Hello, Merkel.
>experienced and wise people voted brexit
>young delusional libtards that grow up in ue propaganda about how fine is everything since we have ue voted remain
Nice try.
35+ were for Leave.
Remove star.
Thank god the cock sucking millennial scum got BTFO
when i was in school i also voted what my teachers told me to vote
big fucking surprise here
Do you have one fod genders? I bet women were mostly pro-EU.
>takes a pic of a pizza on his 900€ iphone
>my 2k followers will surely appreciate this
>#bliss #picoftheday #foodporn
They'll realise it was the right decision in time.
Old people, am I right? They should just die and certainly not be allowed to vote like the subhuman trash they are :^)
Yes we know. Our generation are fucking idiots.
I'm 25 now and in retrospect 18 year old me was a total idiot. I trust in my elders, especially those who have lived through tougher times than I have.
>doesn't know how standardized age groups work
classic american
So the elders that created the UE now want to leave it? Seems right to me.
They'll understand when they get older
i see this pic everywhere, how do i debunk it lads
UK drug use by age group, 2012-13.
kek, BTFO for life
it's totaly not like the schools teach about how great the EU is when you live inside an EU country hahaaha
>most old people
>have seen some shit, want what is best long-time
>most gen XYZ
>hedonistic and brainwashed libtards
What is that on the right, some sort of fucking cancer? ayyyy
It's the truth, you don't debunk it.
You should point out though that this is the result and people should deal with it. And maybe you want to point out how regressive the notion is to deny certain demographic groups the right to vote and have an opinion.
point, point and laugh haha
lol millenial scum on suicide watch (and i say this as an enlightened millenial)
In a globalised world it may be better not to trust the future of your country to a person who doesnt know how to use the remote if its tv, but its just my opinion.
If you thought this flag was rare before...
Its you who will be on suicide watch soon, even Sup Forums soon wont be necessary for you, the EU is gone, tomorrow all immigrants will magically disappear and the UK (or what will remain of it) will finally show the world how its done - expect incredible economic upswings and to get all colonies back.
Kek. Europe being this butt hurt is incredible. Cup of tea lads?
Read the small print.
Based on a POLL of 1652 people, presumably all in one local area.
It's like saying that because all people that live in mansions are rich, everyone is rich.
Did you really fall for the 70+ y/o people are wise, experienced sages meme? The reality is that they're for the most part senile and most of the time can barely differenciate between their memories and things they immagined to be true. I've seen just as many old people fall for propaganda of how things used to be as I've seen young people fall for propaganda since they can barely remember how things used to be in the first place.
Brits done goofed!
Taking bets now how long will it be till Boris Johnson is hung from a lamp post.
someone looks a little bit salty
are you afraid to loose your neet ue job?
Got breakdown by gender?
This is how polls are done, in one town they ask 1600 persons, if possible even 1600 inhabitants of one street or one big gypsy family. Thank you for giving this insight, ill instantly mail reuters and the others that this would make no sense at all.
>Shills are mad af straight from reddit
It's over for you.
This is only the start for us
>In my early 20's voted leave
>Nationalism is hot
>You losers are not
>implying being a old retard makes you wise
theres nothing to debunk. the problem isnt with the data, its with the common interpretation: the elderly are dictating the future of the younger generation, and are doing it because they themselves wont live with the consequences (for as long, relatively)
the reality is, the elderly are the ones who have longer experienced life inside the EU. as for the whole, 52% dictating the lives of the 48%, ask them if its fairer that the 48% should dictate the the lives of the other 52%
bless those pommy cunts
don't you have a refugee to tend to angela
> globalised world
Oh god.
Im salty not of the fact that the UK is leaving, im salty of how people can be so dumb. That is why referendums arent a thing or at least shouldnt, because this way the masses of unemployed and dumb who look for a reason of their failure vote for the dumbest shit. Add the old people who have nothing to do majority of the day besides complaining and the fact that the educated dont want to vote and you get this shit result. Sup Forums is 80% loser material and so most dont understand that this vote was probably the dumbest thing to do.
What the shit are you talking about? The point is that a poll of 1600 people is not representative of an electorate of tens of millions, and does not represent the entire population. The only important statistic is that 51.9% voted leave.
>youth outnumbers elderly
its their fault for not voting.
>thinking anybody will take him seriously
The younger generation know what's going on. This statistic actually makes really hopefull and proud. There is STILL a future for a united europe under one flag. We don't need nationalism. We need to think bigger. To stay relevant we need to unite and break the borders.
Just marathoned the EU referendum. Did i enjoy it?
you start a meme advocating the death of those over 50
Ask them if they liked it better before the EU, especially between 1914-1945, if we still can find survivors to report how great of a time it was, the nights spend in bomb shelters, the lost relatives, the dead children, the one big pile of shit europe it was - amazing times to be alive. Lets repeat!
Used to be that elders were respected
Now the youth give them the finger for not thinking as they do
This, do people forget that there's a reason most scams are aimed at elderly people? They are gullible and easily influenced, moreso than the most stereotypical young libtard. Having lived for longer is no substitute for diminished mental faculties.
You're assuming the conductors of the poll understand polling methodology.
Someone with your flag should know better than that :^)
Thank god there exists a subset that haven't been ruined by leftist brainwashing :^)
Maybe we should let 1 year olds decide the future of our countries then!
This just in, younger people aren't as smart as they think they are.
You're a fool if you think the majority of elders are that clueless.
Oh, and I'm guessing you're an exception to that rule though, right?
soon to be extinct flag
Juncker, fuck off plz. You're not supposed to shitpost on Sup Forums during your work hours
Perhaps if the economic damage and damage to the pound are severe enough, the next government will reverse the referendum.
Consider the next general election as the final referendum. It's britain's only hope.
>baby boomers destroying europe even on their death bed
>that demagogy
damn you ue burocrats all the same man
you've already broken your border.
history has shown germany has no respect for borders. are you trying to start another riech you nazi?
>Points in my post addressed: 0
Nice one Merkel.
Henceforth this is the picture we should be using ;)
Fuck off Trudeau, no one's buying it.
They are completely clueless, an old man that has aged well enough that he could actually be considered wise is a rarity. But I'm guessing you're just as dumb as they are, so how could you tell the difference?
Mudslimes for EU regime, native people for their nation, what's new about that?
People who were alive when Britain was independent knew that it was best to leave. Remainers were just afraid of change that wasn't "Progressive"
We just need boomers to do it one more time in America for Trump. I swear i'll never shit on a Boomer again if they vote in Trump
Go fuck yourself you retarded prick, whilst you sit in front of your pc taking yourself serious shit happens in the universe outside of your Sup Forums memes. Europe is a fragile construct and the scenario of another war is not as unlikely as you think as long as retards like you who are salty of being alive can vote. Id like to see your ass getting drafted and then losing a limb or so, if you then come back and type here Sup Forums was right guys, war is great.
I'm disgusted that you have no respect for older people. Glad we are leaving you cunts.
>implying young cucks who are debt slaves have a future c|:^)
1. all socities respect they eldery and do their bidding rather than listen to the young
2. they remember what it was like before the EU
3. it's was democratic voted, elderly are no less people because they will live less. Their votes is the same as everyone else's. That's ageism and triggers me
Yeah, let's trust 18-24 year-olds with a nation's future.
Stay salty, Eurocuck.
People 70+ are the ones fooled by phone scammers who say they are their relatives and they need to send money for hospital/bail/you name it. They believe what the tv tells them.
>They are gullible and easily influenced
More like they have more time and money to burn on random shit hey don't need and because old people like sending things to their family.
Millenials BTFO. Maybe if young people had more children then "racist old bigots" wouldn't be influencing the votes so much.
The people get what they deserve.
If they have to shoot themselves in the foot to find out its not a BB gun then so be it.
We live in a world with a fuck load of assumptions, and not enough moving living breathing examples in action.
Good on the brits, may you rise from your own ashes in the coming decades.
Wow, they're fucking lucky these old and wise fuckers bailed them out from becoming the British People's Republic of Islam.
It's really simple.
With age comes experience, and with experience comes wisdom.
But, of course, you must already know that, considering how intelligent you are.
Or maybe they could, well you know... Get off their asses and vote
Nice propaganda juncker
Do you ever argue with logic instead of your tears?
If you understood theory of mind, you might understand people who think differently than yourself. Do you even realize the level of irony this is? A pro-EU (implicitly pro immigration) person who cannot understand another persons motives, and hence, relying upon anecdotal evidence, assumes that they're malevolent because you disagree with their beliefs. Theres a word for that; prejudice.
new world order got delayed, huh?
>elderly fall for scams because they're worried sick about family
>millenials post nudes pics because Kardishan did it
Even worse, the EU has said "Leave is Leave" so it looks like they're about to burn all bridges with the UK. There's no going back!!
They're not out of the woods yet.
Oh no how awful :DDDDDDD
That is such a stupid analysis without showing how much of the population each of these groups represent.
Biased propaganda.
>Sup Forums is 80% loser material
It's funny because it's true.
>implying millienials aren't economically, socially and politically short-sighted and that they have any fucking clue what's good for anybody
>implying UK belong to someone who was born 30 years ago and never had to fight a war or make his own business
>implying those people can share the money their anccestors achieved
>implying those people can give up their freedom their anncestors fight for
no such thing
They only get scammed by things relating to computers because they didn't grow up with computers so they generally don't have as much interest or developed skill to use them. What about all those young people that fell for the stupid apple memes? It just shows that young people can be just as influenced by propaganda. Also, older people would have more experience with the European union since they can compare themselves to a pre Britain EU and a post Britain eu
The EU will not survive without you guys.
A huge slap in the face of globalism.
Terrible example. Old people aren't familiar with technology, that doesn't make them stupid. I work with the elderly helping them to into computers and most of them are intelligent as fuck, they just aren't used to technological conventions that we take as second-hand knowledge.