Britain 2030
Britain 2030
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same here
NI isn't viable as anything other than a leech on England.
Scotland's as good as gone now though.
And nothing of value was lost.
I'm perfectly okay with this
NI is going nowhere. Too much loyalist support, we're with the U.K. for the long haul. The south can stay cucked in the EU by themselves.
I'd be glad if this happened
Super srs question for Britfags:
Where will you move your capital to once London secedes?
>implying England will let London leave.
London would never be able to survive on it's own.
>Free City
Freedom is haram. Try "Emirate of al-Londiniyyah"
Can't queen just be like "lol no, you're staying"?
What will happen to their flag when scotland leaves?
What will happen to ours?
The Queen has no real power
more like
>the rest of england would never be able to survive on it's own.
>Free City of London
>Not New Mecca
Obviously the first place that chose freedom, Sunderland, the land in the North
Why would they adopt the Swedish flag?
back to glorious Winchester
I approve of it.
Englishman with a Scottish wife living in pic. In England. (pic)
Why won't England join the greater Netherlands and Denmark. We'll call it the Ingveonic Union
This makes my dick hard. Fuck London, let's see how sustainable it is to base your entire economy on finance and have no agriculture or industry of your own.
London cannot feed itself. One can only eat so much falafel.
I thought shw could dissolve Parliament if she doesn't like their shananigans.
Singapore does it
>free city of London
I camme here to post this.
York was pretty much our first city for centuries before London became relevant, and it's still one of the only unenriched towns in Yorkshire. I vote for them.
>free city of london
god i hope so
Singapore isn't surrounded on all sides by a country that hate it and will jump at any excuse to cut off imports of food
city-states would be so successful in our time
but nation-states are dominant form of state sadly, shame there aren't more of others types
>tfw in 50 years arabs will be majority in England and their economy will collapse so badly that you will just need to visit England for Middle Eastern experience
>not free city of Londonistan
Singapore got KICKED OUT of Malaysia
futur world
i'm from northern ireland, t-the united ireland won't actually work r-right?
/RISK/ thread faggots
believe, mo chara
the future our ancestors dreamed of shall finally be our reality
I'm in
They are too many territories in this map though
Come to papa.
i fucking hope scotland throws another independence referendum and decides to leave the uk. it was england (and the 20 or so people that live in wales) that swung the decision to brexit, scotland and northern ireland both voted to remain.
i know scots hate the english making decisions on their behalf, i think if there's another referendum, they'd leave the uk just out of spite.
What happened to the isle of 3 legs?
So how is your wife and her family handling leave?
Good news, Scotland will be like that, maybe worse.
There are 5 million living in Scotland.
1/6 of their population would be migrants, and those poor Syrians need a home. But how will they get those doctors and nurses to go to Scotland?
>THE Scottish Government would financially support failed asylum seekers if Scotland was handed control over immigration, social justice secretary Alex Neil has said.
So lets paint a picture of Scotland.
Your economy is in ruins because your economy ran on oil, which crashed. Now you managed to crawl into the EU and become covered in red tape, this was after a long period of being locked out because Spain said no to keep their separatists in check. Despite being broke and paying billions to an organisation than only hinders you, the rest of your money is given to migrants to lure them in, 1/6th of your population minimum, isnt Scottish. Oh and this doesnt factor in all the public services you no longer have due to England, or access to the pound.
The only alternative would be to move London towards Scotland to keep that one market in the EU going.
Result would be UK loses a caliphate and Scotland gets a crime ridden Islamic shithole.
Based Scotland.
Yeah, clearly you didn't understand. I don't want to be united with you boggy cunts
Guess we've got to change it.
I support pic related
The only acceptable variant
They didn't change when we left. They'll be clinging onto the remnants of their empire until the day they're conquered by the European Empire.
She does. She just doesn't use it because it would obviously lead to civil war or some shit. In the case of London trying to leave though, she'd have enough support to stop it.
No. It would be a massive headache. Terrorism, huge strain on Irish economy etc. I don't think the South would go for it even if we did.
Would be glad to get rid of Scotland, they can go suck EU cock and beg for immigrants, also Labour would be dead forever
NI doesnt want to be part of Ireland, unless things have really changed since i lived there
Only sad part of any of this would be changing the flag
>tfw born in Winchester
There's already terrorism and the economy's shite as it is. FREE DERRY
its the only thing that will work.
You cannot have a land border in NI. It would kill it.
Map request
Europe 2030, all current EU members colored as "Former EU member", Turkey cloroed as "Candidate EU member"
Scucks won't choose the EU over the UK. Sturgeon will be forever blueballed.
If NI want to fuck off they're welcome to but i doubt they'd get popular support for joining RoI and they sure as shit won't risk going it alone
Falklands or Malvinas?
>Free city of London
What in the actual fuck? What is going on here?
Absolutely disgusting.
This lad gets it
I fucking hope not lad, and I'm someone who voted for leave. Good news is we're ahead of Scotland in terms of % who want to stay with a base of at least 50% loyalists.
I'd be proud to be a part of that union
Looks great to me lad.
I'd like to see somewhere white and up north.
Let them, I wanted them to vote out last time too. They're fucked without the rest of the UK and I want to laugh as they crash and burn.
Doesn't a lot of money come from London to support the rest of the country?
our parliament is there
theyd laugh if they heard of the petition, which they won't since it's literally just irrelevant college kids "signing" it
muh map
Can't wait to collect the Scottish flag.
i'm absolutely okay with this
>Scotland votes to remain in the EU
>gets beaten
>votes to become independent and join the EU
>gets vetoed by the other countries with secessionist parties
I can't wait to see Scotland get cucked beyond belief
>cucked by the uk and happy
no pride fag
Then what are you doing in our country scumbag?
>Not calling it Londonistan
we will build walls around London and separating Scotcucks from glorious England, and make the pakis build them
Looks really pretty, and I'd bet that's almost how it really will look ... but London won't be independent.
> Doesn't a lot of money come from London to support the rest of the country?
Welllllll ...... Sort of.
The London Exchange accounts for most of that, one way or another. Being the financial center for the EU.
Or. It _was_ the financial center of the EU.
Probably Frankfurt, Germany now. London will still generate a lot of money relative to the rest of Britain, but there's going to be a rather serious economic adjustment when that much international business gets conducted elsewhere, and a large amount of support infrastructure for it then crashes when it disappears.
So, London will still be relevant and important statistically compared to the rest of the country. But a huge reduction in income from outside Britain is coming down on the city. Could see about a 50% reduction.
Probably sting a little bit.
That's the first time I've heard of a country actively kicking out a portion of its land
London is still the largest financial center in the world.
New York is bigger.
Kek, no.
Even if the 48% of the entire nation that voted out plus the four percent of abstainers they'd need to catch sign a poxy petition, they should have gotten the manpower when it mattered.
The vote has been cast and you don't call do-overs on democracy.
If it comes down to that you'll be seeing dead Innies hanging from telephone poles in every suburb in England.
Aye I can get on board
>The vote has been cast and you don't call do-overs on democracy.
Don't you see how the EU operates?
Oh no.
They're not gonna irish referendum us.
I'll personally kill every last IN voter with my bare teeth if it comes down to it.
Didn't the Unionists in Northern Ireland vote to leave?
Also Scotland and Ireland had lower participation rate than England in referendum
They might not give a shit about UK leaving
Looks glorious. No Northern Ireland or Scotland.
So far
>Britain 2030
>pic related
fixed it for you
Looks like a EU4 map
Time to /gsg/ up
The Scottish separatists seem like they've fucked themselves strategically: I can't see how they'd justify holding another referendum anytime in the next decade at least (are they going to have yearly referendums until they get the result they want?)
>Hold a referendum till they get wished results
Thats how democracy works in europe, dont expect a rise nigger to get that.
God I hope so. Watching them fuck off, join the EU without the privileges we got them, and descend into bickering over their attempt at "independence" would be glorious. We could take the few based Scots as refugees, since we're now officially better than them at freedom.
Really need to get that Welsh dragon in there somewhere.
It can replace the Scottish unicorn on the royal crest. Flags should be simple, they don't need animals and the like.
Future British flag
that doesn't really fit with the narrative of leaving the EU, does it, Shlomo?