I don't understand why this show gets a lot of hate. What exactly went wrong?
>t. newfag who started watching season 1
I don't understand why this show gets a lot of hate. What exactly went wrong?
>t. newfag who started watching season 1
Keep watching
It gets dull and none of the characters besides Ragnar, Apple and the Joker have any defining traits. They're all just dude viking lmao
1. Butthurt plebs who cannot into history
2. People made uncomfortable by the social justice nonsense in a show about Vikings
it gets into a slump but recently its started to pull out of it again so keep watching
of course disregard any autistic cynical whining cause thats just what you get on this board for any show
ignore stuff like this too, nobody cares about history and theres no actual sjw stuff, just the camera panning onto a broad fighting now and then they still get btfo on the battlefield.
Season 1: good
Season 2: GOAT
Season 3: uhm... okay
Season 4: I wished they stopped after Season 2
Season 4, second half: didn't even bother but read that floki has a muslim daughter now
>theres no actual sjw stuff
I love the show but let's not lie to ourselves, Lagertha and her shieldmaiden army of stronk independent womyn are the embodiment of tumblr.
Just accept that it's one of the (shitty) aspects of the show instead of outright denying it.
what does the t. stand for
just like I said all they do is show a women on screen and the sperglords like you have a fit.
they get btfo every single time they fight you dipshit. The main characters are the males.
these are the same absolute plebbitor opinions people had before the show even aired and they showed lagertha in promo pics
It's not about women being on screen, you retarded autist, if anything you're the one having a fit. This show just does a shit job at portraying non-annoying female characters and has a knack of killing those who are cool (Kwenthrith, Aslaug, Siggy).
>Rest is you sperging out because I confronted your wrong opinion
Off yourself, loser. You're the reason these threads go to shit fast, you and your autism.
Nothing. Sup Forums is just neo Sup Forums so the reason is the same as with Star Wars or GoT: They call it full of SJW shit which is entirely untrue.
>muh stronk women Lagertha tumblr
been like that since S1 and noone cared. Literally every other woman is depicted as a slave, a piece of meat to rape, or under some male that controls her. Lagertha being a shieldmaiden is built up as very unique thing from the very start. It's not something normal, she is famous for it. Also, that bitch Björn freed tried to copy her and got BTFO in her first battle.
Also, the main characters are loosely based on some god (Ragnar = Odin, Björn = Thot, Floki = Loki and so on. Lagertha is Freya and guess what? Freya had a bunch of shield maidens.
Looks like the aryan superior nordic masterrace religion has been undermined by SJWs from the start.
>muh chinese girl wtf
appeared as slave for a few episodes and killed off by ragnar
>muh muslim lover Floki
It was Helga who insisted on adopting the muslim girl and she only did that beause Floki told her minutes earlier that he won't impregnate her ever and doesn't want a kid.
Look at the scenes were the girl appears in that episode and the next. Floki fucking hates it and it wasnt his idea.
For me, the show has gotten better over time. However, It can't be denied that it changed and for many people it changed for the worse, especially with Ragnars death now. I was skeptical too at first, but I like how they introduced Ivar, he's a really great character so far and we haven't even seen him BTFO people yet. Also, I think Ubbe will get more screentime and I like him. Then there's still Björn and Ecbert. Enough for me to keep watching.
It's just Sup Forums getting triggered and having a freakout just like those they so readily chastise.
>t. cuck
>Lagertha and her shieldmaiden army of stronk independent womyn are the embodiment of tumblr.
She's literally doing all this just so her ex-husband will fuck her again.
And it all blows up in her face.
also, nice spoilers for somebody who is watching the first season
It's loosely based on historical events you flaming faggot.
Spoiler: Leonidas dies in 300.
>Lagertha and her shieldwomyns
Literally as feasible as a fucking dragon. Asides being ridiculous as fuck to have to witness a 110lbs woman fuck men up, which is insulting on its own, we have to see her build an entire army of efficient women since she took the Jarldom from her husband back in season 2. Watch any interview with the cast, with Hirst, with Lagertha, they pride themselves in writing a tumblr character such as her.
The example of Bjorn's bitch getting fucked in a battle doesn't really matter when an army of women take over Kattegat, despite of how defenseless it was. Plus, every woman in this show is poorly written, literally straight out of a Tumblr fantasy. They already killed off the interesting ones as I mentioned.
>Chinese girl
No one bitched about her once they saw her, the only bitching about it was before S3.
We don't know where it goes from here.
Quit pretending there isn't an agenda in these things. It's not Sup Forums to recognize patterns like these, Meryl Streep admitted that Hollywood controls the direction where culture goes. Quit being retarded, son. Quit obsessing over the Sup Forums boogeyman, no one's after you.
Her husband's dead, if she wanted him to fuck her again she would've gone with him to England. What show are you watching?
No one's offended you loser.
Its shit without ragnar, admit it.
>Her husband's dead, if she wanted him to fuck her again she would've gone with him to England. What show are you watching?
She thought Auslug was a literal man-stealing witch, killing her would lift her spell and conquering Kattegat would make Ragnar notice her again, her plan from the very beginning was just to get her husband back, if she just went to England with him he would still be bewitched.
You're seeing a grand feminist conspiracy where there's just a petty ex-lovers spat.
Why the fuck does everyone talk like they have food in their mouth. I can't stand it.
>Quit pretending there isn't an agenda
Quit pretending there is. I understand it in for example the case of Battlefield 1 or Ghostbusters, that was really infuriating. But in this case you're the one obsessing over the SJW boogeyman.
>Quit being retarded, son.
take your own advice.
90% of the show is white muscular men being leaders, raping stuff, killing stuff, marrying their women off at will and they do all that in a cool, aesthetic way. You never get the impression that they are the bad guys. I really don't see the agenda here. But feel free to enlighten me, I'm willing to change my mind.
Kinda is. Say what you will about Travis' acting chops, nigga has charisma.
Ivar's grown on me, so has Ubbe, already loved Bjorn since he became a man last season but it's a bit boring without him.
Hope it goes somewhere with the GHA.
>Arguing about shit the people who were here and I settled years ago, seasons ago
Fuck's sake, give it a rest. I'm a Historian and if I went autismo about every little retarded detail on this show like I used to I'd be in a rage induced coma by now. Let it die already you fucking goof dorks.
I laughed when Bjorn fucked the lesbian lover of his mom
This fucking show
its been without ragnar for like 2 episodes
you're a perpetually piss soaked redditor admit it
this is the plebean default opinion for this show, patricians see past that low level commentary
Again, if her intention was for Ragnar to notice her again she would've gone with him to England. She knew his marriage was fucked, there was no need for her to act the way she did.
Seriously what fucking show are you watching?
>I understand there's an agenda for [INSERT SHIT I DISLIKE HERE]
Nice selective reasoning, moron. Pretending the industry hasn't been infiltrated by those hags pushing people around to shove this bullshit into shows is being a naive of the highest order.
There's like 3 rapes in the show total.
>Killing stuff
Women are killing stuff too, get how retarded it is?
>Marrying their women off
And those women go back and spit in the face of their father like they could do that back in the day.
>Bad guys
I know what you're talking about but we settled the negative aspects of this show 2 seasons ago. We have a wave of newfags fresh off the whatever boat they came in denying shit.
Complete sperg.
>its a redditcucks see a female on screen and rush to Sup Forums to complain while missing the scenes of the women getting her face pummeled in by a man.
but but butb ub tbutbutub sjw and and and and and
>>this is the plebean default opinion for this show, patricians see past that low level commentary
its always been this way since before the show aired its first episode. Plebs like OP will never be aware they are plebs
>its a redditor gets btfo and resorts to his wahhhh Sup Forums reaction pics
>29 posts
>12 posters
>This one wrong autist sperging out
Kill yourself.
>Samefagging after outing yourself
Kill yourself.
>Inb4 shit shoops """proving""" you didn't
>Let it die already you fucking goof dorks.
Yeah no, not happening. Guaranteed these virgins will go at it for 300+ posts if needed.
I miss him, I actually was pleasantly surprised by how well Travis him