>Went as far as to have surgery
>Doesn't bother removing facial hair or taking 'mones enough to appear remotely female
Why do they do it? Does their SJW circle jerk really reassure them so much they don't even try?
Benis :DDD
If I was going to become a woman I'd be the most slag bimbo looking cunt there ever was, not a turnip with a hole drilled into it.
What video games have you been playing lately, Sup Forums?
please do not bully laura
You seem confused. Serious Joke Wizards have nothing to do with this.
this is not okay
Halo 5
its autism
Who will play him in the inevitable boiopic
So, Will Arnett finally snapped, hey?
Who the FUCK is this subhuman worthless piece of shit? He's ripe for murder
> It's not a penis Michael.
> It's an illusion.
cannot unsee
It's you in the future.
>Work hard for years to become a surgeon because you want to help people and make the world a better place
>Wind up cutting up the dicks of mentally ill people and turning them inside out for a living
How does a trans vagina feel like bros? ;_;
If you don't believe that cutting up dicks is in the best interest of the patient then you're morally obligated not to do it. I'm sure there's plenty of other surgery that needs to be done and you'd need to study up on that procedure since I doubt it has much in common with any other kind of surgery.
>Hello darkness, my old friend...
>I've come to talk with you, again...
>I have a horrifically mutilated penis
like desperation
>Serious Joke Wizards