Thread #1
Thread #2
We must preserve the bants and butthurt for future generations of shitlords... Go skim your FB/ Twitter and all that shit, post what you find.
For posterity lads and the generations to come!
Thread #1
Thread #2
We must preserve the bants and butthurt for future generations of shitlords... Go skim your FB/ Twitter and all that shit, post what you find.
For posterity lads and the generations to come!
Other urls found in this thread:
Has he hung himself yet?
I can't take it.
fuck I have to go to work
I wish I could shitpost about this all day
anyway congrats Britheroes.
Reposting from two breads ago
The old hag supports Brexit, doesn't she?
>mfw the queen wanted to leave too
you can kiss monarchy goodbye if this happens and the queen knows it
During the voting I saw articles floating around here saying she did, could'a been fake though.
Bitched lived through WW2.
I doubt she's gonna flinch over a fucking little recession.
This is why no one likes milleanials.
I've lived through 2 recessions. They fucking suck. You get on with it.
Fucking suck it up and stop being such little bitches and deal with the situation at hand.
>democracy == we vote for people to make decisions
>doesn't realise we never voted for the EU leaders who make our decisions
fukin pakis i swear
>it's not even been a day
Calm the fuck down luv
She does support Brexit
Has there been tears on this scale before?
I don't think so
Watch it m8 or we will do it again u cheeky wanker
>I'm moving
>to fucking Sweden
>W E W L A D
I gandered into Sup Forums (despicable place), and apparently the UK is official back to her perfidious ways as the most hated country on the planet
>so yeah
oh god my blood is boiling already
>Democracy- we vote for people to represent us
what is a republic
>How're you today, your royal magesty?
>Since 1973, never better!
Please no
We have enough of this kind of people
always the same mate who cares.
What she means is:
Iam too stupid to make decisions, therefore everyone else is too. That is why we need elected elites (that are actually just common people) that make the decisions for us.
Guy who made this game is on suicide watch.
Why would he? Jones was a soft remain and I bet part of him was secretly glad that the UK voted exit, seeing as he felt that way up until the start of this year.
Stop seeing the world in black and white.
Pretty much.
I do enjoy watching German and French posters fall over themselves to proclaim we'll be punished etc.
I can't wait for the tears when the likes of BMW & VW cuck them into oblivion.
I am correct in thinking that the goys who wanted to stay are little more than the negros during the AST who didn't want it to end, right? They're basically 21st century houseniggers.
>abrar Ahmed
Guys this is an amazing day
>no confidence vote tabled for Jeremy Corbyn
>Davey C has resigned
>we have independence
>independence day 2 is in fresh out in the cinemas
top cuck
>>Davey C has resigned
best thing
So britbongs, who will be your next PM?
Supported it in private, couldn't publicly say it.
>why did they let the people decide it should have been done by politicians
>lefties all exited scotland referendum back on table
Fucking hypocrites, do they realize how retarded they look?
>shafquat shaman khan
that sweet sweet rage
BoJo or riot
This person just wont stop
How can we recover from this?
Cunts if you want to see some a grade asspain go to buzzfeed UK's FB page
I can't tell from that small photo. Is that person a potato?
Boris Johnson
Mentally and spiritually.
She's taking my memeing well at least
Swedefag here, join our thread in support of our uncucked british gentlemen, we will discuss ways to support the Great britain from the possibly incoming recession and jewry, WE SUPPORT ENGLAND, WE BUY ANYTHING PRODUCED IN ENGLAND, LETS GET IT STARTED PEOPLE!
love it
rupert murdoch is an aussie
>talking about people engaged in self harm
>using the word "cutting
Holy shit I'm dying
Is Reality the guys name?
That means that you did the right thing.
>democracy works only when it agrees with me
>"""""Progressive""""" liberals getting exposed as the true repressors.
Dear Brits:
Congratulations on telling the EU to get fucked.
May many other nations follow your lead
>leaving a union is bad!
>i hope scotland leaves the UK because my feelings!
jesus what a hoe
>Democraty = we elect people to consult people we do not elect
I can't stand such level of retardation with this level of smugness
Sup Forums How are you celebrating?
>everyone who voted leave is either POOR or OLD LOL, HOW RACIST
Oh good the "progressives" have decided that class-ism and age-ism is completely fine, but still get natty about racism, god i hate these cucks.
>Lefty riot when
They really have dragged their name through the mud enough already, lets see if they can really nail up their coffin
I wish sweden suspended the police for a week so I could got leftist cuckhunting for the time, it would be so great.
None the less, seeing liberal faggot ass cuckholds cry is a true blessing. Ave Britain, Ave Freedom!
My mum came into my room to bring me a plate of bernard matthews mini chicken kievs and I literally screamed at her and hit the plate of mini kievs out of her hand. She started yelling and swearing at me and I slammed the door on her. I'm so distressed right now I don't know what to do. I didn't mean to do that to my mum but I'm literally in shock from the results this morning. I feel like I'm going to explode. Why the fucking fuck did remain lose? Why is the country full of racist bigots? This can't be happening. I'm having a fucking breakdown. I don't want to believe the world is so corrupt. I want a future to believe in. I want Germany to be our occupier and fix this broken country. I cannot fucking deal with this right now. It wasn't supposed to be like this, I thought remain was ahead in the YouGov poll???? This is so fucked
>dat nose
Exactly the same goes for Euro companies buying British goods. These clowns think trade will cease cause of our exit? Laughable
>muh feefees
>Trans """""woman"""""
No wonder xe is such a fag
i'm thinking of applying for British citizenship, maybe thie country has a future after all.
I have been in the UK for 11 years now, and have just finished my MEng.
What else do I need to do to apply for the citizenship? The 'Life about UK' test I understand, but is my knowledge of English language proven by passing GCSE's A-Levels and a BEng/MEng at a British uni?
I think my parents have applied for a residency few years back, so I might be able to be a citizen within a year
Liberals cry and shake over everything. It must be an absolute nightmare to be so weak and mentally fragile.
Like Rhodesia and South Africa?
My boss knew how much I wanted this so he's given me the day off to celebrate. Going to enjoy a bit more butthurt on here and stir some shit on facebook before I get ready and start extra early at the pub. I cannot imagine the state I will be in at the end. Should probably get some sleep since I stayed up all night but fuck it. GOD SAVE THE QUEEN, LADS.
Has Owen Jones killed himself yet?
Not sure if this has been posted or not, for any of you who don't know Lily "whore" Allen she lost two babies to complications.
Boi you are becoming australian competition m8
cup of tea and some NWOBHM
>alcohol and sausage
We're trying to, but these faggots think otherwise.
>this cuck got all the food from his kitchen and set it up on a table like this just to get likes on facebook
These people and their desire for validation at all times is baffling
Anyone got anything more Sup Forums flavored?
Especially saw a lot of posts yesterday saying how it was never going to happen on some of the more liberal boards.
I'm sure the information you want is on, and much better than any advice on here. If you want to talk to someone in real life look for a citizen's advice bureau
>ex mcdonalds worker
I took the day off work and only woke up at midday because I stayed up until 6am shitposting and watching the results.
Just called my dad and am going out with him and my mum later for a drink.