Lets organize people, what can us Swedes do for Britain in this glorious day? Honestly my heart is breaking from happiness, let Trump win please I love that man.

So to the question at hand, is there anyway, me and other individuals can do to support england through this tough journey of independence?

What do I do? Do I disregard scottish whiskey, and buy english flagged liqour at "Systembolaget"? Do I buy my minced meat from Ireland?

What can us humble anons do to support English export? Lets ignore the shill threads and talk about something productive. Earning 3000 dollar each month, I willing to spend 1k each month for tobacco, liqour and food for Britains independance. Other Euro-anons and american anons may join, lets look at our options of English owned business, and lets give them our business.

Salut for your victory of Brexit, my heart warms for you fellow people, one step against the eternal globalist jew has been achieved, the tide is turning.


Will shamelessly bump this thread until consequtive decision has been made. We love you Britain, make yourself Great again!

Awaiting discussion, join in anons, together we can make Britain great again. Who do we buy our product from? Lets show solidarity with our brave cousins of the isle, don't let the international jew bust their balls through economic corruption, I pledge to buy straight from englishmen if we can recieve the data we need and know who to buy from.

Join us

Refusing to get slid I bump again, lets support english owned businesses with our love and even financial support

We are not men of talk, we are men of action and we will vote with our wallet.

Join us in the Lords kingdom, for Brexit is our Saviour.

You hear the word of The Trump, you believe in the word Of Trump, believe let me hear it, say it with The Trump!

God bless the Uk's independance, from going to cucked britbongs to achieving true Britain greatness the savages will bow before your rule.

Join in for discussion, where do us common people invest, now that britain will experience a journey of toughness, reaching independance without compromise.

We stand by britain.


friendly bump. Godspeed Sweden, may you too once again be free.

This is actually a good question. I'd like to know, too.

Thank you upside down poland

Solidarity thread for UK, join us Sup Forumsacks, we need to discuss our spending habits in favour to our british, officially UNKEKED brothers

Learn some photoshop/aftereffects skills and start making posters and videos promoting same ideas in your country, using Britain as an example.

The cradle of civilization, a bunch of snaggled tooth cunts set to shape the entire world into something greater? How did they do it? How did they civilize the savage OOGA BOOGA tribes and brought order to the world?

A tiny island having such enormous positive influense of all the western world, how could it be possible? Lets celebrate with our British countrymen, and discuss a way to support them in solidarity through the tough journey up that mountain, our thoughts, prayers and care is good enough for start, but we need to invest in their businesses, either profesionally, or as a common individual, simply choosing to buy british products. Join our discussions people, lets get all the NON-jewowned businesses, our business.

I personally vow to buy the following products from britain, Alcohol brewed by common people in Britain, Tobacco sold by british people, Tea for my morning cup, and also possibility of good quality meat-products, Cows, Chicken, horses (?), if that was is required to help our fellow britains then i will do it at a personal level.

Join us polacks, lets discuss.

dont prep the bull today in GLORY OF THE GREAT UNITED KINGDOM, friend

Make #Swexit reality is the best way to help UK

Refusing thread from dying by liberal redditors sliding "Why X if Y? TRUMP BTFO" and other nonsense.

Lets buy our products from England people, we are in charge, not mega-ass faggot jews. (I can legit go to prison for "anti-semitism" by this post so join me bros, no stopping the winning train!!!!!)

Get on twitter and defend us as a Sweden also buy UK stuff

Swedenistan, here's what you should do, you and your nationalist friends should mix orange juice concentrate with gasoline in glass bottles, cork them with a towel sticking out, dip the towel in DEISEL, light the towel, and throw at your local mosque. Take your fucking country back.

We honestly got some hardcore nationalists setting fire to future refugee homes, true heroes who will one day get what they deserve.

I'm looking for options to us normal, and abnormal fags, ways to support UK.

Why should I buy my offbrand foreign liqour, when I can buy the one with the english flag? I love local food, but in these times I will buy minced meat from our english brothers, anything to support them friend.

I'll give one honorable bump, then its up to you Sup Forumsacks to keep it up, we need to discuss this.

Go out and celebrate midsommer ya fucking NEET

Count me in.

Become politically active, show some spine and let the world know that not all swedes are cucks and political right is alive and kicking in Sweden.


I thank you, Sweden. Let us hope that you can follow in our footsteps and take your country back too, I look forward to Swexit. You've now seen firsthand that calling someone a racist, bigot, xenophobe or whatever else no longer has the effect it did, just like the emotional vote. See what we were up against

>British media
>World media
>Death of an MP in a "coordinated (it wasn't, but leftists like to play pretend) attack" a week before the vote
>Smearing of anyone who dared to say they wanted to leave
>The "tolerant" left
>Extending the deadline to register by 2 days because the server was down for half an hour
>Jacob "Final Boss" Rothschild
>Literally the elite
>Plucky Britain pulled through

I have faith in you Sweden. It's the first time I can really think of when I've had genuine pride in my country and my countrymen (some of them anyway), I hope you too get to experience this feeling because it is nothing other than fucking joyous.

PS buy our stuff.

PS buy

they will be fiiine the best you could do is get sweden to LEAVE AS WELL. just go buy a union jack mug online or whatever you white guilt cucks do.