So we've crashed the EU, what's the next step in our master plan?
How can we further the will of Kek?
Should we declare war on somebody? I vote Spain
So we've crashed the EU, what's the next step in our master plan?
How can we further the will of Kek?
Should we declare war on somebody? I vote Spain
Other urls found in this thread:
We wait for Nexit and Dexit.
Then we bait Spain into kicking off over Gibraltar. Once Spain kicks off we play the victim and we go in to rescue the Brits in Gibraltar. Netherlands and Denmark also use this chance to be heroes and save oppressed victims.
We retake Gibraltar and don't stop there. We liberate Catalonia to secure nice holidays for ourselves. We then move into Italy and retake Rome and put Farage in as the new Pope.
We move up from Italy and rescue Austria from it's voter fraud and it's Van Der Bellends.
Following that we whip back around into France and rescue the French from the jihadists like the Crusaders we can be.
The Eternal Anglo once again returns to Europe to save it from a Germany gone mad.
Good plan.
Kek wills it
I vote France.
kek has spoken
what's the next step in our master plan
I hate France but I vote Spain too for never posting quality content..
All praise Kek! I've always wanted to visit Spain. Might as well do it with a gun in my hands. Let's make this happen.
No, Spain is your best and oldest allie. Also what the fuck why are you serious how could you even think that you should not even joke with that! -no comas-.
And now it is time for you to invade Russia.
Oh shut up. You guys aren't even white.
You are confusing us with France.
Praise kek
>and rescue the French from the jihadists
Unkhan, unpaki yourself first. And don't bully Spain, they're nice and harmless.
You are absolutely right, amigo.
give it a try cunt
We have a 4 way with Australia, New Zealand, and Canada, and we slowly integrate and unite with one another
Spanish Military Expenditure:
£4.9 Billion
British Military Expenditure:
£47 Billion
I think we stand a fair chance.
>UK economy implodes
>UK forced to come crawling back to the EU but this time they won't be allowed to opt out of the euro
Loving every laugh
You guys got cucked by Muslims for over 700're a split nation of whites and Muslim descendants
At least the whites and the muslim descendants are nowadays very split between the north and the south. Madrid for example is white but Seville is not.
keep crying nigger
I love you too britbong, fuck buddies 4 life
give me an intelligent response to this shit, im almost to drunk to evne type
Leave and don¨t come back if you don
t have enough money sail with the bigship then swim with the fish
Now we get rid of the leaches that are scotland and northern ireland and we take our based little brother wales and seize the world once again. THE SUN NEVER SETS
I suggest you leave them be and have another beer. We deserve a little break anyway
>swedecuck is mad that somebody refused to be cucked
sorry sven, im sure muddi merkel will send you some more brown dick
they are not cucknadians they are amerifags and deserve no break
also im drinking whiskey and you should go suck a dog dick seeing as its legal and all
Have you tried informing them that Hitler did nothing wrong?
too late
> usa
> white
Come on, burger friend, that is some low energy bait