Is she dying?

Is she dying?

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Aren't we all?


She looks extra skeletory

she's nearly 15 years past her peak, give her a break.

Bitch can't act

Moar #muhdik

Her eyes are so big.

she has some thyroid issue right, with those eyes?

She was supposed to feel defeated in that scene.

These girls in Hollywood hit their wall early so early these days. Really she just needs a couple of cheeseburgers. About 10-15 lbs and she'd be looking like prime Emma again.

>that scene
Eh I really could take any screenshot from the movie she looks so bad in the entire thing

no wonder conspiracy theorist think jews are lizard people

you can see their skin peeling off

I want to know this too. I never seen someone with thyroid issues look as cute as Emma.

emma is CUTE

Spiderman's radioactive semen is killing her

I agree, what is happening. Some of these actresses start hitting the wall around like 26-27.

What the fuck are they doing, drinking/smoking heavily 4 days a week with no exercise?


Maybe it has something to do with the style of beauty Hollywood is into right now and all the girls they get are most attractive because something inside us men is telling us she's about to become a hag. I bet that's what it is.

Stop being cringey.
Most of of them like emma stone were never good looking irl to begin with.

>When a 37 year old mother of two actress looks better than you in candids than you do on camera even though you're 9 years younger

There will never be another actress again.


Yes lily is one of the few gorgeous ones. She's natirally pretty

she's been dead inside for like a decade now

Yes frogs are dying worldwide.

Haha nice try Evangeline, go home

Relax watson

Who in their right mind could say that she is best Emma? She peaked in Zombieland, and it was due to perfect makeup and hair.

Every skinny chick above 6/10 looks fucking banging with profesionally made hair, sooty makeup and leather jacket.

Reminder that this happened:

>mfw people thought Carrey was just joking
>After the "have you thought about my dick lately" message came out it makes this video a whole lot more different to watch

>listening to The Velvet Underground while tripping on LSD and doing my exercises
>you obese faggots talking gossip and arguing about female celebrities and anti-art flicks
Why am I so much better than all of you?

ikr, same deal with Zoe Saldana, Michelle Monaghan and some others.

Don't worry, user.

She will survive

>she's nearly 15 years past her peak

Very true, she was a hot as shit when she was 13, only gone downhill since.

She has always looked like a freakazoid


>8 year old pic

dumb frogposter

I took shrooms and smoked some green, then watched the Holy Mountain. Now I'm taking a bath while tripping and really getting annoyed at Emma Stone's face. Though I do wish I had some Acid

I'm not sure about dying, but I would say she's lying.

>intoxicated while playing art
>calls people anti-art
Neck yourself.

>the put the frog back into its natural enviornment

on my dick?

what about my mommy?

>Holy Mountain
Kek what a pleb

Who's this old hag? Looks like a piece of shit with a beard


stone >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> roberts=watson

(X) Cure Froggy


don't worry we have Laverne Cox

No she just looks and acts like shit.

lol gather round folks it's another cringy Watson shill post!! Watch as he fumbles over his sentences with nary a shred of self-awareness!

>having crippling schizophrenia

Only her career

>>having crippling schizophrenia

did you just spin a globe covered in mental disorders and pick the first one you finger landed on?

Not gonna lie, former Stonehead here.
It's fucking hilarious watching Stone crash and burn, but in all seriousness we shouldn't let her win an Oscar

She's turning more and more into an Anime character.

Kek duba confirm

Hehehe /

my mommy

Why would her career die the year she gets an Oscar?

So you're one of those... them?

Yeah she cleaned up real nice when she got in shape for Jurassic.

Jesus man, she looks like a turd with nail polish

>he's a mongoloid bongo detective

Because oscars don't mean anything jlaw has one and can't act. Maybe because she's a dishonest actor it would be over or maybe because she has looked terrible. Take your pick.

post discarded

don't be mean to my mommy

It's the only honest meme. You can't get more dishonest than Birdman and La La Land. Well maybe capeshit and stoner movies

>he can't handle a word such as dishonest

Take your meds and go to bed already. You've been same fagging for almost 24 hours.

>jlaw has one and cant act
>the first post was about career dying

good job retard

it's a shit

>hacksaw is out now
any words on silence tho

Jlaw has no career

That wasn't even me who made that post Einstein neither was I even on here last night get a life I think you speed way to much time on here. You must if you have been on here 24hrs

probably going to be out very late because of it's release date

I don't think screeners were even given in the first round for Globes, scorsese finished it around December

>>intoxicated while playing art
you're missing out if you haven't done this

Ye OP she's gonna croak soon

Yesterday I smoked way more than I should've smoked and I ended up re watching the first episodes of Xavier Renagade Angel. I honestly can't remember what happened but I swear to god it was one of the most bizarre and profound experiences of my liffe

How soon?


Holy shit


That frog is reeing in pain.

>this is the only shit Sup Forums can come up with for judging performance

Yes, she is. If you saw the movie you'd know why she looks weird.

Why are you such a froggerfag? Not him but she is doing the IM ACTING
The entire movie

She looks like that in the entire film. I'm ACTING

the fuck