Now that the NFL is officially for cucks, how do I get into NASCAR?

Now that the NFL is officially for cucks, how do I get into NASCAR?

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NASCAR and hockey are the sport of the white man.

NASCAR is shit watch the REAL American motorsport, IndyCar

I love that Trump is doing this, it's basically a proxy attack on the media networks that constantly go after him and it's going to hit them in the pocketbook more than it does the NFL.

Honestly, Trump is just pissed that the league wouldn't let him own his own team.

Doesn't he own the military football team?
I wonder what would happen if one of them decides to kneel.

Just gotta be poor and stupid..

Drumpf exalting the culture of ignorant, racist rednecks as usual. Fuck this guy.

> Trump will undoubtedly legalize first cousin marriage if not incest outright

I mean, the jokes write themselves

Why is Trump against the right to freedom of speech?

Wrong again, baby

lol junior wtf

>instigating a race war for the next guy to clean up while then making money off of it
5d chess

Dale Jr confirmed for Antifa

FUCK any kind of female reletives you have is a good way to Start

wtf ah hayte jewnya now

>Head of army and air force college football teams
>Sends out angry tweets Monday morning after the CFP Committee don't rank either at the top over Alabama


>buy race ticket
>friends not required
>buy beer and liquor
>pack into car
>drive to local NASCAR track
>set up shop
>starting drinking with everyone that walks by
>make friends for life
>carry leftover beer into track
>rinse and repeat at every race

He's a fag and irrelevant.
Sr. would be ashamed if he saw what a piece of garbage his namesake is.

Sr left us with this shit!????

t. Jimmy Johnson


I stopped reading and started laughing right there.

Actually sounds pretty Comfy desu senpai


sounds good
what do you use to drink, just beer?

By Falling asleep mid race

Smoke meth, chew tabocco ,fuck your cousin and vote against your economic interests voting republican

Keep turning left, eventually you'll get there.

Nascar isn't a real sport

>vote against your economic interests voting republican


I wish rally racing were big enough to watch regularly here/have fans in the US, but then it would just get commercialized and then I'm back to square one.

I went to a race in Charlotte in May and it was comfy af. We meet some people while tailgating and the race was really fun. The BYOB part of it is also great, you save so muh money

But true

Just redpilling Sup Forums tards

I'm fully convinced Trump was the better choice that Hillary.
Sort of like 0.1 is more than 0.

Feel sorry for you . He's doing irrefutable irrevocable damage to our image internationally

Nah. Hillary is bad, but at least she wouldn't alienate us from our allies.

Our country turning into South Africa 2.0 thanks to the mongrel hordes is what's damaging our image, not what the president says or does.

> our country is turning into South Africa

Gonna need a source for that Cletus. Turn off Fox News btw

>implying Sr. would be in support of anyone who likes walls that much

I hate Trump and I unironically agree with this.

We were bombing people, deporting people, expanding police power, suspending civil liberties, robbing people of due process, letting the ultra rich run this country and increasing the surveilance state under Obama too. The difference is the Democrats are sneaky about it where Trump is too dumb to be subtle. I'm glad that other Americans are seeing the garbage going on in this country and getting upset about it. People are getting more involved and that's always positive.

Trump was the slap in the face this country needed.

I'd link you the study but you won't pay for it


Deporting people is a normal function of any government you complete moron

Once again the most based driver

>go to NASCAR race in Michigan
>one negro in the entire stadium
>it sits in front of me

Why is the President of the United States regularly commenting on sports?

Doesn't he have better shit to do?

>Doesn't he have better shit to do?
There's nothing more important than taking a stand against the "fuck whitey" cultural narrative

librul tears!!

Breed with your relatives and live in an impoverished flyover shithole.

>tfw Trump is doing an abysmal job but would still vote for him again vs Clinton

Reminder President Trump's brand of electoral politics requires you to think the country is shit (and only he can save it). If things go well for the country it'll hurt his reelection bid.
Wake up, folks.

I don't know man, it seems really petty and childish to me.

I don't watch sports so I don't give a fuck.

But from the outside looking in, it seems really odd that the PRESIDENT is so invested in what sports people are doing.

>requires you to think the country is shit
The country is shit in every conceivable way.

Communist detected. We get it, you hate America, just say it.

Not only that but he did it during a RALLY in Alabama.

Sitting presidents don't hold rallies. He just does this crap to try and galvanize his racist hillbilly voting base because he's hoping the crooked Democrats trot out another dud in 2020 which will again demoralize everyone who isn't a dumb redneck from voting.

we're living in an age of untold prosperity. i wish i had a time machine so i could drop you off in 1933 when people were literally starving to death in our major cities and there was no employment what so ever.

if you think contemporary america is bad, you have absolutely no perspective son.

Nazi detected. We get it , you hate America because its diverse like the founding fathers intended

Reminder that literally only poor people don't agree with Republican economics

>I don’t understand the founding fathers the post


>A minority of this country is doing exceedingly well so everything must be fine! The news told me so!

I'm a Nazi because I think this country should be respected for the rights and freedoms it provides? I'm a Nazi because I think the disgusting actions of ungrateful overpaid morons protesting racist BLM bullshit shouldn't be tolerated?

You just made the term Nazi irrelevant, son. Take a seat, or, better yet, take a knee.

Yeah, because voting and citizenship weren't restricted to white people for the vast majority of our country's history

Republicans economics hurts everyone who's not independently uber wealthy. If your not wealthy, you are living s life of debt created by republican economics

this was savage

>we're living in an age of untold prosperity
Yeah - for a few assholes in California and New York. Everyone else is getting fucked. The middle class is practically an endangered species.

IIRC Trump owned a now-defunct professional football league some decades ago.
>YFW he's spotlighting this issue in order to break apart the NFL from within as an act of revenge

> corporate republicans outsource all of the blue collar jobs in America

> " I know, I'll vote for a corporate republican president, he'll bring all the jobs back! "

i really can't feel sorry for people like you, your idiocy is profound

>canadians and slavs

Why are you projecting me to be a Drumpf voter? I didn't even vote because it's obvious only a Pinochet-level coup could fix this dumpster fire of a country.

A much bigger underlying problem to this is fragile masculine men conflate voting republican with masculine identity

>liberals still full of hubris
You lost and will keep losing, faggots.

Our military stands with Kaepernick

>fragile masculine men conflate voting republican with masculine identity
Democrats make it easy when they're a bunch of soy-eating "I'm with Her" coastal fairies.

Nuance and intelligence are also masculine virtues. Being a white redneck truck driver who probably makes 75k is not voting against his interests voting republican

I mean spending power of an hour of minimum wage 30 years ago was ~20 2017 USD.

Since then there has been a sharp decrease in home ownership, vehicle ownership, marriage, income, employment, and essentially every other metric by which the standard of life is measured.

If your bar is set to "At least it isn't the great depression!" when we have access to modern technology, this society is a complete failure.

Friendly reminder Republican economics is responsible for that chart

>networks that constantly go after him and it's going to hit them in the pocketbook
Kek, Trump nor the alt right supporters hold that much power. All they can do is influence the dumb southerners and Midwestern hillbillies


R.I.P #3, fuck that wall

t. butthurt berniebro

>implying Trump isn't butthurt about the NFL owners cucking him from having an NFL team
>or butthurt about that time the NFL cucked him from having a football league

He does know what the main fan base nascar is right?

>butthurt shitskin third worlder mad at Trump


>butthurt about some other country's president
I like Trump, but everyone knows he wanted an NFL team back in the 80s and the owners said no.

I think the guy replying to your post made a mistake.

does everyone really get to stand on the track after the race?
sounds cool
are all skin colors welcome?

Correct. We have thirty years of data at this point, it's time to accept that trickle down economics doesn't work.

Don't be mad at the guy because he's right.

we coudve been in based world war FOREVER with hilldog

lord knows how many timelineshifts would of had to occur for us not to acknowledge the mass world wide carnage

It's time to accept socialism doesn't work.

This is one of the few cases where it actually does go both ways. People didn't vote because of policies - if they did, the pacifist liberals would've voted Trump and the financially struggling conservatives would've voted Clinton. This isn't going to change until we lose toxic masculinity in our society, which might never happen.

>It's time
I mean, it's not like it wasn't clear after the great chinese hunger.

>for a few assholes in New York
Oh, so like Trump

Why is it so hard for people to understand that previous generations were just stupid?