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No, he gets most of his money from youtube and the rest from institutions funded by patent money.
Who would have tought
Hes a tax funded hack. He said a big reason he wanted to remain was EU funded 'muh programs and scienze'.
Time to get a real Job and put your degree to use thunderf00t
He took a deliberately provocative alternative stance to drum up clicks for cash, as likely.
Can't blame him for that, that's his job.
Molyneux's message to Thundercuck.
Yes because funding of fundamental science is comparable to welfare for chimps.
I've liked Thunderf00t for his constant attacks on Islam, SJWs and feminism, but I can't fathom what he was thinking when he supported remain.
It's funny watching his tweets from yesterday, when it looked like Remain was going to win. He was so fucking full of himself and mocking the opposition. Then when Leave won, he just became a salty little bitch.
>Hes a tax funded hack.
Also, citation.
nice one
If it is fundamental you wouldnt need the government to fund it.
Fundamental as in foundational you dolt.
>I've liked Thunderf00t for his constant attacks on Islam, SJWs and feminism, but I can't fathom what he was thinking when he supported remain.
He is a globalist. Most atheists that make a bigdeal of their skepticism are globalists. I know because I'm a nationalist atheist and used to hang out with people like him until I couldn't take their smugness anymore.
shouldn't be funded by EU bureaucrats who don't know jack about how to manage resources efficiently, most likely wasting the funds on junk politically motivated science such as climate change and transgender shit
>It's funny watching his tweets from yesterday, when it looked like Remain was going to win. He was so fucking full of himself and mocking the opposition. Then when Leave won, he just became a salty little bitch.
Ha yeah bro, he loves to turn a blind eye to his brand of leftism fucking us over.. but as soon as the right does something back he all salt
AHAHA have fun getting Turkey to fund your paycheck
Globalists so fucking salty today.
I literally could not be happier.
If it is foundational many many people must have a strong incentive to fund it without government coection, da, you dolt?
not sure desu, he seemed pretty focused on EU funded science and he himself is a scientist that works around Europe. Also, his father was a scientist also, prob a government funded hack also
just linking the dots ;3
Agreed. But again, thunderfoot is not funded by the EU.
In an ideal world, maybe.
>AHAHA have fun getting Turkey to fund your paycheck
He is butt blasted essentially desu.
get a real job! like selling snake oil through the internet
By the way he once made a character assassination attempt on Molyneux
>because he is triggered by people who want to take away his funding
and Molyneux responded quite eloquently.
>Agreed. But again, thunderfoot is not funded by the EU.
and his father? i am gona need a verification on that also
>I can't fathom what he was thinking when he supported remain.
As others have already pointed out, he received EU funding for his science research.
Oh... awkward.
he is brilliant, people pay him voluntarily. doesn't even have a pay wall to his vids
eu people just leech tax money pushing progressive poopoo
kek, I thought mine is what was linked. Anyways, I abandon bread now.
OMG oh yeah i remember that. ahah.... molyneux supreme
>everyone who trades now hates u
Leftist cunts have went from "seize the memes of production" to "muh free market" in a span of 24 hours. Fucking meme people.
Statheist got Cucked
Keep spouting that like it's a fact.
ha yeah, and who cares if some traders 'hate us'. tooo frikin bad, they made a bet that we would remain and lost. boo hoo mega lols
Fundamental science has no immediate application so the industry doesn't really fund it.
However it's not like the current system made any sense
>give money to the EU
>they waste a ton of it on bureaucracy
>give what is left after that back to you
>"Please use it on science"
Might as well just invest it in science right away.
are you thunderfewt?
At least that is a direct economic reason and not just muh fee fees.
EU funded science is a quango if I ever saw one.
No, just salty as fuck right now tbqh.
Also the way people in this thread make assertions with no evidence makes me despair at the state of pol.
and i am sure your assertions are completely backed by evidence little brit
you are free you retard! no longer do you have to heel to the step of the EU
forge your own country the way you best see fit, not for me, not for the US
but for your own people
He didn't even drink it. What a pussy.
I wasn't the one who made the claim in the first place. If you have proof that he is funded directly by the EU or by institutional grant money from the EU, I'll change my mind.
>durrr it divided the country!
lmao yeah okay mate
ha yeah, the left has been hounding us for so long, the country was divided already. he just doesn't like us standing up for ourselves, and not letting him shill for muh scienz programz n sheit
Yes! I mean, we specifically needed a referendum BECAUSE we were so divided on it
only his funding was divided hehehehehe
>only his funding was divided hehehehehe
swear he was wasted on that sargon stream also lel
>muh division
If the country weren't divided in the first place this wouldn't even have been an issue.
>muh government science
Daily remainder that the UK became the science capital of the world during the industrial revolution. In this period the UK had no public funding of science , while German and France poured public money into science to try and become the scientific capitals.
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