Fresh News

German President Gauck: “The Elite are Not the Problem, the Population is the Problem”


this's some silly ass shit

Showing his true face.

At least he have the guts to say
Obama will say it next year though

> A German saying that the population is the problem

Literally anuddah shoah?


>the population doesn't know what's good for them!
>why can't they just let us unconditionally rule!?

>an average democratic population willingly give power to the elite
He has a point.

And these fucking plebs don't accept their rape quotas
who the hell they think they are?


This buffon has been a retarded shill plant since day 1

The Speaker of Germany's big corporations

Nuke germany pls

The german population is rioting after the government imposing rape quotas
>every german virgin must be raped at least 1 time a month

These fucking working class people are just garbage


the jews are scared of us again

Why can't you Germans stop with the authoritarianism?

As part of the german elite, he is right.

They wanted socialism in 1933
Achieved in 2016

better late than never

>Poor germans are going to get raped again by the jews

the average german normie is very easy to manipulate after the 6gajillion

One of our candidates to this sunday elections said something like that too
>This is what happen when you ask to the citizen

that building is yours user
you should have the right to not send the money there because it's your home

You shouldn't be paying for merkel's private jets user. She shouldn't be giving away free money to kebabs and jews, it's your money

What have you done to yourself. Look what have you done.

Luckily they already work on getting a new population.

A war happens in Syria


How that happened? Syria is close to at least 11 muslim countries than Germany

Wait, they have a president too?

mein gott!

yes but he has absolutely nothing to say

Democracy as it finest: A President and a Chanceler that will work 24/7 to make sure your entire race is erased

...............Monarchy way is the best way......

"We don't work for or represent the people. We subjugate and dominate the people."