butthurt faggots that also dislike KOTOR2 because it shite on majority of SW plots with it's fantastic writing.
You spin me right round baby right round
like a record baby right round right round
>his helmet has moving eyebrows
Is this in the new special edition?
>Scientist dad couldn't just say "fire torpedo into the hole at the end of the trench
>Rebels arrive with bigger fleet than even Return of Jedi... might as well go blow up the deathstar if they just knew how simple it was
>Tarkin could have killed Leia and crippled the Rebels if he just fired at the capital ship instead of the base
>Why the fuck didn't Disney include this kind of planet shield to protect star killer base?
>Why do Star destroyers still never do shit in space battles?
Man, only people from the past have that kind of face, now everybody has potato face
Fluoride and xenoestrogens.
>Why the fuck didn't Disney include this kind of planet shield to protect star killer base?
They did, though. That's why they had to do the lighspeed jump in the Falcon onto the planet, iirc.
Shit you're right, I forgot about that lol. Wew. THEN WHY DIDNT THEY DO THAT HERE
Nobody had the balls to try it, I guess. I think even Han mentions that it's crazy that they tried it.
>Scientist dad couldnt just say fire torpedo at the whole
He didnt know about the trench, he was only working on the power issues with the superlaser. Not the entire station's design, the only thing he knew is that it required a detonation to go off in one reaction, it would set off a chain reaction and destroy all of them.
>Rebels arrive with biggerfleet than return of the Jedi
Go watch Return of the Jedi again. It's not even 1/10th the size of the Endor Fleet. And on top of that most of it was destroyed
>Could've blown up the deathstar.
They didnt know exactly how to go about blowing it up yet.because the rebel fleet didnt actually get a chance to look at the plans until the end of a new hope
>Tarkin could've killed Leia
They didnt know she was even there, they didnt know which ship was the command ship, and the Death Star Wasnt refined enough to target individual ships until the second one was developed.
>Not include this kind of planet shield on starkiller
They literally did, you fucking idiot, that was a big plot point in the third act, getting past the shield with hyperspace fuckery and taking the shield down
>Why do star destroyers never do
The very first time we ever see a Star Destroyer it wrecks shit.
I think there is evidence that Han is some kind of astrogation genius or some shit. He calculations hyperspace routes himself, by hand, down down a hyperspace route around a black hole cluster down to 12 parsecs, jumps to lightspeed from inside another ship successfully, and jumps out of lightspeed within the mass shadow of a planet, just under it's shields without completely tearing the ship apart and fucking himself totally. That's some impressive navigation.
It's a stupidly suicidal move. It's like traveling 1000MPH, then stopping on a dime within 1cm of target. Get splattered if you're off.
>Return of the Jedi fleet larger
Hardly. The capital ship in this one is even bigger than the one in Jedi.
>Star destroyers wreck shit
What? Using a tractor beam in a 4?
Shots hitting the Falcon and bouncing off in Empire Strikes Back?
Sitting there at Endor and doing nothing but letting small ships crash into them?
This battle they don't even shoot at anything except for when the Y Wings come in at point blank.
Star Destroyers are just portrayed as carriers with no weapon threats in the movies.
slightly tilted head and thrown forward shoulders
He doesnt stand tall and strutting as you are used to seeing him
I honestly couldn't tell. I was so glad Lucas went in and added him saying "No" when he did the Blu Rays of the OT.
>Hardly. The capital ship in this one is even bigger than the one in Jedi.
You should check out wookiepedia. The fleets involved was longer than a nigger's arrest record.
Well, Vaders destroyer gave a pretty devestating broadside at the end of R1. Ships with a major character aboard seems to perform better...
Not surprising that people would work 100% harder under someone who strikes fear into the eyes of man.
Kill yourself
this was such a good scene
You forgot the best one:
>The Emperor is not as forgiving as I am.
>Vader and Luke kill Sheev as master and apprentice
>under Luke's influence Vader mellows out and the Empire becomes 200% less despotic
Luke should have taken Vader's deal tbqh
Nah, both of them would get fucked by Sheev's unlimited power of spinning.
is that fucking Darth Maul? how the fuck is he still alive, didn't he get chopped in half and tossed down an infinite elevator shaft or something?
yes but you see he was so mad he survived
Lucky for him, at the bottom of that shaft was a whole lot of discarded garbage, so he used to force to build a fully functional set of mechanical spider legs for himself out of that garbage, and escape.
No, I'm not making this up.
Yes, this is the reason why littering is bad. #SaveThePlanet
It's the Boba Fett effect. He had a cool character design so he ended up surviving his injuries. He didn't lose his will to live I guess.
I'm pretty sure that was another guy.
so what was a the bottom of Sheev's elevator shaft that he couldn't save himself at the bottom? the exploding reactor or something?
isn't this a canon Sith power?
Well... Yeah.
He didn't get thrown into the elevator shaft. The elevator was part of that collumn in the middle. It didn't come up the pit.
Or maybe the pit led somewhere else, but it was pretty bright down there, so I'd say probably reactor.
>Luke did I ever tell you about the time I cut a man in half because he murdered my Master (and good friend) but he actually survived and then built robotic legs and then some years later had a fight with the Emperor for some reason with another alien of the same species also wielding a lightsaber? He was an ok friend.
Because the camera pointing at him itself is significant and the way he looks back and forth at the Emperor and Luke you can tell he's conflicted about where his loyalties really lie.
>He even showed up to share a meal at the campfire with me on Tatooine one time, to reminisce about the good old days when he killed my waifu and laughed about it. He was honestly not that great of a friend.
Bit of a design flaw really
>here's your throne room and over here is a pink chamber for you to have little parties with your creepy friends and here is the gigantic bottomless pit that leads to the reactor
I didn't really get what was happening during this scene. If only Vader uttered some line to help me understand...
It's called Kuleshov effect
Dude Sion is metal as fuck, the dude is dead but is so fucking angry and pissed his heart refuses to stop beating.
Jackie Earle Haley doesn't.
Sheev liked tossing people down it. How ironic...
Not really, the reactor pit is next to him because no one else is strong enough to protect it.
Obsidian really took liberties with kotor2, it didn't feel like a star wars story.
You're no respectable ancient space sorceror without a bottomless pit.
Well maybe if they had the "putting metal panels over holes that lead to the reactor" technology they wouldn't have had to build a new one.
Fair enough.
>Ancient space sorceror
Sheev was like 80 when he died
how close was Sheev to achieving unlimited powah?
A few spins.
>spinning around in a giant space station with its own gravity
>while spinning around a moon
>that's spinning around a planet
>that are both spinning around a sun
>that sun is spinning around other local stars
>all spinning around the galaxies center
All it was going to take was a few more rotations, that's why DS2 was bigger because it spun more and why his tower poked out the edge, so he could achieve maximum spin.
That's dry irony or snark. Vader never 'punned'.
>finding the 2m weak spot, on a moon sized base, covered with laser turrets, swarming with tie fighters without a map
Oh, did the prequels ruin something?
>I didn't go to film school, I went to the Plinkett reviews
that kill is pretty kino
It all culminated in Sheev spinning so fast when he fell down the pit, that he actually exploded like the madman that he is.
What's point in rule of two, if there are still secret apprentices of secret apprentices?
did you not just see Sheev kill Maul's brother and take Maul prisoner for precisely that reason? there can only be 2, and if you want to have a secret apprentice as an apprentice you had better be prepared to hide them from the master or their life is forfeit
>Mirroring Liam Neesons death
>take an apprentice, defying the rule of two
>instead of hiding away conquer fucking mandalore and a fuckhuge part of Hutt Space
What did he mean by this
Real Star Wars fans loved that line. He fucking force choked him in that same scene. Isn't that exciting? Darth Vader in high definition, baby!
Might be the worst picture of Vader, next to the scrawny build in ROTS.
You don't become a Sith by sitting around doing nothing but hiding. Maul just hadn't anticipated Sheev coming to personally pay him and his brother a visit
>Maul just hadn't anticipated Sheev coming to personally pay him and his brother a visit
Yeah thats what im saying, dude was a dumbass to not think this through.
I could have understood searching for artifacts and shit to become more powerful, but dude straight up Coup several systems in the galaxy and becomes a Major political player and forgets about his old master that controls the biggest fish of them all.
Maul was retarded in TCW, thankfully he seems to have matured in rebels, even though he still has a crush on Obi-Wan
I *kkwwoooo* cri every time *kkkhhhrrrr*