Should this be a reality?
Nordic Union?
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That was our flag first, Finland.
Give it back! This one sucks!
no fuck off
From a pure economic point of view it would have little difference in the trade between the Nordic nations.
However in international trade with non-Nordic nations, it would help immensely.
EU is right now a very formidable negotiating player, but it does not negotiate on behalf of the Nordic countries, it mostly favors France/Germany.
A Nordic union would not be as strong, but they would actually make decisions for the benefit of the members.
Gib Statens pensjonsfond
this desu, unions are for cucks
Yeah this would be awesome. Each nordic country has more in common with eachother than with anyone else. Would definitely be a force to be reckoned with in European and global politics.
yes, 25 years ago
Come on Norway! What will happen when your oil is gone? Think of the oil!
no, fuck off we should be friendly and cooperate, stop with the fucking centralization you cockmongrel, we all have different cultures and languages and traditions, don't fucking mix it together and destroy it all.
Then why did you destroy your culture?
Hey now. A nordic union would not consist of unelected douche bags. Just like in the current Nordic council, each country would send a representative. No one would have more power than the other, institutionally anyways.
Shetland and Orkneys should have Norwegian flag
But how do we get Norway to join the EU? Especially in the light, that all new EU countries must accept the Euro and all their rules.
>What will happen when your oil is gone?
We also have the worlds largest deposits of Thorium,we will just switch to selling you that..
fuck off, the oil is ours
What are you talking about? It was very real before we even joined EU. Any Nordic citizen is and was allowed to just up and move to another Nordic country and receive the same benefits a Nordic citizen gets in that country. And you don't even need a passport to do that.
Come on, dudes. Rurik? Eh?
We have cold winters too.
No. Fuck unions.
Just keep Sweden out.
No. Haven't you learned a thing or two about unions by now?
Everything points to that Norway would be similar to Sweden today economically even without the oil.
I do not rule Sweden
I don't want Icelanders having control over me and I don't want to have any control over Iceland
Same with all the other countries
These all are tiny micronations. We need allies to survive. Its either that or we part of Russia/USA.
Hmm I'd like to have the oil monies from Norway but I don't want the niggers from Sweden.
Yeah I know... I voted against EU.
You're right the Nordic is extremely friendly towards each other but it can always be better
globalist fucktard
KYS shitskin. We nordic now.
You bullies are forgetting someone...
are you of kiddings?
to counter the cultural influence of globalism/hollywood we need to bind together the cultures that actually share a common ground or keep being overrun by the jewry
kalmar union 2 when??
Yes. Just have to get rid of all immigrants and leave EU first
i dont understand this meme desu
what does romania have to do with anything?
Id consider it, but not with Sweden, sort out your own shit.
Why are European nations incapable of being independent these days?
Do you have an insatiable need to be dominated by foreign powers Sven?
Leave Finland out. They are not Nordic.
Never forget this shitshow
>Some desire the Nordic Council's promotion of Nordic cooperation to go much further than at present. If the states of Iceland, Sweden, Norway, Denmark and Finland were to merge in such an integration as some desire, it would command a gross domestic product of US$1.60 trillion, making it the twelfth largest economy in the world, larger than that of Australia, Spain, Mexico or South Korea. Gunnar Wetterberg, a Swedish historian and economist, wrote a book entered into the Nordic Council's year book that proposes the creation of a Nordic Federation from the Council in a few decades.[12]
Yes the would be twelfth largest economy in the world would be irrelevant.
We're already in a Nordic "cooperation" aka. an economic and social union.
I thought the Britons are descended from Vikings too.
>force to be reckoned with
Yeah, with all them niggers fo so
Oh, some one older than me here
>These all are tiny micronations. We need allies to survive.
Amen broder
why are all the flags the same except with different colours?
Why do you hate God's design?
Yes please, just let us have the dutch and Germany and you can go rot in your political correctness bullshit
>giving Sweden any sort of power over me
>being required by law to check my privilege
no thanks
Sweden seems to be the problem, there.
i hate the lack of creativity
Because Denmark invented the flag so it would be easier to recognise which one of its neighbours it was currently engaged in a war with. It's just "we have been at war twice the length your country has existed" things.
Los Faroes son Britannicos.
Sweden is the worst, but we all have problems with immigrants and cuckiness. Maybe the Finns are en exception.
Can we join?
I completely forgot.. Good point
Yes. Get me the fuck out of Scotland before Sturgeon cucks us back into the EU.
A Nordic union is useless and tiny. Ditch Finland and make a Germanic union. Or keep Finland because I like them and call them pseudo Swedish.
Without Sweden. Sure. Sweden is saturated with immigrants and cuck politicians. Do we want them in our union? Never.
Deus vult
So what about greenland?
Minus sweden until there is a male uprising that outlaws feminism and sexism against males
You would just be the new Germany.
You can be a Nordic colony if you throw out the foreigners :) Yeah Sweden have to be cleansed too...
>Sweden's immigration policies
>Sweden's cultural relativism and thought police
>Sweden's population advantage
>Sweden's economic advantage
>the swedish language
Oh boy look at all those things we don't need.
Kek agreed
They follow, since they're part of Denmark
>Deus vult
Stop saying that you fag!
There's already a Nordic union, though.
>Denmark doesn't want to save Sweden
Rude. Danish and Norwegian politicians and media influencing Sweden would be GREAT
Were you not nordic before?
Fucking ahmed, you attacked from the east this time? Too scared to meet your uncle and auntie's graves?
Fuck off
The grass always appears greener on the other side. They have their own issues but arguably the massive immigration to Sweden the past 10 years fucked up our demographics beyond repair.
Under new management
That piece of crap was centralized at Copenhagen and existed during a time when the power of state was in the hands of one man. There is no reason to have domestic policy dominated by one member.
Each Head of State will sit on the Nordic Council. Since the number of members will be 5 (If Iceland is in) then that means there will always be a clear majority in any question (abstaining will not be allowed).
Each country will take care of its own internal politics but will cooperate with others on questions regarding transport, travel, foreign policy and military. A type of Schengen will be created within the borders while the outer borders will be heavily fortified, with a well-founded and trained coast guard doing the most work.
we have our own issues, but the grass is, objectively, greener on our side
knud var en vældig fyr
it was too good a flag to give to a bunch of north african niggers :DDD sorry
> massive immigration to Sweden the past 10 years fucked up our demographics beyond repair.
Nah it COULD still be repaired but it probably won't be. With Norway and Denmark the demographics wouldn't be a problem though
Certain Draconian measures have to be taken to undo the damage done this last decade. But Swedes have a history of going to extremes once feeling threatened.
I can agree to take anyone but Sweden
Also, my fucking stocks hurt
This would be immensely beneficial, at least regarding our military spending.
There's already unwritten rule that Sweden will provide the planes and ships and we provide the ground forces in the case of a war, but making it official would save us fucktons of money.
Our air force is basically nonexistent and outdated as shit.
Sweden has the hardware, we have the manpower.
That would save all of us some money.
Not to mention throwing in the rest of the Nordic nations, that would cut down everyone's expenses quite a bit.
Your flags designs are pretty cool, just came to say that.
Financially it would also be incredibly strong
Yes but no Sweden. We accept them when they are racially purified.
its gonna take a little more than undoing one decade, lets face it you were always a bunch of faggots
Yes. It gonna be like Rwanda with älgstudsare istället för machete.
Or more likely we just keep on cuckin'
We can fix this m8. Just give us time. This 68-leftist generation will die out soon enough and the cucky late 70's generation will retire.
We belong together as one united people who share a common culture and roots.
You forgot Romania you useless piece of shit. Just do your damn job
Hey, our niggers are from mid-Africa. You have more northern sand-niggers than we do by now.
Just remember that that flag helped us defeat the Spains and it helped you defeat the Russians. It's basically a cheat code.
Yeah whatever negro.
But all kids have grown up going to cuck school learning about white privilege and feminism. Gonna take more than 50 years to free ourself from the PC crap. And by then all kids are named achmed
Look in the mirror. Where's that nigger looking at you from?
There aren't niggers in every mirror, mate.
>There aren't niggers in every mirror, mate.
True. Only in Portuguese ones
None of us wants them fattycunt
But they are Nordic like you