She's getting a divorce.
After only two years being married.
She's now a single mother.
She's getting a divorce
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Ready to get blacked?
Was she cucked ?
Or did she fugg with Jean-Rachid N'Golo ?
I'll gladly be her kids step-daddy.
What a slut
wtf i'm a #Merkelbuttplug now
Not very Catholic of her, but then again, catechesis is so bad these days for the sake if not offending thst she might not even know this makes her a degenerate. Two years is a ludicrously short time. Oh well.
Marine Le Pen has divorced twice.
She's currently dating a jew freemason.
How is getting a divorce being a bad Catholic?
The nose never lies
Looks kind of like Ted Cruz.
>She's getting a divorce.
smart move! Increases her popularity with male voters and she can play the independent women feminist card.
Because getting divorced is usually bad for the children
Does she shave her pussy?
Why are you unable to answer the question?
The catholic church actually doesn't allow divorce m8.
Not that any of the meme catholics on Sup Forums will tell you that.
Wow can the kid be my wife's son?
Who's candidate here for her kid to be your wife's daughter?
Because sacramental marriage is for life and two years shows a complete lack of understanding about the seriousness of the vows even if her husband say, cheated on her. And they have a child who will now develop a disordered understanding about marriage. Without annulment, Marion will be an adulteress if she gets together with someone else.
That's a girl actually. Though with the era we live in...
Marion Marechal Le Pen. Basically the grand daughter of the French Trump and /frenchPol/ queen
>single mom
So much for her 'catholicism'
saggy tits
Source ?
Take a guess
i'd raise her son desu
worthless whore
When will we finally see a video of her getting BLACKED?
At least she as white child. And I understand that it is really difficult for a man to be the husband of an alpha woman
pic related is her (soon to be ex) husband.
i still want her
He looks a bit like a douchebag desu
wtf is wrong with you?
You're not honoring your flag, Luigi.
You can't get divorced and remarried as a Catholic. We don't recognize the second marriage as valid.
I'm in Edinburger and met a lot of Lovely lovely french girls who like a bit of ooh-la-la pokey pokey bonjour
You got some nice women france let me at 'em
So she's free for a moment, which means I might have a chance to buttfuck her ass with the force of a thousand suns and cum into her gaping asshole while her kid watches ? Noice.
>that collar
Of course she married a chad
>You're not honoring your flag, Luigi.
And she isn't honoring her vows.
>trying to undermine the French right by talking about the leaders' personal lives
Disgraced bitch
Well I guess time spent here and on /b can force some memes in you.
Female politicians are all worthless whores by nature, because any decent woman will not seek to rule over the superior male gender.
A decent woman will wisely bow her head and kneel before her husband in humility and devotion
The only purpose of a woman's life is to birth and raise kids
Damn, I hoped she's better than her aunt.
Any source?
Ahh so this is really the truth. Too bad. She should not worry though. The pope will surely find some way to give her annulment.
I'm a little surprised because I thought Marion was traditionalist leaning. It's unfortunate she and her husband cannot work out their troubles.
Stop with this meme. I'm french and I shave my boipuci.
Finland gave the full explanation.
One thing I will say is that there may be truth to the theory that most marriages of Baptized couples lack sacramental nature. Anti-pope Francis suggested this, and he might be right (of course his solution is truly nig nog, which is to effectly allow marital anarchy.)
Even for apparently committed Catholics, the concepts of "vow", "in sickness and in health", etc. are often foreign. It's all about 'this moment.'
Yeah it's a shame politicians who fight for family values do not use this values in their private lives.
Blasphemy. Please return to Sudan.
That the end of her political career for sure.
No one will take her seriously when she's going to brag about traditional value.
He looks like a faggot.
My future wife's kids
>American education
I would still go for her, no questions asked.
My balls are itchy. And thats more intresting than this thread.
>tfw Marion Le Pen will never bite your testicles while you sing "Die Wacht am Rhein" and are blind folded by the tricolor flag
why live?
She's probably better off desu senpai.
Trump Emperor should take her as second wife.
Otherwise, she should hook up with Julin Rochedy, they would make a nice young couple.
She gets it waxed... at a retreat
I'm for it. I earn about 500,000 € a year after tax, do you think it's enough to beta bux her?