Is Liz Hurley the new Queen of Sup Forums?


She's been the Queen of my pants since she played Satan in a movie opposite Morgan Freeman's God.

yeah..., no. Probably not.


Those were two completely different movies.

I think we should make her honourary queen or at least, Lady Britannia.


The guy who played god was a young nigger in that movie and not an old nigger.

Fuck off, Tojo

What other celebrities have posted pro-brexit tweets

i don't know

I'm Lefty and I would soooo let Tyrelle cuck me if I had a shot at her.

>Lady Britannia.
I'd be okay with that.


>black dog

she fucks her dog, doesn't she?

>she's 51


she should be sucking on a cock
not falling asleep naked on a dog

niggers and muslims hate dogs

>inb4 I love my mommy fag shows up

Didn't she bang Bill Clinton

She's English, not Canadian.

She isn't queen but I would definitely say she is a princess , she did her part to free us