8 years since its release...

8 years since its release, how the fuck does this movie not have a SINGLE meme yet despite being the highest grossing film of all time?

Avatar was literally about le ebil white man VS blue niggers

Other urls found in this thread:


It doesn't deserve them. Space smurfs was gay as fuck. The special effects were made with a ps2.

>le ebil white man VS blue niggers
true but its balanced by the fact that whitey is also the savior

>this is what butthurt haters believe

0/10, cry more

But it does user.

people who take that meme seriously are the kind of people who contribute nothing but take credit for everything humanity has acomplished.

Why does tv always have to make everything about race

Please go back to your containment board

>>Sup Forums

Ferngully was better.


rip abatap

neither do you

propose a line in the movie worthy of a meme

I see you

ohhhhhh cringe op just outed himself as the bighgest teevee newf ever

Will he come back to us for the sequel?

It's a shit movie.




>thinking how much a movie makes has anything to do with the quality of the movie

gtfo pleb


lets hope so

abatap was kind of a meme in himself

forced for sure, but still

Only cringeworthy movies get memed, user. None of JC movies have any memes.

It wasn't a good movie. It relied on visuals alone and made normies want to kill themselves because they wanted to live with the aliens.

Nevermind all the stupid hippy bullshit it shoves down your throat and the garbage noble savage trope that is pure bullshit.

Yeah yea, the savage jungle dwelling cat aliens are so pure. I'm sure they never practiced cannibalism or ritual sacrifice or fucked their kids to transfer semen to the next generation or anything like that.


This is what butthurt haters actually believe.

Cry more.

>disliking a movie is being "butthurt" and "crying"

you need to lurk moar, redditor

Only good thing about Avatar was it's 3D and no one bothered to one-up Cameron on 3D since.

No it wasn't.

What game is this?

Because 3D is a fad, it adds nothing to the visual medium.

Introduction of color, sound and even CGI into movies improved them. 3D doesn't improve anything or add any kind of depth.

It doesn't have memes because its a good movie, only shit movies have memes

name a better alien CGI

>newfags don't know abatap


Looks pathetically fake. Games nowadays have better cutscenes/graphics.

>Avatar was literally about le ebil white man VS blue niggers

that's not how you spell Neytiri

>keep wondering throughout movie if i saw her nipple or not

asta la vista

Because it's flawless.

It literally adds the dimension of depth

depends on how perceptive you are, but I'll say there's a good chance

>tfw was 22 when I watched this
>was young and full of hope
>now 30 year old bitter and bolding old man

>how the fuck does this movie not have a SINGLE meme yet
kill yourself

>Or add any kind of depth
That's where you're wrong, kiddo.

why would someone do this over a film? Any film?

I'd rather not know desu

Quoted isn't the same as meme'd you teenage autist.

>le avatar looks like a PS2 geam maymay

horrible meme, even compared to other mainly CGI movies avatar looks great

The movie is the meme.
Don't you get it?

oh really?

abatap was the original shit poster. i miss him and his lunacy he really stood by his insanity

for you

Think I need to rewatch Avatar now. Maybe like Life of Pi it would be a better view on ultra hd bluray crap.

>not have a SINGLE meme
>this is what butthurt haters actually believe

>mfw they finally release Avatar in 4k
someday :'(

What did Cameron mean with this?

No doubt after Avatar 2 or even during it's promotion.

neyney has best butt

Checked. 2018 seems reasonable, and we finally get another great Cameron movie this year.

Literally no ass you mean.

now THIS is pteroracing!

because it's very bland. kind of boring actually

>"We've done a wet-gate 4K scan of the original negative, and it's going to look insanely good. We're going to do an authoring pass in the DI for Blu-ray and HDR at the same time", Cameron said
Based Cameron

Neytiri has best everything

Well yeah, just visit your nearby specsavers and you'll see.

You have to remember how big these aliens are, that's one big ass for a human.

This is what butthurt haters actually believe.

Cry more.

>you need to lurk moar, redditor

That... insult doesn't really work because it's obvious you're so new it hurts.

>not a single meme

you poor child

he'll be back right guys?

this. the board was basically with him or against him. you either shat on him or shitposted with him. i'm starting to believe that there were several abatap trips since he was on so many threads at the same time

truly the greatest shitposter this site has ever seen

did anyone notice that the girl from resident evil who steals the helicopter refers to herself as rogue one during the big battle?

>Cameron knew that Mr Mouse would buy Star Wars

There was never 2 Aba at the same time, but it's not known if there was 1,2 or even 3 Aba one after the other over the years.

I think there was the original, then a fake, then the original came back, then a new fake then Sup Forums died.

truly avatar spawned the most powerful meme of them all, an entire human being

He had a bot to detect Avatar posts. He showed his battlesation screens in a few thread. It was insane with over 50 windows open and shit.

>Neytiri will never hiss at you

Why continue living?

I remember once he showed the dropdown list of all his auto responses

it was a lot more than just the two most well known "butthurt hater cry more" and "highest grossing movie not once but twice!" ever posts.

he truly was the greatest autist Sup Forums will ever have

Neytiri a shit

i knew there were several fakes since they faltered sooner or later with their replies

didn't know that i do have the screenshot of his automatic replies script though

I remember that.

I also remember his light blue Neyney fleshlite...


You're 0/10, Abaturd!


Let's talk about how great anorexia is instead.


And the best beach body

Every once in a while I catch myself thinking would it be if Jessica Biel were chosen as Neytiri

Am I the only one to do this?

Once you look past the CGI, it's a pretty generic and forgettable movie. The story has been told a million times and the characters were bland and one dimensional as fuck. There's just nothing about the movie to make fun of.

>"Im not blind, im wearing sunglasses because its too bright, and this is my walking stick, HONEST!"

>Draw me like one of your French girls

Because before 3D movies looked 2D right?

There were ways of adding proper depth before 3D cameras were invented, like perspective. It's what separates a great filmmaker from a hack.

For example, look at the scene in Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind when Joel is a kid under the kitchen table. That scene was done with camera work and props alone, no CGI or 3D camera trickery needed.

Idiot. They made that scene with depth only in the re-release by using CGI.

Neytiri isn't anorexic! Na'vi are just very slim nad long. And besides Neytiri is very strong, she could probably lift a normal human

Less Avatar, more Pro- Ana lifesyle posting, please.

Sup Forums is never, ever leaving, and you are seriously stupid for thinking they will or that typing >back to >Sup Forums for the 10439567rd time makes any difference.

You might as well try to fill a swimming pool with a dropper. It'd be quicker than Sup Forums leaving any board.

>Less Avatar
absolutely not

>Too detached from reality, everything is difficult to relate to
>No actually memeworthy human characters
>No Sup Forums or sjw baiting
>Nothing too strangely specific
>no lewd
Avatar doesn't have potential for major meme exploration. None of James Cameron movies have major meme scenes, the movies might be memes on themselves but then this is a different story.

The opposite of movies such as The Godfather, Godfellas, TDK and etc which are filled to the very top with them.



>best director of all time gets to create his own sci-fi universe and we are here to witness it

We may be too late to explore Earth and too early to explore space but we are just in time to experience Avatarkino. Thank you James.

As an ebil white man loving blue nigger, I think ebil white men should be applauded for their individualism, creativity and ability to take charge.

A lot of ebil white men assume we're into them because we think they're rich or have big penises, and while that certainly helps, the real reason we like them is because they're proven to be accomplished as a people.

I admit I used to buy into liberal feminist arguments that ebil white men's patriarchy was to blame for all the world's problems, but if I'm being honest with myself, I don't think I would mind being used for sex if I think it will help advance your cause somehow. I realize now that's what my race is best at, we're not even the "good" kind of non-human with high IQs and organizational skills.

We're blue jungle niggers and I'm a jungle blue nigger whore. I'm a little blue fuck machine. So please treat me like a third world space smurf. I promise to sucky, fucky and love you long time.

And I won't even charge you five credits for it.

azure goddess

>dat disgusting motion-smoothing

Terrible. Native FR is only FR.
