fuck you traitors
Fuck you traitors
Bye kraut. Have fun with your ficki fickis
That's nice coming from 1 post by this ID / faggots that allowed fighting age men from a hostile cuture to Enter and settle on European soil.
I hope the innocent Krauts will be spared, but the rest of you should burn.
Oh it's not over yet, Hans.
Now we're going to be shilling hard for others to leave such as the Netherlands and Denmark. This is the beginning of your end.
Germany is just mad they're dropped in Sup Forums rankings
you're just mad. your army is shit. you have no power outside of the EU. We have cucked you.
Why are there so many butthurt krauts on right now?
All I've seen are posts coming from you guys claiming Britain just killed itself and others saying something like "l-leave w-we don't care..."
Their country has decided. Worry about your own.
Mad you can't force your child-raping shitskins on them anymore?
>Why are there so many butthurt krauts on right now?
they are mad because people don't want to be in their shit union anymore
>tfw Germany is definitely the last ones out
Soon Tyskersvin
Good job my dear Britbongs, you filled me with hope and pride.
Gott schütze England!
i love how most of the butthurt here is coming from germans.
>Brits are actually more favorable now than the asshurt Germans
I never would have thought I'd see the day.
Fuck off you frogposting faggot Kraut.
Britbong you're retarded.
Germany cucked you and all of Europe before
Btw enjoy your destabilized economy and country about to be colonized by China
what's worst?
betray others countries?
betray your own people?
It really is a shame that Germany is once again the enemy of the civilized world. You guys were so based for a while then went full cuck for no discernable reason.
And Italy says what we're all thinking.
The real traitors in this entire affair are the German faggots getting mad about this shit.
It's shameful to see post-2014 Sup Forums not going a single sentence without using that retarded meme word. The cancer will never heal.
Fuck off cuck
>a referendum by a massive economy was coming up
>may crash the union
>best EU could offer was a brake on bennies and phrasiology change
EU helped bring this on themselves, they could have offered the UK something on free movement which would have massively helped the remain campaign - but ideology prevented it. with that attitude, one of the big nations leaving was always a big risk. GJ EU.
And their taxes are going to go up to cover the money we would have paid, don't forget that one.
Respect those who've come before you, Redditor tourist. You're mad that the entirety of your "debate skills" rests solely on one word.
Look at the flag you're replying to.
>Raped by the Soviets
>Now being raped by the Achmeds and ruled by Soviet-tier leftovers
Germans Everyone.
Good on you Britain, will try prioritize my buying with more British groceries and goods when I can. I might even go for a British-built car.
Doesn't matter, he's a faggot and needs to be told as much. The fuck happened to this place?
A large part of the responsibility lies with muh eternal guilt for both world wars and the 6 gorillion, which we have been indoctrinated with (and which allies pushed for).
I came here to laugh at you Hans. UK leaving is just the tip of the iceberg
The real traitors are people like you. Go fuck yourself you Brussel spittlelicker.
Nah, for shit and giggles we invite the secessionist Scotland and Turkey in before leaving ourselves. That way both of them get to finally be in the EU. I guess Belgium will also still be there but that's not a real country anyway.
I came here to say well done, britbong, what a lovely tea you served us today, and another statement - Oi, Hans! Don't be so angry. I wonder why you were so polite, when some Mkbewe came to your house for bagning your wife
Sup Forums has always been dogshit, you're just now waking up to it.
nah Germans have always been shit.
t. Germany's superior hat
Not like this. What the fuck is this Reddit-tier "meme magic" faggotry?
>Germany cucked you and all of Europe before
Was that in 1918 or in 1945?
Ficke ficke.
I really hope more countries leave now
Fuck you Merkel!
Day of the Rope soon!
I don't get it. How can so many Germans be so profoundly brainwashed still?
calm down. ahmed isnt worth it. he will get whats coming to him in due time
Keep your refugees Germoney
I hope flanders will split off and join the netherlands and leave eu
kys antifa
Don't worry kraut, give it a few years and your sorry excuse for a nation will be put out of it's missery.
I was worried that posting with my flag would be shameful today. So many threads yesterday saying we would never vote out and we be the biggest cucks on Sup Forums.
What a great day to be British. Even the sun has come out after the storm of Kek
don't worry, those 2 million 'new germans' will make up for it
70+ years of indoctrination and eternal shame
it is bound to get alot of people after that amount of time.
but fear not, there are still non brainwashed ones left.
K, Mahmud
Keep up the fight Britfaggot. Feel proud to be British. You've earned it.
Now call that OP a traitorous faggot for Sup Forums and keep the good decisions coming.
we're taking a few countries with us you kraut
>1 post by this id
> Germany tries to take over Europe a third time
I heard Merkel just talking as if without the EU we are all going to war with each other.
wtf was that about?
Some megalomanic right-wing idiots with delusions of grandeur still believe that >we control this shitfest.
The left just hates Germany and wants it to disappear.
So we have pro-EU retards on both sides who happily gobble up all the shilling in our """media""" and """education""".
So when will EU unite under one flag and invade the UK?
>Says the country with the most ficki fickis
>tfw it boils down to only Germany and Greece. Germany keeps giving Greece free money so they'll stay and keep the EU from going defunct
Kek's digits
Take a look at this people.
FUCK Merkel.
pretty sure France has most ficki fickis
8% of their population is ficki fickis
Fuck you. I voted Brexit because I didnt want the shit happening in Germany to come here, it's bad enough already.
YOU drove people to quit.
YOU are the cunts who caused the "refugee" bullshit fucking up so many countries, and I fuckign swear YOU will be the ones to fix it. Not the UK, not France, not Austria, not Spain, not Poland, not Slovakia, etc. YOU.
Feels good man.
>let a fat childless oaf run your country so poorly other countries bail.
>call other country Traitors
>I guess Belgium will also still be there but that's not a real country anyway
We're leaving and taking the moule-frites with us m8.
Why is it always Germany trying to ruin Europe?
considering the EU was mainly formed to stop wars in europe from happening, that will be one of her fearmongering selling points, so that no other country tries to follow the brits.
ofc the EU from today is far from that and will likely be worse for peace in europe than a europe without EU governing it.
so it really is just that, fearmongering and damage control.
Remember when Germany was the most loved country here thanks to Hitler?
>considering the EU was mainly formed to stop wars in europe
That was NATO
The EU literally started as a trade
the EU was formed to keep your dick in your pants Tyskersvin.
the rest of us have no need of a leash since we have self control.
Thanks and good luck with Trump
Op you're a traitorous faggot. Enjoy the fikie fikie you welcomed
stupid Brits XDDDD
now we can have all the syrian refugee doctors for us and dont have to share those young 16 y/o mircales with you.
(kill me)
Why do Europeans fight each other so much? What is the difference between Europe and middle east?
>Wants to stop wars
>Imports a large number of violent people, incompatible with western culture and shoves them in every country she can
>Wanting to stop a war
I feel bad for you, but maybe one day the tide will swing. If not, you could always move to the next country that decides to uncuck itself.
>that was NATO
that was the UN. i'm sure there are many examples.
praise be upon kek, showing us the truth as always.
Thanks, we'll need it.
>Op you're a traitorous faggot. Enjoy the fikie fikie you welcomed
Allahu Akbar, deutchbag.
I dont hate you Germany, but staying in the EU with Merkel is insanity.
When are you voting her out?
Why didnt you force her to resign after all the mass sexual assault?
>What is the difference between Europe and middle east?
At this point, not much.
Really? Damn Germany you're fucked if this is true
We have lots of good land, so of course there's gonna be lots of wars, nobody wants top fight over a patch of empty desert, unless it has oil under it.
The plan of the elites was always a European superstate which would also be just a pre-stage for a world government.
Dude. Look at the flag you replied to. They are Reddit incarnate. Rest of pol is fine.
Except maybe German cucks
Germans in denial about their fourth reich
Hallo Mehmet your fathers wifes son
She said NOTHING about the total bureaucratic shit the EU is. Or how she's going to listen to the critics of the EU. Instead she's telling us stories about war if we do not follow the EU.
I thought that was NATO.
Didn't EU form to promote economy and trade? Or did it always have a a single body of governing rule over 20+ different countries?
suck a dick nazi
>implying anybody will want to leave after seeing the UK literally fall apart
yes i know that, the greedy french wanted some nice grab on our coal industry, but the EU did get overblown to nowdays proportions and "peacekeeper"
not that it was needed anyways, we germans basically have not been in control of our own country for over 70+ years now
are you trying to tell me the middle east is not fighting alot too? did you forget the 700.000 dead hindus from islamic conquest into india?
not to mention the brutal march of islam to cleanse the middle east and anatolia from christians
yep, that is literally how retarded the leaders of the EU and germany are at the moment. though they are prbly just trying to jsutify taking our freedom from us, more and more, piece by piece that is - because it is needed with that new violence in our society...
Yeah, I'll agree with this then.
A quick perusal of the catalog just proves so much German asshurt. Maybe they just need to get Mother Merkel to ban mean old Sup Forums from their internet so they won't be triggered like the faggots they are.
>the most treasonous nation in the history of the continent, literally responsible for this entire shitshow in the first place
>calling others treasonous
that's a real nice post you've got there fammy lammy. this really is rich, the butthurt is so strong that Sup Forums and other normie sites are becoming what tumblr would be if fag marriage was banned again tomorrow. I'm mc fucking lovin' it.
Maybe if Germany didn't try so fucking hard to get away from their Nazi days, by going so far left that they flew off the fucking cliff of sanity?
Don`t feel bad for us, enjoy your sovereignty. And when the day comes you """liberate"""" us again just don`t obliterate our cities into the dust.
we can`t vote her out. We dont have any voting right on chancellor matters. We only are allowed to vote for parties which then vote for the chancellor.
Many here dislike / hate Merkel but still have hope in her party. So they want Merkel out but vote for her party in hope she will be removed.
(hint: they will never remove her)
i hope you will go for nexit soon!
the earlier this unholy union falls apart, the better!
the first answer in this one, ameri bro
>we germans basically have not been in control of our own country for over 70+ years now
yeah you are just absolutely the most pathetic waste of space in the entire world. A German genocide would be a mercy.
Enjoy the summer and the Flicki flicki it will bring.
War in Europe is literally a science, thousands of years of fighting and learning how to win wars
Europeans want to rule the world
Hi Sven
>Many here dislike / hate Merkel but still have hope in her party. So they want Merkel out but vote for her party in hope she will be removed.
Germoney makes gorillions of shekels out of the EU hegemoney, don't kid yourself Grunter
>implying the UK will fall apart
>implying absolutely anything will be different
>implying you're not a kneejerking scaremonger retard midget cunt faggot that can't hear himself think over the sound of his knee hitting the underside of his desk
you are in luck then, that genocide is happening as we speak. don't come crying to our mass graves once we are gone though, because the world that you will live in is full with shitskins and plunged into another dark age.
the sad part is, that most of the western world will follow suit, if things go on like they do now - WHICH is why the brexit was a godsend and may be the turning point, if other nations follow.
Why are leaving reason behind, Lars?
Your're acting like a overemotional SJW.