It's time to drop this colonialism meme and GTFO.

Our future lies with the Republic of Australia, and not with a bunch of pommy poofters who bitch and moan about EU pillow warning labels. They can't even be United amongst themselves. Deport the useless cunts.

Our ties to Britain are stronger than ever now, cuck.

>New Zealand could have done this
>They voluntarily chose to keep the speck of manure





No your place, your safe with us.

Fuck off you unAustralian poofter cunt

children, your imperial power fantasy is over. it's 2016. the world has changed.

>not staying with based dad now that he has finally given his bum friends the finger
no thanks desu m8


le op must be a le melbourner XD

Translate: I am offended by this symbol of white supremacy on our flag and Western civilisation needs to be erased from Australia. Australia needs more Chinese and Islam.

Piss off melcuck

If your from sysdney or melcuck your aren't a true Australian.

>Our future lies with the Republic of Australia


or, OR, just be ourselves

fuck off mate

Fuck off Melbourne cunt.


There is no Australia but British Australia you stupid fucking cunt

A western, nationalist Australia can not exist without British ties

Maybe 50 years ago we could have made something ourselves while still retaining the idea of a European Australia

But not now

Remove the Britain from Australia and you have nothing but Chinese, Aboriginals and Islam

Australia has stood by The UK since its inception. When World War One broke we sent our boys to across the sea to help our motherland. This deep rooted patriotism not only for our country but for our parent country is quintessential to bloke culture and to get rid of it by becoming a republic would be spitting on the faces of the ANZACs themselves.

Also economically speaking it'd be such a waste of money to replace all of our Flags and shit to get rid of the Union Jack.

God Save The Queen

UK has done nothing and contributed nothing to this land in the past 40 years.

This symbolic shit is just a meme. Why are we so adamant about holding her majesty's hand when we can walk on our own? Jesus fucking christ, it's time to grow up.

shhh. Dont fuck up the anglosphere. Let this shit settle first.

Melbournite detected.

But that's wrong dork. Australia was already moving away, diverging before WWI. By WWII, the PM summed up common sentiment when he said the US had replaced the UK as the "parent" of choice.

You're also forgetting there was intense republicanism for a long time in Aussieland. You're telling me the Southern Cross flag isn't a potent symbol of what is to be?

Look, I'm happy for daddy tonight, but in a way, he was already gone. The children are scattered to the winds. We have all gone our own way.

Australia's future will be her relations to America, and to Japan. And I guess to China. That's the future.

If we go independent would we prosper or become 4th world

If you remove the Britain from australia, China, Abo and Islam starts being our identity. Fuck off.

You can't be yourselves, you're literally britts that moved to another island cuck

Nah, there's no fucking way I trust the scum in parliament to re-write anything, you're begging to be fucked hard in the pooper.

Indonesia continues to breed like rabits and flood us. Muslim % of 10+ by 2030. One in every 10 people will be muslim. 4 in every 10 will be chinese.

We need to fix our shit real quick or we're gunna be the cuck laughing stock of Sup Forums very soon to rival Germany and Sweden

Fuck off Jamal

Nah fuck off. After the 2nd glorious revolution we have just witnessed in Britain we must reunite the empire, not tear it apart.

This 2016 meme.
Hang yourself abo.

How the fuck do you figure that? You speak as if we're getting monthly allowances from those chavs up north.

1st line of the new constitution: "anybody denouncing their manhood gains more equal rights."

You rather be Australian of English descent or """"Australian""""?

We pretty much are already owned by the gooks

Get fucked cunt, we want to stay with the empire not tear it up, we are anglo, not european in nature

If anything i think we should stand with england but have New Zealand merge into Australia as an independent governing state.

Then they get the AUD, No shit money.

Then we can help out our bro's if needed.

Anzac core can be formed official.

Given the alternative, we made the right choice.

Fuck off Cunt.
The world never changes.
Globalism, World Trading Blocks, and Worldwide Government institutions never work.
The future lies within the Commonwealth and allied sovereign countries.

I will only vote to leave the CTH if they introduce a new white Australia policy

Otherwise I will stick with allegiance that minorly influences culture and law

Melbourne fuck off

why are swedes obsessed with Abo's, are they tired of jamal and would prefer woodjakbillabong?


you're either funny, delusional or as mad as a meat-axe. Removing a foreign head of state makes you think you're another race? Thats a fuckin' dogs balls argument you've got there.

Im sure New Zealand will love this idea

>git fucked bru

>UK has done nothing and contributed nothing to this land in the past 40 years.
>This symbolic shit is just a meme.

Do you not feel user?

Are you so obsessed with money that you cannot understand the emotional significance of this moment?
Everyone is angry

Yet I feel nothing but joy.

The dead world is more alive than we thought.

>UK has done nothing and contributed nothing to this land in the past 40 years.

Because they've been in the EU and literally were banned from trading with us. Now they are leaving the EU.

Could be worse

fuck off Ahmed you dont know our culture

We are on a thin line of white british culture that is being constantly attacked

We are told that English is not the national language

We are told there is no Christian values to the country

There is no fucking way we would be strengthened by leaving the Cth

Fuck off Ahmed

the monarchy of Australia is legally different to that of Britain, Our queen is as much ours as it is Britains

Fuck off, traitor.

Fucking THIS.


How come Aus and NZ aren't in a union or whatever anyway?

Teach me some history.

Go suck a dick, OP, you fucking cuck. I'm a big enough oldfag that I voted against the Republic back in 90 whatever the fuck it was. And I will do it again.
Get with the program. The 21st Century will see a resurgence of the Anglo-sphere. Donald and our Nige are already talking about renewing the bonds of the old Empire.
Together, we will never be defeated. You're free to emigrate to Sweden and suck as much brown cock as you like, though.

This. If Britain called for regicide for whatever reason and called for the royals blood, they'd flee to Australia and just live here as our live in Queen in stead of on vacation one.

It's the beginning of the end for UK. Scots will get out and Great Britain will not be so great any more. The 1970s will be back upon them. Economically fucked, demoralised and whine like a wounded animal. Why be affiliated with something so weak, undisciplined and unstable of a nation? WE DESERVE BETTER.

fuck off

>not Australavista

t. Ali Baba from Bankstown doing his hardest impersonation of a white person

>The world never changes.

um... yes it does, continually.

>Globalism, World Trading Blocks, and Worldwide Government institutions never work.

Economic trade pacts lay the foundations for how international trade works, they're not world-wide, they're driven by specific country entities.

>The future lies within the Commonwealth and allied sovereign countries.

The Commonwealth is so two centuries ago, its decrepit and meaningless. What does it do for us? Anything? not as far as I can tell.

Because they are.

"The States" shall mean such of the colonies of New South Wales, New Zealand, Queensland, Tasmania, Victoria, Western Australia, and South Australia, including the northern territory of South Australia, as for the time being are parts of the Commonwealth, and such colonies or territories as may be admitted into or established by the Commonwealth as States; and each of such parts of the Commonwealth shall be called "a State".

We are, the Commonwealth, which was the UK + all independent colonies. When the UK joined the EU, they were effectively banned from trading with Commonwealth nations which was an enormous economic hit to Australia and New Zealand and led to our current dependence on China. With the UK leaving the EU, the Commonwealth can once again flourish and Australia can hopefully get off the China train.

But does anyone give a shit about the archaic fine print about New Zealand being a state


Haha who let those three-armed fuckers in.

> I'm a big enough oldfag that I voted against the Republic back in 90 whatever the fuck it was. And I will do it again.

I'm a big enough oldfag that I voted for the 1999 Republic Referendum, and i'll do it again. Progress is about letting go of the past. A country can only evolve as quickly as its slowest members, and you are one of them.

> the 70's will be back upon them

That's when they joined the EU m8, and have been in decline ever since..

NZ was involved in early federation discussions, but there wasn't much interest, the distance between the 2 countries was regarded as too big (all travel was by sea) and there was some snobbery towards Aussies (the whole penal colony thing), so we never joined.

>Purposely fucking getting rid of half of our nations goddamned history (We literally had pommy voices in the most up to 1960s) as some bullshit fetishism of "Republicanism"

>Change is always beneficial

Why dont we adopt Sharia then? That's progress. You're fucking slow to adopt Sharia

>There is no Australia but British Australia you stupid fucking cunt
Sure, maybe if you're still a teenager and haven't expired either the wider Australia or Britain. We are about as British as America is British.

Get out and explore the country beyond your Sup Forumstard hugbox. We've been standing on our own two feet for a lot longer than you may be able to comprehend at this moment.

>If you remove the Britain from australia, China, Abo and Islam starts being our identity. Fuck off.

No, we're Australians, the offspring of convicts dumped here to be forgotten, you cuck

>moan about EU pillow warning labels
sounds like joe olives lap dog

Future Australian flag tbqhwyfmdm


i'd like to say that my fellow countrymen were just rational enough to realise that having favourable ties to a more powerful entity is in the best interest of a weaker nation, no matter how much it might hurt the citizens of that nation's feels. in truth, however, most of us chose it simply out of some vague connection to the queen.

sadly, it seems, we are no better than the brits, who, despite currently being one of the greatest beneficiaries of globalism, voluntarily opted into an isolationist policy and thereby cucked themselves out of the primary strength of their economy, all just to avoid tossing a few pennies to some brown people. good one, mum. fantastic job.

UK's 1970s recession has nothing to do with the EU, dumbass. The EU wasn't even a thing until the 1990s.

Get fucked, you Melbourner.



> muh sharia fear
grow the fuck up

Eh, that looks better and at least with something like that, 99% of the human population won't confuse it with Australia. Regardless, it's just a fucking flag. Only normlfags care about that sort of tribalistic bullshit.

>The world never changes
It does. You're just a manchild Sup Forumsack who think he understands everything and thus is immune to new information.

Fuck off rat-balls, you've no fuckin' idea who you're talkin' to and your boring presumptive bullshit belittles you.

You are NOT 'on a thin line of white british culture that is being constantly attacked', you're part of a majority who is havin a bit of a tantrum at maybe not being able to be a slobby shit-eating cunt 100% of the time any longer without being called out for it.

Who tells you that English is not the national language anymore? Anyone official? Or your fellow dung swilling Bob Katter votin mates down the pub?

You realise we've been officially a secular society since 1901? Mate, there are plenty of Christian values around, Christians have 'em. You know, the folks that turn the other cheek and love thine enemies? those lot.

Dumping the Royal family as our head of state isn't the same as leaving the commonwealth by the way. Becoming a republic and standing on our own feet is a show of strength and unity that you think we're not worthy of? You're an embarrassment to your culture you boot licking sniveling groveler. Grow a backbone!

We weren't forgotten, retard. Britain was absorbed into the EU and disbarred from trade with us. They were locked out.

Now that Britain is sovereign again, relations with Australia and America are about to be the strongest they've EVER FUCKING BEEN.

Australia is about to see a massive boom from this. England will import out skilled labour instead of EU skilled labour.

>Forgetting the Sudan

>Do you not feel user?
Yeah, nothing but tribalism that has been keeping Australia decades behind where it should be.


You ignorant fuckwit, GB joined the EEC in 1973, do you even history?

So you're going to guarantee that Sharia culture won't become dominant in Australia? You got a crystal ball there for me mate?

Retarded faggot Melbourne poster.

The EU was previously called the EEC. Fuckwit. UK has had their hands tied with Australia since WW2.

>We are told there is no Christian values to the country
Fuck off Christfag.
You are just as unwelcome as the Muslims.

There was never any popular groundswell in NZ to change the flag, it was just something done by a PM trying to make a legacy for himself. The flag-changers banged on about wanting a flag that looked different from Australia's a lot, but it turned out that most NZers don't really care that they look similar.

>voting for a fucking leaf


kill yourself

Western democracy as we know it is predicated only the morals instilled from Christians

Go suck ahmeds cock

Stevo Shitcunt from Cronulla being a genuine example of a soft cock.




yeah nah cunt

>So you're going to guarantee that Sharia culture won't become dominant in Australia? You got a crystal ball there for me mate?

We are responsible for our laws, not the UK. As for keeping cancer like Sharia out of the legal system, that will be up to us not them. BTW, the UK already doing a stellar job at cucking themselves with Sharia inspired shit as part of their legal framework. And you want to be affiliated with them??

THE HORSE HAS BOLTED WITH THE UK. Time to cut them off like dead skin.