*kneels in ratings*

*kneels in ratings*

Other urls found in this thread:



I for one, am proud, our players are taking time to lecture our fans about racism


The league deserves some humbling

Billionaire owners and millionaire players unite to say Joe Sixpack is the real villain.

Black people take this L. Don't punch above your weight w/ Trump. Trump plays 4D Chess with aliens, Hillary Clinton, Illuminati.

Blacks trying to out 4D Chess Trump is like a high schooler in algebra challenging Steven Hawkings in math off.

*kneels disrespectfully towards you*

good. everyone needs to cut their cable and avoid the brainwashing liberal marxist agenda.


I've always perferred college football anyways. NFL is just so soulless and sterile. The team owners hold cities hostage while making the public pay for their expensive-ass stadiums that they could leave at any time. Fuck the NFL.

So what's the best/least cucked American sports league now... the MLB?



Dear Seahawks:

You have to play well for any sort of kneeling protest to be effective. Get a better offensive lineup, then we can talk about what you think is wrong with this country.

since, NHL is canadian, yes
niggershit is kept to a minimum and kept in check by beanballs and brawls

good goy

Don't even like Trump that much but Jesus Christ my sides

Baseball, yes. The left even hates it for not having ""enough"" black people


Nope, kneeling shit has spread there

NHL is by far the most uncucked league


Anyone else want to see the NFL crash and burn? I want to see elegant Canadian sports like ice hockey dominate American culture instead of niggercollision bixkneel.

hockey is so much less popular here then football, baseball, and basketball they could all openly endorse communism and still have more american fans then hockey

"...shares of companies that broadcast NFL games--Comcast, Walt Disney, Fox, CBS--are all down between 1% to 8%."

This includes Disney's ESPN which is trying as hard as it can to kill itself off.

Sports succed where ppl play them, except nascar

Those stocks would be down anyway bc of decreased rv revenue in general

hockey is actually comparable to the nba

I thought Trump was playing 4D chess for a long time until I read this:



seen at least on guy on my kikebook that said he cancelled his sunday ticket. actual fans still pay for the product

Can someone give me a quick rundown on how shitty ESPN has become thanks to Disney? I don't watch normie sports and especially not normie sports television, so I would like to hear it from the front lines

Titans did the same thing.

Thanks for the virus.

Literally the NHL

>Based torts not wanting any player to sit during the anthem
>Nigs respect the game, and have no wants to put BLM in the game
>Actually help their community

>hockey is so much less popular


I'm from Georgia so watching hockey would be pretty absurd for me.
Guess I'm just done with sports because I sure as hell aint watching the Braves. It's probably for the best anyways, that time could be better spent.

>Get rid of schilling because he said mean stuff
>replace him with a softball womyn who sucks and won't shut up
>Get two of the most typical blacks to discuss "sports", which devolves into race baiting
>Make constant notice of kaepernick
>Try to hype up meaningless NBA regular season games when you already know the final
>barely showing hockey at all
>No Gary thorne

E!SPN should rot in a grave. SC went from being a good show to watch to a political show for lefties.

Braves will be good next year they have a lot of young talent

>value of broadcast rights goes down
>Facebook/Amazon comes in and revamps the entire broadcasting experience
>people forget about politics because omg you can pay $10 a month to watch every game on demand in VR through a Go-Pro on every player's helmet

pls corporate overlords save our sport


Lucky bastard. At least you get some promise in your team. My team, the mets, will be mediocre for another 5 years, get back to the playoffs, and the cycle begins again

> ~30% the size
why would you post this

Thanks. I have a theory that dying institutions are trying to inject politics and current events into everything to create more "interesting" content and have a 24/7 conversation across all platforms

Interesting theory but I don't think it's broad enough. We are seeing politics creep into not only "dying institutions" but literally everything.
I think it's the result of poor education and civic awareness which causes people to become ideological. The problem with ideology is that it politicizes more and more areas of life and that's what seems to be happening. I can't think of anything these days that isn't instantly used as ammunition for the "culture war."

>poor education
it's just the opposite, as more people visit shekelburg's classroom, more people start getting upset about stupid shit or false narratives

I would pick motorsports.

>tfw you accidentally trigger a white person

Does NASCAR count?

So... television is like some sort of God in America?

all houses have electrictiy here


>30% the size
>22%, genius
because "a lot less popular" is not 22% less popular

wew lad

>least cucked American sports league



honestly, are you fucking retarded? This is 4th grade math:
3.7 / 13 = .2846 , the nhl is 28.5% the size

I did that shit in my head and I was 1.5% off...how fucking stupid can you possibly be?

So if the people do not praise the magical squared box this is something bad for your passion for the sport?

Asian here, Why are handegg athletes even multi-million dollar icons? Why not scientist that win Nobel Price? Why aren't teachers or scientists American celebrities?

>"Oh because people want to see athletics and violence"

Okay, then what veterans of war? Why not pay the soldier that kills the most terrorists a MVP price n shit.

I hate to sound like a feminist SJW. . . but it's a social concept that hand egg player is a role model and deserving of $20 mil yr. The idea that you watch a guy throw a ball and then spend $199 to buy his jersey... so that you can be a winner in life?

>this is what counts as bantz in Brazil

This is such a stupid fucking position to take.
They make a lot of money because it's popular, which increases competition, which increases the skill required, which decreases the pool of capable players, which increases their value.



t. Communist

market value
people value their leisure time

and most people cannot even begin to appreciate a work of serious literature or the scientific advancement that is awarded a Nobel Prize.
As far as teachers go, naw. Professors, maybe but teachers? Why? Teachers' unions use the sentimental attachemnt to childhood and the fact that most teachers are female to push that "unrewarded angel" meme. It's bullshit. 1 in a million are life-changers, most of them are putting in time.
There are almost certainly more great cops per 1000 than teachers.

It's pretty simple. Watching sports is fun. Watching people do complex arithmetic or lab tests, while very useful and important, is not.

its entertainment you fucking retard, People like to watch it, they pay a buncha money to go to the stadium or they watch it at home and you get to show adverrtisments to your target audience. When you have a really good skill, a skill that people demand, you get paid a lot to use that skill. Its pretty fucking simple.

No one pays to get flown to a war zone and watch bombs go off.

Surely nobody could have predicted this

MLS just ignore the hipster fans

This is true. It's silly that we require people to have a degree to teach 8 year olds basic math. They're basically just babysitters until you get to high school advanced classes etc.

Even dirt poor people in America have TV. What do the impoverished in Favelaland do for entertainment?

You fags have to stop spamming about not supporting the nfl anymore in other comments section. That shit is cringe

>Okay, then what veterans of war? Why not pay the soldier that kills the most terrorists a MVP price n shit.
This was the case before war turned into point and click.

Cops are 1000 times more corruptable than teachers

Kneeling is cringe

Athletes make more money for the jews then the welfare queens in the army. Also why over pay for some that will blindly follow

Yeah the nfl will really miss you begging for streams on a Chinese image board

LEAST cucked?
The shorten their lifespan and live lives of diminished quality for the privilege of making money for the UFC brass and get paid almost nothing.

The average MLS salary is $316,777, the median salary is $117,000.

UFC fighters median salary is $42,000.
And soccer players don't get CTE and live shorter shittier lives.

ESPN is practically Virtue Signaling:The TV Network.

>Replace great duo of SAS and Bayless with Jewish Cuck (((Kellerman))) who, unbelievably, race baits and virtue signals ten times as hard as Stephen Al Sharpton
>Eliminate all conservative, traditional voices. You like talking sports traditions and sticking to pure analysis; bye bye
>Make the flagship 6pm Sports Center into a literal hour long BLM promo with two black stereotypes who have segments and bits stereotypically named things such as "he be doin too much" and "he woke". Rumor is that next week they are starting the "We wuz Kaepernick" segment.

These are to list a few. My GF has a skinny bundle cable package thing and I called them when she was working and had all ESPN and Disney affiliates cut from my package. I even paid them 10 bucks for the change. Totally worth it.

NHL. You also get fights, which is a bonus.

>Black people want black community to buy more merchandise/jerseys/shoes to offset the decline in revenue


Do NIGGERS NOT REALIZE WHO OWNS NFL AND NFL TEAMS? WHITE PEOPLE! RICH FUCKING WHITE MALES. Goddamn niggas are so easy to game. You just sprinkle some fake ass black injustice and you can get them to empty their pockets.

Soccer is an absolutely horrible sport for it's players.

But then again most of Europe is barely livable if you live there.

Hint, they basically raise Kids to football from the age of 9 and give them no alternatives.

Win/win for me
cuckservatives will bail, lefties will bail
Drive down less commercial space, and ticket prices

The best thing I read was politifact pointing out how there has been a 19% drop in viewership the last two years then saying Trump was "Mostly wrong" for saying their ratings are falling.

Literally propaganda.

>this is what CTE riddled football players are kneeling for

Their #1 call to arms is Tamir Rice, a 14 yr old that was holding a Colt .45 Airsoft at people at a park without the orange tip. And shot when he pointed it at the cops.

Niggers act the fool and cry when they called out on their bs. And more blacks need to tell their friends to cut the bs

>Unarmed white dude wrestles with cop
>gets gun down on video


Nobody cares about the money athletes earn, retard, but the gay ass politics they push.

no way! Politifact lied about something?! Next you're going to tell me that SPLC isn't entirely truthful!

Good I stopped watching and others seem to have as well.

Yeah what the fuck who wouldnt shoot at a moron like that.

I cut my cable years ago. Now I just follow scores online or go to a bar to watch games.

>fans bring REFUGEES WELCOME banners to games
>cosplay as europeans whenever possible
>"United" "Football Club" "Real" "Sporting"
>not cucked
lets be honest here man, MLS is the most cucked of any league for sure.

>act like you have a weapon
>get shot

I see nothing wrong here

The "Real" and "Sporting" ones are so lame, like Jesus Christ. "United" is kinda LARPy but not as bad

Stephen hawking cant even walk they'd fuck his bitch and rob his keyboard.

You think apes care about chess??

>Chinese image board
t. Newfag get off of Sup Forums


>Chinese image board

everyone know Sup Forums is for spider web knitting chatroom


Saying cringe is reddit


>these criteria are obsolete

Nice try CIA