Wow the amount of butthurt Germans on Sup Forums at the moment is amazing.
You Krauts really are scum.
Wow the amount of butthurt Germans on Sup Forums at the moment is amazing.
You Krauts really are scum.
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yea it proves that staying wasn't in their interest but Germany's
Why are Germans so mad, though? You can stay in the EU and bail out countries out of your own wallets. Fine by us.
The Eternal Aryan wasn't just a meme it seems.
because the EU is their fourth reich and it just got foiled by the same people
Will Germans lose faith in Merkel once the EU tumbles down and vote her out?
Imagine this, you want to destroy white people all over Europe, but now that Brits left, you cannot enforce a gorrilion shitskins upon them.
I sure as hell would be mad if I was an evil kraut.
Fuck off, faggots. The EU is great and if we let it fall apart we will have wars in Europe again.
Sorry Hans I can't hear you over the sound of my freedoms.
Fuck off Germany, we've already had to tell you twice.
lmao you brought the war to rurope with your love for bbc 'refugees'
germany always fucks up when it tries to unite europe under its rule
You do realise nationalist parties that are going to come to party all want peace and co operation.
Most of the leavers voted that way because of Muslims that your lunatic leader imported in on mass.
Did you forget her last year saying "We can take unlimited numbers of refugees" Did you think Europeans would put up with that crap.
You Germans don't deserve a country. You deserve to wander for 1000 years like the Jews did.
better a war then being overrun and undermined by muslims with an IQ below 90 who make sure my grand kids have no future
I'm happy though.
Gott schütze England.
I know you are joking, but that seems to be one of the main arguments for germans on Facebook.
One of my friends liked a 'Die Welt' article, and jesus christ, the comments are just so stupid.
In their minds everyone who goes against the pro EU hivemind is a racist and should be jail.
The german people are for bremain. At least the non normie and left scum. And we have lot of them. I congratulate gb for brexit. You did the right thing. And im here now and have my english breakfast to celebrate with the britbros.
>we'll have wars in europe again
is that a threat to start world war?
Werent the last two enough? God damn Hans settle down europe wont survive another shoa.
I have been saying this for years, the eternal teuton is one of our greatest enemies.
germany has gotten weak.
a good war out to fix most of the country right back up.
a fighting german is a happy german.
because there is nothing to fight we work.
working is our self-imposed battle. but it makes us weak.
why dont you love us *cries*, we just want you to take our orders?
Anglos Unite!
Ficki ficki!
You just saw their real face.
Nuke those Krauts, WITH NO SURVIVORS
Dunno why. EU needs to change, this will be better for germany in the end.
It can either become a more powerful federal union against immigrants and muslims, Or it can die.
That's a face of a woman who does not know where to put her extra refugees anymore
Britain just started the revolt against the 4th Reich, of course they're mad
Dutch-based German here.
The only thing I'm mad about is that we don't get to hold referendums.
I welcome the decision of the British, although I'm worried that the result was a bit too close so there's going to be even more social unrest as a result for you.
Naah, you got your shit shoved in in the last two big ones. And this time the bongs have some nukes pointed at you.
They'll turn your precious Berlin into a radioactive crater if you ever dare to try any shit again.
You'll be New Turkey for at least a few decades more.
>New Sealand trying to act like Australia
Most people here are actually happy about the result and want everyone else to quit now as well so the shitty union finally dies.
We know we can't quit because our ''democratic'' system does not allow it.
>butthurt Germans
Literally what? Normally I'm all for Bomben auf Engeland but today is a great day to be alive. Soon Merkel's rule will be over
extreme shilling done here from german jew workers it seems.
I for one, am very happy for the island. Way to go.
oh wait...
meine neger
What did you say? I can only hear the sound of the pound crashing.
Look at this salty bratwurst
I hope you enjoy the moment, because after this emotional and irrational decision reality will hit hard. You should hope that the US will save you once again, but I doubt it.
The EU is our way out of 1945. *cough*
>The future of the Bundeswehr is the European Army
I'm all hyped!
I'm raising my glass of Laphroaig to you glorious cunts right now! Cheers!
Wales was mostly for LEAVE
And Northern Ireland and Scotland both won't get accepted by the EU as seperate entries so they have no choice but to stay in the UK.
Germans actually remember what caused WWII. Nationalism and fear of immigrants. You guys are fucking retarded.
I wanna die in the next european war
At least we have a functional democracy, Jerry.
>tfw no pokemon theme song to rule them all
Already on it way back up, the blip is just the Jews making a few shekels speculating.
Lrn2 economics yuros
it's not even 2 pm dude
Merkel said stay calm and relax, the EU alredy made a masterplan for this scenario
she also calls for unification of EU Members, now that the greatest VETO fags left
>the intergration process of Europe can finally go to the next stage
>mfw this went all according to plan
(actually was a britbong posting that, have now turned off my VPN)
Getting nuked is better than having to live with people like you. Spare Bavaria if you can. Just use 2 for Berlin to make sure ...
Learn to economy motherfucker.
I have legitimate respect for Germans, more than any other country in Europe I would say, but I can't respect your politics at all and it's a massive stumbling block.
Look at these 2 pathetic faggots, they managed to destroy Europe again.
>You Germans don't deserve a country. You deserve to wander for 1000 years like the Jews did.
>ehehehe, good anglo, the trick to keeping Germany from destroying Europe is to let Germany de.. enrich Europe!
but i was /brexit/ all along.
godspeed you glorious beady eyed motherfuckers.
Really? Is Europe so snowflake special and frail that a literal one world order breaking apart would mean complete fucking war? Can you fucks not just make a purely economic and trade deal system that won't transform into some fucking political government?
What niggers? Why would I be mad that this shit union you forced is coming to an end?
Are you retarded?
Afraid of losing, again?
You disgust me. Do you want to make yours truly cry?
Böhmermann btfo
>she also calls for unification of EU Members, now that the greatest VETO fags left
desperate. france is the next to go, dumb bitch
>He doesn't drink before 12pm
Jesus, Germany
Because now we will get fucked even harder by Merkelele, while not getting the chance to leave because we're the Centerpiece of the EU.
Britain accepted shitskins way before the EU made them, though.
Don't we already have a war in Europe going on?
2 world wars in under 100 years, calling everyone else savages
really makes you wonder whats wrong with those people
hello I am confuse , I heard the reason Britain left Eu nation was because of the regulation on indsturies, why doesn't a heavy industry nation like Germany leave the EU nation?
it would be hilarious to watch Germany with their broom stick trained soldiers go up against nato.
There's worse things than war, you fucking coward.
USA is fourth reich, EU would be the weaker lamer fifth reich
Shut it, jew slave. You had the chance to do the right thing and you blew it twice
got no clue what they are talking about either, its like 2-3 dudes spamming shit and they assume its all the germans on the board.
But you can be sure the jews in Brussels will do their best to fuck with the UK in every way possible.
Because we ARE the EU, without us everything would collapse
The EU is made to stop Germany from conquering Europe again. It is designed to be inefficient and draining on them so Hitler 2 never becomes reality. It's different now though because Russia isn't communist anymore.
Because germany is the EU nation my Nippon friend.
Oh look, another subhuman leech is talking bullshit. Did you forget the Brexit promise already?
"More immigrants from the old Commonwealth".
Which means poo in loo and niggers.
Fucking subhumans.
modern technology prevents war, not the EU. l m a o
because they get to set the regulations in their favor.
Germany lives from exports and having economically weaker EU states to buy their shit. Hence the reason they are pushing for more and more member states as well as bailing out Greece while shackling them to debts whose terms are primarily benefiting Germany.
>germany has gotten weak.
>a good war out to fix most of the country right back up.
I... kind of agree with this. War and hardship would bring a lot of people back to reality and nature real fast
Honestly I would never believe this. Nukes may not get used, but Europe could fall into that shit again.
This. And it backfired in the most hilarious as most EU nations are slaves to us.
It isnt good for us either but ironic justice is always enjoyable.
Do germany even have an army anymore, I thought you were busy getting cucked
Didn't even need to fuel the planes this time.
Krauts lose again.
my guess is proxies or actual infiltration by some counter-speech "volunteers". I wouldnt be surprised. if you look on Sup Forums the majority of Germans 4channers is more than happy
>New Zealand
An Australian refugee.
I'm not butthurt. I'm fully erect.
All I want to see is the fucking EU burn.
They are trolling, duh.
Now that you are out I hope the EU collapses and we will have a peaceful and wealthy Europe of nation states
It didn't backfire really you guys did as the Germans always do and got yourself into the best position you possibly could. Now it's way less beneficial for other nations of value like Britain to stay though cos you guys suck everything out of it.
I don't know what you are hearing but the EU regulations are a good thing. For the fishing industries those regulation are in place to maintain fish stock in the sea. Of course the greedy fucks will oppose to regulations that could hurt their income even though it will make sure there won't be any environmental problem.
>says the swede