Britbongs fall for US and Russian propaganda

> Britbongs fall for US and Russian propaganda
> Britbongs lose their European market
> Britbongs lose a lot of skilled EU workers (engineers, ..., plumbers)
> Disintegration, britbongs lose Scotland, Gibraltar, Falklands (Malvinas), etc.

mfw britbongs can be this stupid

found the sumbarine yet

>Implying all those things won´t be better when they get to control their own trade agreements and who comes into their country

Come on Sven, at least try baiting better

Keep cucking yourself, Sven.

gibe our imperial sub back.

I'm not swedish so I don't give a shit about this either.

I'm going to report you to Swedish authorities for posting critical statements online. During prayer time nonetheless!

Who are they trading with? xD

>Britain is going to deport useful European members of British society because WE FOURTH REICH NAO, BRITS ONLY AND ALL OTHERS GTFO

Listen to yourself you fish paste eating refugee fetishist knee jerking faggot. The only thing this means is Britain now controls their immigration as opposed to the EU controlling it.

Germany will not let the bongs back to earn more money. Companies if the remaining EU will fill in the "void" left by the british.

UK is full of people with foreign background anyway. If they want to stop immigration it's too late.

This whole brexit didn't make any sense. Just admit it.

>I'm not Swedish
Shit skin confirmed

Lele it means so much more. It is an entire mountain of things you get control over now. So a mountain of shit you can fuckup aswel.

Btw prepare to pay your wallet empty to the EU so they allow you tp use the internal market.

Leave or country then you fucking shitskin or mongol

Yeah, it´s totally better to hang around in a circlejerk that sells shit to you at overprice in order to milk money out of you and giving you niggers in return. Oh, wait....

>Swedish tears are especially salty from regular consumption of Afro-Arabian sperm


get out then you fuck

> taking advice from the cucks of Europe

Good one

I'm not buying anything from the UK any more, as their products no longer have to be up to EU standards. :^)

>Britbongs fall for US and Russian propaganda
You just fell on mohamed dick, you swede cuck, twice

Ignore OP aka Achmed

To rise, you have to fall first

Britbongs are welcome to join North America

Our closest ally

Britain has skilled workers, the UK isn't Greece or Sweden... Besides, if the EU actually functioned like a legitimate government agency, it would've been able to address the issues that were afflicting its member states and the UK wouldn't have been pushed out. You guys act like it's not Merkel's fault or this is the end of the world, shit fucking happens so deal with it. What should we really expect from a faggot in Cuckdonistan?

Lol, their own trade agreement ?

Let's speak of it.
In order for UK to trade with Europe, the UK will have to comply to the financials regulation of Europe.

Except this time around, it's only the french and the german writing them.

UK basically ultracucked themselves.

The collapse of GBP shows that the market doesn't think leaving was a good idea.

Market fluctuations are normal, people are just being cautious

It happens every time Apple comes out with a new iThing

> Britbongs fall for US and Russian propaganda

If you've actually been paying attention the past months, Remain has been shilled to death everywhere. Show me a single Pro-leave article on a mainstream newssite, I dare you, you fucking cuck.

The market literally likes nothing but the status quo

So the EU that just lost a huge annual sum of membership payments and even more from the shit they sell to the UK by forcing them to buy it at an overprice is suddenly just going to be so stubborn and not take the shekels?

Quit joking Harold, if anything it´s the cuck union that´s going to beg the UK to let the niggers stay there and suck the trade cock so that they can at least sell some useless shit to recuperate money so that the merchant union doesn´t spiral into suicide watch.

Actually now that the UK is out the EU budget may increase under French and German impulsion.

A huge part of UK PIB is financial services (20%). Compare it to the Industry share in UK's PIB (10%).
And those service are so huge thanks to passporting rights, allowing banks in the UK to do transaction in Euro with other EU members and declaring the revenue in the UK, where the tax are much better.

This mean that in-fine, around 10-15% of UK PIB is directly dependant of a single trade agreement with europe. And the UK is totally not in a position of strenght to negociate it again.

I live in the UK. All the popular press aimed at the poor and uneducated was pro-leave.