Islam will dominate the world
Islam will dominate the world
*except Britain
Geert Wilders will rule the world, we've been over this.
Until that pesky education kicks in, and then Islam is revealed to be the shit it is!
Not on my watch
Kek. You gonna get gassed. You can pray to that magical dude in the sky in the showers.
Die in a fire, subhuman vermin.
God save the Queen!
Noy anymore. Islam will continue to lose sympathy from the west while they keep this shit up. Deport all who cling on to their violent ideology
rather be delusional than Polish mate
scrub my toilet
Nice proxy then.
Londonstan is still fucked.
Prophet Mohamed was just as dumb as everyone else in his era, but he knew how to take advantage of that for personal goals. Islam is all about what Mohamed (a human being) SAID (with just words) and convinced people that "God told me, you guys. Believe me because it's true, I swear"
Such a ridiculous load of bullshit may have worked back then, but this is 2016. Islam is dead in the water just waiting to drown
no it won't
Islam like all major religions will whither away with time and be replaced with degeneracy and new age bullshit. None of the world's manor religions religions existed 2000 years and they won't exist 2000 years from now either.
*tips fedora*
>Islam will dominate germany
There, I fix'd that for ya. Some parts of europe are still doing fine without yer multicultural open door bullshit policies, Bubi.
The fuck you talkin about? Islam is more than 3000 years old. It is GROWING not declining. There are more muslims than chinese you delusional fedora
You would not believe the amount of violence I feel for your kind. We take our time with awakening but I am aching to erase you from this continent.
Cancer is also experiencing a rising trend, does not mean it won't be eradicated
By the time the fact of that danger is apparent, the few (thriving) white nations that have uncucked themselves will understand what needs to be done and at the very least take care of the problem on a domestic level
Islam will destroy itself just as many other violent, barbaric religions have in the past.
>more than 3000 years old
Sometimes I am actually glad capitalism exists. Not even islam can resist it.
>3000 years old
>Founded by an illiterate pedophile in 631 CE.
Never underestimate how dumb, uneducated, indoctrinated and massively inbred the average Muslim is.