
Trump is right.

Traitors shoud be killed.

Snowden is a lot like the EU. Does one or two things right but is a fuckup on everything else.

i'm tired of this fucking obvious CIA/NSA agent

He's such a moron. He definitely thought this was clever, but that's not how people think. 100% of the people didn't share the same opinion.

Why exactly does anyone listen to this guy?

All he ever did was expose other people's work, his opinion is irrelevant.

Which side is he talking about, or is he saying both sides by being extremely vague?

>half of the population willingly votes against its own self-interest
>not me tho, lol I'm not a bumpkin

Didn't he also leave a corrupt system to decide things in his own?

He was talking about the half that voted to stay.

That's fairly accurate.

>no matter the outcome
I believe he is saying that, whatever your perspective, roughly half the population will vote against itself.

>More than half of the population can vote against itself
>Like those who import invaders to replace the local population

Good job retard.

With this vast amount of people complaining about universal suffrage I hope that we finally keep women away from voting and we go back to an authoritarian nationalism.

yeah let's go back to the time where the people couldn't vote for their own self interest

fucking idiot nigger european

Is is strange that these kind of things are always so close to 50/50.

Democratic parlament under authoritarian goverment you cuck.

Fishermen decide fishermen issues.
Land owners decide about land issues.
No more women deciding how you should sit on the bus or how many nigger males do we import.

Oh look, I stole shitton of CIA docs and now I can decide what's good and what's not.
And people will trust his bullshit.

He's talking about the remainfags, you retard

wow wtf I love the EU now

>one or two things right

You're American. You have NEVER opened a business in Europe nor you ever checked how much of the money we give to Europe come back in form of infrastructures and social services.

Fuck you, literally no one is talking about waht's really good about fuking EU.

>Remain 48%
>Half the country votes against itself no matter the outcome
>yfw he's right

He's right. About half of the population voted to remain in the EU despite it being directly opposite to the UK's best interests.


both he and assange are controlled opposition

I think he is talking about the ones that voted 'remain'.