Talk to mum about Brexit

>talk to mum about Brexit
>oh my god this is bad! they're such fools
>me: Why?
>everything I've read says it's bad!
>me: Why?
>I don't know why but I just know it is!

Women legitimately should have no political power

why is Brexit good?

why is freedom and democracy good? Isnt only sucking German dick considered good?

kill yourself

It's pretty fucking maddening desu. Many blokes don't care much for politics either, but at least they know shit that matters, in terms of trade and union issues.

It's hilarious what women consider important in politics. There's a reason that every time in history women rose to power, the shit got fucking tanked, by them and it all started again.

If Hillary becomes president of the US, she'll be the hands down worst they've ever had. I almost want it to happen just to eternally shut women up.

It just is!!!!!!!11!!111

>why is freedom good

Oh God pls just smite us all now, we don't deserve free will anymore

you didn't actually answer the question, why is Brexit good, you memester faggot?

Bragging rights against Merkel. Just for that, crashing the economy with no survivors does pay.

Women voted like men in the referendum : 52 % leave


yeah right...

Kek brexit was actually big mistake and you will realize this in no time. I wonder if anyone who voted leave knows anything about economy. Do you OP?

Reclaiming sovereignty from an undemocratic body. The EU is badly designed, and has pretty much cemented its structures already.

-Escape from a failing union.
-Better grounds to avoid being cucked by Ahmeds.
-Democracy within UK carries more weight, allowing the peoples interest to serve their country rather than having to consider what the rest of the EU wants. British citizens can now give less fucks about others and more about themselves.
-Short term economic loss that will transform into a long term economic gain as the EU crumbles, allowing Britain to gain greater financial control of the region.
-It makes Germancucks and Swedecucks mad.
-It makes SJWs mad.
-Paves the way for lord emperor Trump winning in Nov.

means brits will import more australia's goods stupid serb. Anothing boom in my lifetime

feelsgood.jpg welcome to the global market

M-muh immigrunts!

because the only people who should make laws for brits are brits.

because the final say in any judicial dispute in Bongland should be the bong courts.

and so on it goes.

this was about the Brits taken control of their own lives and deciding for themselves how they wanted to be governed. It is not about economy or other irrelevant shit when it comes to such fundamental things as sovereignty, the right to rule oneself.

so yeah, fuck you cunt.

>implying EU is democratic and free

Bongs do not want to be in your disgusting club and being ruled by foreigners. How strange?

I'm jumping off this sinking ship and joining the Australian shitposting brigade

What is there to do over there anyway

Fuckin this lad

My dad exports beef to Japan, he's real interested today to see if he can open up some angles into the UK.

Stop trying to ruin a good liberal strawwoman thread with facts.

Same shit + more mate.

Australia is literally a time capsule of 1920's anglosphere culture. It's the best parts of uk culture with the annoying nanny state shit chucked out.

Come for a visit, you can sleep on my couch for free. You gotta wash me dishes though. I'll cook us up some grouse fuckin rissoles


You realise *most* people are like this, regardless of gender?

>Poor pleb still need to suck up to EU

letting shit nations like yours in is what is killing the EU cuck project. I should thank you peasant.

>It will be terrible for the economy, britain needs the EU

The stocks this morning after opening
>euro stoxx and DAX down 8%
>ftse down 4%

So, what you're saying is that the EU relies on the UK much more than the UK needs the EU, and the net result is we're coming out better off already.

Jokes on EU

My ma voted (because she could) on the local chief of police/commissioner or whatever earlier this year.

'So who you gonna vote for? Have you even heard of any of them?'

'No I'll read the fliers when the come through the post'

Mfw womens votes are decided upon by the fanciest fliers

Because maymays and liberal tears xD

Ya women are dumb as fyck. Cousin was talking to me about
>Not all Muslims
And she didn't know what Sharia law was. When I explained it to her she said I was making shit up. Then i showed her stuff online about it and she said it was all propaganda.


My mum voted leave desu. She's always hated the EU and mass immigration, which is funny seeing as she was born in the Republic of Ireland so is technically an immigrant herself.

>>everything I've read says it's bad!
The dangers of collectivism, not necessarily femininity.

my mom is the one who tells me about this shit. pretty sure she goes on here

>Fuckin this lad
You might really wish to watch your punctuation a little, friend.

let's be honest. Immigrant only means someone not accustomed to white culture. it's stupid to pretend it's just about nations.

t. lebo

>my mom can probably name 1000 celebrities
>my mom probably cant name 1 prime minister from EU

I swear I've been the smartest in my family the day I was born.

>Women legitimately should have no political power


Fuck off you idiot. Millions of us just voted for Brexit
Every single vote counted.

I can't be fucked with all the whinging cunts online .This at least should be a safe haven god smug brexiteers

>t. A country dependent on EU gibsmedats

It supports the wisdom of America's founding fathers my little cuckabara.

Cuckabara sitting in an ol' gum tree,
Cuckabara won't you sing for me,
Cuckabara cuck!
Cuckabara won't you sing for me.

yeah but it wont shut them up, merkel is literally destroying the planet single handedly and nobody says shit.

>Women legitimately should have no political power
no, your mum is just a stupid whore

She was a tard

if you look at all the anti brexit tweets its mostly women

females are retarded by nature

maybe, but chew on this.

if girl so equal, why come girl no invent anything?


aussies btfo

replace "bad" with "racist" and that's my brother

She brought about the most prosperous period in modern British history.

She also saved the Falklands. What political leader these days would have the balls to do that? And it took a woman to do it.

Says a lot about the ball-less pricks that currently inhabit Westminster to be honest.

Women will destroy the country.
If you don't believe me, look at Mexico and our president Peña

This is why women should never have been allowed to vote.

The thing that's enraging with women is the basic disregard/lack of knowledge of history. They dont care, it's about feeeeeels it doesnt matter if communism's been tried 50 times and resulted in mass murders every time, it feeeeeeeeels right.

Ahahaha nice fucking faggot shill thread, this is classic!

Ireland fucking knows.

Mate, don't let your little Ireland turn cuck.

That just means you arent alpha enough to convince her.
A lot of women dont care about 'facts' even if they stare them in the face they care about the authority of those 'facts'
When the authority of SJW horseshit 'facts' feels stronger to them (and it only matters what it feels like, not whats logical) then they will cling to that.
And thats why they, like children, should not be allowed to vote

>Women legitimately should have no political power

couldn't agree more. even casually discussing political matters with my mum is infuriating to the point that sometimes i consider never speaking to her again.

sometimes i think her opinions are actually opposed to mine as some kind of manifest pathological disorder she has where she needs to disagree with every man she ever talks to.

even other women i know and talk to have no fucking idea about anything worth knowing about. i fucking hate women.

Aw man I'm starting to regret 1922 already

Anglosphere when?

Asked mum who she's voting for yesterday. Went something like this:

>I'm changing my mind. I'm voting in user.
>Ok, why?
>Because it feels right.
>Why do you feel this way?
>I just 'know'.
>Do these 'feelings' may be related to 20 scary remain pamplets we got through the post these 2 weeks?
>You're a racist anyway user, you can't tell me who to vote for.

Best part was that she didn't register, went to polling station and found she couldn't vote kek.

tbqh senpai, she was a unicorn.

Kind of like how Geddy Lee from Rush is a jew, is an insanely good musician with a great sense of rhythm (every jew's achilles heel), and a generally very friendly guy.

i laughed so fucking hard at this, thank you

Women's suffrage was Western Civilization's greatest error.

In less than 100 years, they've managed to bring the First World to the brink of collapse.

Repealing women's suffrage is a necessary step to ensure the prosperity of the 21'st century.


The EU is too big on socialism. If it stayed out of micromanaging the member's economies it would be allright.

>she was a unicorn.

You're right because tough women are rare.

But you shouldn't discount someone PURELY because she's a woman. If someone is tough enough, man or woman, I don't see why they should be discounted.

>Muh unions!
>"We'll totally be rich without the EU you guuuuys"
>Pol shit
>More pol shit
Fuck off retard.

women shouldn't talk at all but respect your mom you dickhead

>-It makes SJWs mad.
most important

>Best part was that she didn't register, went to polling station and found she couldn't vote kek.

Didn't the remain voters get an extended period of time to register?

they should have used that argument for the countries wanting to leave the soviet union.





>But you shouldn't discount someone PURELY because she's a woman. If someone is tough enough, man or woman, I don't see why they should be discounted.

I agree. Fuck equality, but people should have a fair chance to prove themselves. Which is why I never say

>x group can never do that!

There's always one unicorn in that herd that will make you look like a fool.

The months worth of butthurt tweets alone makes it worth it.