Can you give me one non-retarded reason why you still use Spotify?

Can you give me one non-retarded reason why you still use Spotify?

Spotify? more like Shitify

Because it has all the music I want, and it connects to on all my devices.


There are none. Use YouTube and Nintendo 3DS.

Seriously, why would you use any other app, besides downloading music online?
99% of the time Spotify and Pandora have stupid autoplay and shuffle play garbage where you can't listen to the tracks you want to (basically rendering albums unlistenable), and the rest, to unlock good features, you have to get a premium service. Soundcloud is for degenerate humans pretending that they're special when they're not, and Bandcamp... LOL don't even. At least on YouTube, you can find much more obscure bands, albums, tracks, etc. Other than that, just download music and use a 3DS. It has an app that allows you to play music with cool visuals and games. You can save music on the 3DS via an SD card, and can still play when closed, meaning you can hide it somewhere without anyone noticing. And you can get new music on it via StreetPass (if people have a 3DS and use their music player with it, you can get new recommendations and songs. The patrician way to get new music). They're dirt cheap, too. Also, record stores are your best friend.

>all the music I want

how's it feel being a pleb



what about Super Nintendo and Sega Genesis?

Anything it doesn't have I can just torrent and put on a Spotify playlist.

unironically this sounds pretty epic

I don't use it.

>not just torrenting everything instead of giving the musical jew ad/subscription money

It has a good range of classical recordings /albums. Other than that, it's shit

Because I have a job in an office


But I'm pretty wealthy and I enjoy squandering money. Don't you occasionally drop $200 on Vinyl for fun?

just press play instead of downloading albums that you'll listen once

anyone get the student discount and get 50 percent off? pretty good deal


That takes more time. I listen to at least 3 new albums a day. I don't want to wait for something to download every time I want to listen to something new.

I usually demo albums/artists on streaming websites like youtube and if I like it I'll download it (or buy it if I really like it). Just doesn't feel morally right to give money to spotify knowing how much of it goes back to the artists (not a whole lot). I'd rather give spotify nothing at the expense of giving the artist nothing and then buying the physical album if I really enjoy it that much.

bet you look like fantano

Because I enjoy the service, it's cheap, and very little of the music I wanted to find hasn't been on there.

>/thread-ing yourself
Post ignored.

I don't download an album until I've heard it. Very rarely do I have to download an album first because I can't find a youtube stream.

I'm a student so $5/month for almost all the music I want to listen to + Hulu is worth it in my opinion

Why not just keep your money and never encounter the problem of not being able to find an artist again.

what’s good on Hulu?

Hulu is pretty shitty. Half the times I've looked for a series on it, only half of the episodes are available or they don't have all sub or dub episodes if it's an anime. If I were a student I'd rather hang on to my money and just torrent my entertainment.

I've been watching Community lately, it also fills most of the gap in terms of the TV shows I want to watch but aren't on Netflix. Doesn't have everything but it has more than enough to make it worth $5/month cause that's cheap af

never gets old

Yeah it doesn't have everything but it has a lot of stuff I am interested in and I can afford $5/month so I don't mind

anyone can afford $5 a month, I just think it's bullshit and they don't deserve the money they make

A lot of shit but just from what ive seen
>peep show
>its always sunny
>tim and eric
None of which are on netflix


>same library on all devices
>if you delete music to save space it's not complete gone
>not a pain in ass to manage (i.e. ever tried to rip a CD with tags and album covers and everything?)
>seeing and sharing playlists with friends is kinda cool
>discover and radio algorithm is actually pretty good and you discover new music from time to time


If your answer has anything to do with it being convenient or easier, you're a brainlet

how much time do you spend organizing your music?

>youtube stream
Lower quality, can't listen on my phone, doesn't record to, and not every album I want to hear is on YouTube.

No I'm just a grown ass adult with a full time job and a busy life

Life after high school/freshman year of college is gonna hit y'all like a bus lmao

I wonder how many "why do you use Spotify" threads there have been since its creation. You'd think there would've been a definitive answer by now.

I torrent the album, put it into iTunes (so it goes into my jewphone) and if need be I change the genre and album artwork. Sometimes if you buy an a vinyl it gives you a download code, CDs you can rip straight to your computer.

>its always sunny
such a shame that moved away from netflix

Youtube is only to demo. I don't think you need HQ to tell if you're going to like something. If I believe I'll enjoy it, I download it or buy it.

>ever tried to rip a CD with tags and album covers and everything
EAC, pay the 8 dollars. Lifetime of never having to do that again.

The world is moving on and so should we.
We went from physical to digital to streaming media in more or less than 15 years. If you stay behind even just a bit, the world is going to crash on you hard.

No, he's a busy old man so he does use Spotify. Which is retarded. Doesn't take that long to download an album.

it's convenient and cheap. you don't have to use it as your main music player, but with it you have instant access to millions of albums to try out. what's not to like?

There isn't one because there's absolutely no reason other than laziness.

It takes way less time to just play an album on Spotify. What's your argument?

>and so should we
Could you elaborate on why?

Most retarded post ITT

Reminder: only poorfags get mad about people using Spotify.

Protip: they get mad because they're jealous

this is 100 percent a meaningless platitude but okay. What the fuck does the world "crashing" on you even entail

Anyone can afford $5 a month

>not having Spotify AND a large local library

I hate when people use streamings poor ability to give back to the artist as an attempt to justify pirating but this seems fine ngl

Because the amount of artists that are on there greatly outweigh the ones that aren't that I'm interested in and it's not enough for it to be a major inconvenience for me.

because i have a modded version of the app on android that allows me to use the full paid service for free.

Better get rid of all my vinyl and CDs that I've had for years. Thank god you said something before the world crashed in on me.


It just got banned a few days ago

kek, i do that. i use spotify for this

In addition, I'm not going to download music at work generally. So if anything I'm discovering music more efficiently by using spotify at work and downloading/purchasing records at home. I'm a savy consumer. I can listen to Erik Satie while I bench press and drink kombucha, no questions asked

Typical image of the entire world for the last three years, of course. The BBC uses this picture in their home today and wonders what happens when children do not listen to their parents and concentrate on their phones, conversations and games. Question of a dumbass journalist, without a doubt, but even worse is the answer they found to explain the phenomenon: some "scientists" say that the children in these cases do not do it with bad intentions but suffer from "unintentional blindness" . How can you be such an idiot? To think that at one time psychology was a vanguard discipline, now those who exercise it are retrograde who do not understand anything. I am going to explain, useless scrubs: the world of forums, networks, telephones, moves at great speed, people are led to maintain multilateral relations and conversations against many at the same time or among many. Talking to a guy, who wants to come and teach anything, is boring and useless and basically very slow and makes valuable time waste. If you want to talk you have to reach the speed of the young ones and they have to learn to form sentences of 140 characters, if not better to be quiet. The same goes for teachers , they do not do it anymore. Moreover, centralized education has ended its historical cycle and the best thing that governments can do is not invest anything in education, it is not necessary, you have to leave people free and arrange themselves as they can on the web. There are many institutions that go directly to the conservative, formal meetings, family meals, respect for the elderly, and it is good that it should be so. No powerful person can change this irreversible tendency of history. You do not have Facebook, Twitter, iPhone or Android, Tinder, Spotify or Instagram and you are dead, you are a slow person, incommunicado and you become extinct. The battle of the traditional society prior to 1994 is completely lost.

nice word salad

This, are people retarded?
Why would you limit yourself to only use one?

Anyone here knows any other mod?

The MakeSomeMoney mod

no it's still working, i'm using right now

so, the same thing said but longer

Spotify sent out warnings to the accounts, if they don't switch to a legitimate app they will ban you, not sure if they will enforce it though, but they probably will since they actively lose money with these hacked versions

Same point with more characters, adecuated for you slow and inefficient people.

Some posters make me think otherwise

How do I get the most from my Spotify subscription? Any tips and tricks?

not buy it

oh wow i didn't know that. i haven't received any email so far and i've been using a modded apk for like three years now. if they ban me i'll make another account

Listen to music that you like. Download it on your phone for offline listening.

And for a real penny pincher, shove your phone up your ass for anal stimulation.

spotify plus local library plus soundcloud=no need for anything else

Yeah, basically it looks like this

yeah i was just reading about that, thanks for the heads up.

Also, do my recommendations get better if I like or dislike a song? My recommendations are shit right now.

I use rateyourmusic to find new albums and look them up on spotify. They are there 85% of the time

Yes they do, that's the point of it
Also following artists and adding songs to you library helps

Go home, dad

That's a pretty low percentage for something that simple

>that simple
What do you mean?

Why should a streaming service that you pay for only turn up results 85% of the time

classical music.

Because you dont get everything you want in life, even if you pay for something youre not entitled to perfection, for the other 15% I can look it up somewhere else like bandcamp or youtube or slsk, at the end of the day of to don't get to listen to it then it doesnt matter all that much because there's still infinite music that can listen to

Because I'm tired of fixing my 160 gb ipod classic.
Do we have a portable player that goes to 160 gb? There used to be sansa clips but those aren't produced anymore (the new version is ''sansa sport'' and I don't think it accepts rockbox or w/e + microSD cards but I could be incorrect).

Okay so what you'e saying is, if you don't find it on Spotify, you look in the places that have almost everything. Why not just start somewhere else in the first place. You're paying for the possibility of poor results.

>even if you pay for something you're not entitled to perfection

Why not? Why the fuck would I pay for something that I know won't work, unless I'm on a budget.

Good point dude, guess I'll go back to fucking torrenting terabytes of albums that I might not even like and fucking fill my devices with viruses in the process too

How about you demo the fucking album on youtube, see if you like it, then look it up on soulseek and download it.

highly doubt you have a need for more than one terabyte of music.

it's the easiest way for me to listen to music at work, and also the easiest way to quickly preview new releases that I would otherwise have to download from soulseek and delete

* I don't have to download a ton of new releases I would otherwise delete and would take up space on my laptop

*Portable. I can listen to albums when I drive

*I can listen to something before I buy it so I know I like it

*Spotify actually has a lot of obscure stuff on it if.

*I can download shit that is not on Spotify

Fuck you asshole if you ever reply to one of my comments again I'll fuckingn turn your whole browser history into an art exhibition as a testament to the modern human's inability to live without anime and everybody wil know your name and laugh at you

I'll torrent terabytes of music if i want to
I just won't enjoy it

Doesn't youtube have less of a selection than spotify?

You'll find more obscure releases on youtube uploaded by fans or the artists themselves. Either way, I meant use youtube as a way to taste test the album before committing to a download.