Will this go in history as the year when modern leftism and globalism DIED?

Will this go in history as the year when modern leftism and globalism DIED?

Yes, and it is great.


But it won't fade away slowly.
These are end times. As the months go on, the conflict will heat up.

I just hope you're ready for what's to come.

Serious question: what leftism? Leftism isn't a relevant force anywhere. Liberal humanism is not leftism you inbred. Leftism has nothing to do with capitalism's internal conflict between liberal and protectionist camps.

stfu binland, your political prism is irrelavent

Yes. Even the lefties see it, they're getting fearful, they're smug and they're losing their fucking minds.

This is the year the pendulum swings back. Brexit was proof of it.

Its our fucking year.

It is unwise to praise the day before sunset

But we are taking back our nations and forging a Trump victory


>It's 2016

This is Biblical prophecy guys.

World War 3 is on its way, the gears have been set in motion.

I hope you're all ready.

So is the left.

How do we get ready?

any insight on what might be coming

>mfw I realize this is the current year

I'm loving it. The pendulum swinging back has been brewing for a bit now this is the first visible proof and if Trump wins there will be anarchy on the left.

Depends what happens in the US election. If Trump wins, there will be no turning back.

I'd say work on getting in the shape of your life for starters, the rest is mental.

The left peaked in 2015, it was a miserable year for all. Now its all coming back, we've had victory after victory.

Too bad our election here is so fucking boring. Ill be voting for other parties to gain seats in the house.



When is he doing this?

Alex Jones is that you?