Would you vote for a united Ireland, irish anons?
Would you vote for a united Ireland, irish anons?
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>its an Irish cucks get btfo by ulster unionists thread
Never. they the norn irish now finally have the freedom fought for in the somme and Normandy.
Ulster is British. and thus it shall remain.
yes, scotland can join us too
Yes. Then kick the Scots out of Scotland and replace with white conservatives from the United States.
you know it
irishfags like you drive me up the wall
fucking hypocrite. you rebel to be separate from the uk but when they leave the political union that keeps them bound to you you get all pissy
everything has to be about muh north Ireland you cant just move forward and accept the democratic mandate of the people
why the fuck would any self respecting northerner on any side of the divide vote to fucking join our cuckfest shithole after obtaining their own independence from the eu
god you irafags are clinically stupid
me likey new flag ( ͡°, ͜ʖ ͡°)
lol salty prod
we'll own you soon
No. Ulster will always be British.
the low iq of the subhuman average potato nigger is indicated by his "short insult", with few syllables and vague threats of political bravado with no factual prospect of said event happening
go back to england
About time
Yes then you can all drunkenly beat your wife and kids with sacks of potatoes in unity.
too salty m8
go take a lie down
that's all it is from you butthurt retards
no substantial retort
just insults and "Muh famine"
Why would we want a sectarian state that needs billions in subsidies just to survive?
DO it fucking faggits
Why would the North WANT to join the shithole Republic?
The north is a welfare state.
A union would cripple our economy.
Would never vote to join taigs.
Muh homeland. It's completely emotionally driven.
The North is the bigger shithole. Do your people want to shell out billions a year to keep it afloat? That's what England has been doing all along.
you have one of the highest rates of violence in the world
and at least Irish men actually have wives ad children, enjoy your divorce rate
NEVER NEVER NEVER (unless Britain annexes the south).
t. Catholic loyalist
Yes, Northern Ireland is absolutely fucked. United Ireland is needed.
We can also get the leech off our back.
Will fight for you any time. We will not forget you;
>Catholic loyalist
Nah nah. Dont get religius. The english monkey wants to devide you.
Its time to fuck england hard.
Unite with your northern broders. Make peace. Join your scotish bros and shit on england from all sides.
Wew lads, a nation once again.
Green Celts are best Celts
>making it about religion
The choice should be purely based on pragmatism and what is best for both sides. NI staying in the UK is best for us and the South. The economic costs would be huge. People would die. Terrorism would come back.
Who gonna save you from the rooskies?
it will be like in the old days;
brits are in deep shit
murrica sends convoys
u boats goes on rampage
invasion II
c-can we go back to EU?
but this time kelts and IRA will fuck you up
Paddy go fuck your donkey!
t. Irish Catholic
Salty potatonigger
Fritz, surprised you have time to post when Merkel is sitting on you fat German sausage swallowing face! You are the Niggers of Europe so go and fuck off
Just don't mention the war.
Never mention the war!
nah northern ireland is a shithole with a billion defecit each year. Leave it to the fucking brits. Also where would we buy fireworks?
what is this? dr Strangelove?
Of course lads.
It's all coming to fruition now. Thank Christ the huns have set themselves up to self destruct.
that's the rule
The Eternal Germ, spreading corruption and division wherever it goes
Ireland WILL become one again!
You want another potato famine lads?
No fuck but honestly I could get over a united Ireland much quicker than a mosque at the end of my street.
When ever I think of Germany, it's an old 70's porn film of a fat older man and a worryingly young girl getting hammered and lots of guttural noises like a pig looking for truffles in the background......
This is it lads, 100 years later the fight reaches its climax.
Form up as ireland and then join britain
United Ireland pretty much confirmed. I will not countenance my travel on this island to be molested in any way.
>united Ireland
Neither side of the border wants it to happen.
Look at the most recent border polls.
NI debt burden would sink the ecomony of the South within about 2 years.
Polls down south are for it. What are you talking about?
Not even 10 unique irish posters
Shh lads! If you're very quiet you can observe the Britbong trying to justify his shite country's existence. Considering that Scottish independence was a fringe view up until a few years ago, I wouldn't bet on it not happening. Probably best to kill yourself before you witness the UK's downfall.
economics could do what carbombs couldn't.
I would laugh and laugh and laugh.
>Wales splitting from England
Did you even pay attention to the results?
An United Ireland has increased significantly.