We must preserve the bants and butthurt for future generations of shitlords... Go skim your FB/ Twitter and all that shit, post what you find.
For posterity lads and the generations to come!
The Bants / Butthurt archive: Thread #2
OY VEY closing your borders is like another shoah
>your point of view is medieval
This sucks! Why do I have to go to work today???
fuck all of you UK fuckers. This was the dumbest decision you've ever made. And a special fuck-you to the old people of UK.. the bitter, sad, miserable old people that should all be in the grave instead of voting. I hate old people.. so close-minded, so fearful, so weak. UK is fucked into oblivion now. the british pound is crashing, world financial markets are crashing, and EU is over. What's next? Leaving NATO? Prepare for years of depression and suffering britbongs. This is just the beginning.. by the end you'll be begging for to be put to sleep for good. This is truly the end.
The last year was great to sort out celebs who are obviously on the shill pay roll
Here have legit brit not going full retard
so you have money to buy pounds and then sell them when it skyrockets back
Holy fuck i just typed "tagged brexit" on tumblr and every fucking post is either left cucks or some chimp yelling "IT'S A WHITEY'S FAULT!!11!!!"
God damn, these fucks start saying shit like "fuck democracy, idiots voting!" every time something doesn't go their way and yet they have the nerver to call people who voted leave retards.
>worked wednesday so I get today off
Democracy is debilitating
The tumblrina has found our secret lair
I agree. They should stay in the EU and become part of the mulatto borg masterrace the rest of Europe will merge into in the next few decades!
>I hate old people
I can't believe ITS 2016, and people are still ageist!
I meant to reply to this guy in the old thread.
Anyway, yes it's weird how he's so engaged in defending the EU and how great Britain is, yet he lives and works in China at the moment.
Even more annoying, when we were dating, he would always say to me how it's good that my country isn't in the EU and it would ruin our country if we do get in. Now he's all pro-stay and posting shit bantz on FB.
Pic related.
Fuck off
she wants the somalian bbc
More game of fags butthurt
git raped!!!!
really makes u think...
canada and sweden are the real losers in this vote, kek
its been a good day
Hey if you want to cry go to tumblr.
>Low energy remain voters
All of these tears.
Someone hold me.
Please no
Based problematic hair grill
It's just that old people today are so bitter and miserable.. they know their life is over, many know that religion is a scam and they are just going to die forever and not go to some stupid fairyland in the sky, so they are bitter that the party is over and they express their evil and hatred by voting for destructive things like the exit of UK from EU. Old people are a cancer.. don't trust anyone over 60. This was the worst decision ever.. oh well, UK will now wallow in pain and filth while it declines into a 3rd world state that makes Somalia look like the US in the 1950s. It's over boys.. UK has opened the gate to hell, and willfully is walking in. Yup, abandon all hope, "mates".
i hear Malmö is a neat place to stay
Better option would be to go over to *their* Winchester, and blow their brains out.
>I can't believe 16 and 17 year olds weren't allowed to vote!
Jesus Christ these people are braindead
Absolutely agreed.
It'd be much better if old people had voting rights canceled. What do they know about modern world anyway? So why should they decide in what world WE will live in?
Or maybe even we should just get rid of them, they are only leeching off our taxes and actively working on destroying our countries.
>What's next? Leaving NATO?
About that pic. The leave side always said there would be negative economic effects short term. Don't people listen to what they say?
>That's it I'm off to Sweden
Good luck getting a viiiiiisa
is he dead yet?
Ivan no. I know we never tried real communism but c'mon.
Can't live without that BBC
Most reddit tier facebook post i have seen
Do liberals unironically believe that all of Europe is suddenly going to revoke trade and travel over the UK deciding to retain more autonomy?
They can't be that stupid right? The only thing that changes is that trade and travel decisions are made in London not Belgium
Yes.. get rid of them! They were good in their time when young, but now as they are old they are cancerous (often literally) and leeches. They are close-minded, bitter, and hateful (most of them). They are angry and vote for stupid shit like the UK leaving EU just to be evil and to piss of the young. I'm so tired of it.
And we're currently at step 4, bargaining.
this stupid slut attends my sixth form doing sociology and fucking criminology im genuinely sad that this is the slacking generation im a part of
Is Trump pro-leave or pro-remain? Has he commented on this?
British slags are sick of paki sperm, they want to try somalian crème.
Wakey wakey!
>not Carlos of Mexico.jpg
Pro-Leave. Check his twitter m80
can't get any more BBC in the UK? better go to sweden.
People genuinely thought we would turn into Best Korea, they're completely fucking retarded. It's an absolute insult that their vote is worth the same as someone normal.
I never thought I would say this, but I agree with you burger.
More of him.
>No one wants your opinion
Hello. Please archive me. Thanks.
Is it a sad thing that I can't tell trolls from true idiots anymore?
He was asking for it.
Fuck off Ahmed
This is exactly what I came into the thread to request. Thanks!
Straight from anitwitter.
dont tell me you know her :^)
lmao i hope ww3 starts soon. 75% of those fucks mulched into mincemeat by russian guns
absolutely false statistic
THIS. The old people raped the young deep in the asshole with no reacharound. Young people of UK should not stand for this.
I'm so angry I'm going to make cupcakes. Can his limp wrists even hold up the baking pan?
If I were that 25% who voted leave I'd be thanking fuck for old people.
Anyone that really believes the british economy is ruinned is a fucking idiot.
reported to NZSIS
>economy lost money based on the pound decreasing in value for a very short while
do people really think this way? money is only lost if it is actually lost. the pound is fucked at the moment because idiot economists gambled on a remain vote and now are panicking.
You're welcome user I'll never get tired of that man's laughing face, it's the perfect response to people bitching about brexit lol
Eddie Izzard dis such an incredible disservice to the remain campaign
> Implying I will resist Putin
When they invade I will be the first welcoming them with my Putin t-shirt
emigrated a year ago to britain because of her dream of working with the BBC. I would feel bad if she wouldnt be so hypocritical about it
I had a class taught by Angie Hobbs a few years ago. She was a lot of fun. Shame she gave me a crap grade.
>old lads employing scorched earth tactics for the mussoinvasion
Has that queer said anything yet?
>Indepedence is overrated
The hell does this mean?
How will they ever survive without overzealous outside oppressive regulations
>A Brit not picking up on sarcasm... from an American.
Things are worse than I thought
holy shit where did it go
oh fug, ib's da bolice!!!
>money out of people's pockets is the same as company valuations