how is europe going to sustain itself now?
How is europe going to sustain itself now?
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Well it's a German Empire so I think Germany should have to pay more
Higher contributions from Germany, France, Italy, the Netherlands, Sweden Denmark, Austria and Finland.
Oh that's going to go down well.
it's the beginning of the end tho, how long will the people be ok with getting cucked even more?
>germany and italy
Making Poland and the rest of the countries paying more.
Spain is ok tho.
Germany, France, Holland, etc. will just have to dig deeper to give Poland, Greece and Hungary their gibsmedats.
buy admission of turkey.
By wiping out Turkeyroachland with nuke or building big big wall
lazy faggots
#italeave when?
>Sustain itself
Why sustain it?
Germany will destroy itself for us. Don't worry. They love to help others.
In the meantime, every country leaves and the EU will be bankrupt Germany.
5 billions is peanuts divided by 27.
>EU's 4th largest economy is now one that is a net beneficiary rather than a contributor
top kek
How can Poland be so nationalist and all that right now, when they're getting that much Europe money?
how does this work when the money being spent is more than the money available to spend
I'm supporting fexit
There's far more than money at stake here.
Valuing a country on such things is a Jew game.
it doesn't
Italy is coming
Around Poles, distribute doles.
By not letting in Turks?
Also, when will they learn that communism doesn't work?
We have no money ;)
Because we are smart. We take the money, because retards give it to us.
Germany should pay more. Who started ww2 after all hmmm? Who had colonies in Africa? They should be considered responsible for it.
This. Germany should pay double in order to pay for the reconstruction of Czech
Why do you think people want to leave?
Credit aka printing money out from air
>Who had colonies in Africa?
Not Germany?
fucking hell poland no wonder u mad today
Who never paid us for WW II ?
Whos fault is that?
>On 23 August 1953, the Communist People's Republic of Poland under pressure from the Soviet Union announced it would unilaterally waive its right to war reparations from East Germany on 1 January 1954
they finished paying in 2010
kek how does Poland that much?
Yeah, well the borders of the EU now match the borders of the Third Reich + Fascist Italy + Fascist Spain + Gains in Vichy France, Greece, and Poland.
EU is the Fourth Reich.
Smaller budget to distribute? EU funds are not as impactful as people think they are. The free market access is.
Poland is not anti-EU
What is Namibia?
isn't that great?
Right after #Departugal, but before #Fruckoff
Indeed, what is Namibia?
Reichskommissariat western Ukraine is still missing
Never, we are all limpdicked idiots. If you look up "cuck" in the dictionary you'll find "see also sweden, italy"
Both of those apply to Britain more than Germany though. And guess what - Brexit succeeded. Be afraid, Jew, for the last word is not spoken.
>we now have to gib 11 billion more to EU cuz Bongland left
>Also known as Frallezvousfairevoir
borrow money from ((((International Monetary Fund)))) at huge interest.
>by 27
You mean 6, the other 20 are only leeching from the rest, they won't pay more.
because they don't understand how much they depend on EU. If they left EU, they would have to make a Faustian deal with Russia to avoid going bankrupt.
Yeah better make a Faustian deal with EU and build more mosquees :D
A former German colony in Africa.
Not only that the Italian economy is in the Shitter.
But fear not that deal we had regarding the Suez crisis may still be on the table now that America is starting too see the light and won't impede it.
Just vote Frexit
by 6 you mean 2 (Germoney and France) and by 11 billion he means 29 (Italy & Spain are highly unlikely too be able too keep paying in for much longer but they'll still need the gibmedats and they cannot just be thrown out)
We already voted no to EU. It didn't matter. We are too much jewed
French + British nukes over axis Europe when?
You are reading the chart wrong, it's only 6.57 billions.
Well volunteered, Italy.
>France pays the most into the EU
>has much less power than Germoney
If you look at the chart you'll also see that Poland is a net beneficiary for 11 billions, I've heard Polish economy has done very well after joining the EU, I think it's time for them to start contributing.
By importing more refugees to forcefully inseminate European wombs and raise birth rates.
>it's still not enough to cover for Greece
Thanks for taking them away from Ottomans famalam.