Snowden supported Remain

>Snowden supported Remain
>he's all butthurt now

I used to be somewhat sympathetic to Snowden, but now it's obvious he's just another lefty cuck manlet.

Other urls found in this thread:

>Literal butmadd faggot who who "exposed" the U.S. government spying
>Supports remain and the EU who are infinitely more evil and autocratic

wew lad. I knew this guy was a faggot.

just wait until his bots swarm this thread

I know, it's pretty damn hypocritical. He supports unaccountable oligarchies as long as they vaguely follow his retarded SJW agenda.

Snowden is a double agent. I wonder why Putin's still allowing him residence in Russia. Maybe he thinks that he'll be able to spy on his work? I believe it's a pointless loss of resources. I'd just hand him over to the US, where he'd serve his "sentence". Well, in public, that is. Secretly he'd get a new identity and work elsewhere...

what the fuck is wrong with this cuck

i bet he had no fucking idea what he was doing in the first place too

The EU hates his ass, what is wrong with him

>I'd just hand him over to the US
Sure, that would be a great message to the next guy who thinks about defecting to Russia with his country's secrets.

He's talking about remainers in opinion polls, not the results.

Most of you winfags never took any of his 'leaks' to heart anyway, if you want a free country use free software. Gnu/Linux for Trump

Nope he is a leftist cuck, just look at what he says about military and stuff.

That tweet was from 23 hours ago.

Did you fucking idiots even read the tweet? It's just as, if not more likely he was talking about people who want to remain. Consider suicide.

Strange, thought Edward would be against the idea of a European Union.

it's more likely he's being a cuck since he was too cowardly to explain who the fuck he's insulting

A man can be right on some things and wrong on others you dense cunt.

>it's more likely he's being a cuck since he was too cowardly to explain who the fuck he's insulting
Yeah bullshit. The Union that issued the arrest warrant on Assange -- which helped him get out of Hong Kong. The Union that is pushing the TPIP? Are we talking about the same person. He'd be for brexit.


all this projection holy shit

I highly doubt it. All his top comments are remain cucks and other various lefties crying about the future of Muslims.

Also, Twitter is promoting him as the top post for the #Brexit hashtag. Twitter only does that for leftists and globalists.

spotted the cuck

What else do you call these people?

>but now it's obvious he's just another lefty cuck manlet.
No shit, he chose to be a traitor and put himself in the moral high ground. He constantly berates people who disagree with him and he has a superiority complex; he is the definitive example of a leftist

hold the phone
how tall is he? my entire opinion of this man hangs on this


12 year old detected. Get out. Now,

like 5'11

>cuck detected

He is a fucking cuck.

Julian Assange backed brexit, true based cyber activist.

Watch your mouth, or else I'll cattle prod your ass.

I guess he'll have to stay snowed in



>only NOW realizing that Snowden was a plant



whats the insult you mong?

its observation, and a correct one no matter who it was intended for

Seems like he hanged himself and his body is decomposing.

We should send him back. JUst look at that numale

that tweet could be pro brexit.

Snowden and co know more about geopolitics and the big issues than you could ever hope to understand.

All you care about is took er jerbs

>took er jerbs
You realize that leftists have traditionally been pro-protectionism and anti-immigration, right? It's literally because importing third-worlders and outsourcing (two big components of globalism) hurts the working class. Also, the dirty chavs have to actually live next to all the Ahmeds who assault them, rob them, and rape their daughters.

>Snowden and co know more about geopolitics and the big issues than you could ever hope to understand.
You have to be an idiot to claim you're a soldier for transparency and democracy, while still supporting the European Council. Either that, or he's just letting his SJW tendencies and craving for sandnigger cum cloud his judgement. Stay pissed, Scotty.

>Getting triggered by edgy, smug, and ambiguous tweets of no substance

Snowden's a faggot, but you're a retard.

>Snowden spends all fucking day whining about muh Surveillance State

>Supports the E.U.

What a confusing set of values this young man has.

Snowden had a lower position than he claimed

Half of his leaks would not be known by someone in his position, thus he was likely lying

He's virtually Michael Moore

Sheeeeeeit. Just checked out the Wikileaks feed....Full tilt Brexit.

What's up with that?

He didn't say he supports the EU. Read cunt.

Assange's arrest warrant is from the European Union.

cant wait for trump to hang that traitor

He's talking about how you guys just voted against your own economic interest because you were scared of refugees

He's right, desu.

>dude, you'll get like a 5% decrease in skekels, lmao, such idiots

>racial, national, ethnic, and religious values don't count, just shekels

>I'm a leftist and shekels are the most important thing in life; I'm different from those evil capitalists.

>anyone who disagrees with me is a leftist
this board is a joke

>le scared of brown people may may

Please keep saying this shit. Soon it will become background noise and no one will even notice

Fuck off leftist scum.

>not leftist

If not leftist, then you're a globalist capitalist; which is still a cuck ideology.

martyrdom really has changed, hasn't it? used to be just throwung yourself into the abyss for others, no it's being a huge cunt and a special snowflake on twitter

Snowden is a traitorous cuck, Fuck him

He revealed way too fucking much

Who gives a shit what some nu male with a community college degree thinks? He didn't really do anything impressive. Everyone knew about the Patriot Act's invasive nature. Only the normies think he did anything special. He can freeze in Siberia.

I like making money rather than shitposting my life away harboring the delusion that some cult-of-personality figure will give me a sense of meaning and purpose (aka 90% of the trump-supporting retards on this board)

I think you're the only cuck here friend. Enjoy being a NEET

>snowden supported remain

How much more evidence do you need that he was a traitor exactly?

Go root a sheep. Discussing what he did is obviously beyond you. If you cannot see the good he did by exposing the criminality and immorality of the US and its minions, you are truly lost.

Only Trump + Putin supported Brexit.

Remain was the beta vote.

You must be from reddit, giving a shit what this exiled traitor says.

nice meme

White racist Nazis came into his house and shot him with an Automatic Klansgun 47

Snowden is a nobody who constructed out of whole cloth an image for himself as an elite hacker working for the CIA. He was the equivalent of a janitor who stole confidential documents out of the desk of a client whose office he was hired to keep clean.

>#Brexit polls demonstrate how quickly half of any population can be convinced to vote against itself.

Oh look it's an American who thinks he knows about British history and culture.

>lefty cuck manlet.

I'm starting to think nobody on Sup Forums even knows what Brexit is.

Damn even Snowden suffers from the dreaded doublethink mental illness that is so pervasive in the west..

Spotted the cuck.

>Putin supports Brexit
>you take this to mean that Brexit is a good thing
Gee, I wonder why he would support Brexit? It's not like he benefits from EU balkanization or anything.

Does everybody on Sup Forums lack critical thinking skills?

found the cuck

>more evidence that the current system is undemocratic and bought-out by globalists


Yea. But ignoring the results would illigitimize the government.

the only good that came of it for me is that developers like encryption moar

>EU balkanization

Europe is already separate countries. It isn't balkanization to withdraw from an organization like the EU unless you are suggesting that they weren't sovereign under the EU.

Dude was always a shill along with Tranny Manning and Albino Leaker and the new 'Anonymous'.

Why would any 'security expert' be for more centralization and dumbing down of security?



>Shat himself after death

Bitch-ass nigga

You're playing semantic games. The point is that Putin stands to gain immensely from a weakening of the EU, much more so than the UK does (I mean, it's possible that they completely fucked their own economy by souring trade relations with EU states)

>I like making money rather than shitposting my life away
Then what are you doing here?

>laser pointer
I had to look this up the first time I saw it because I didn't believe it. It's not even high energy laser pointers. Even the little 5mW red ones you get at the store to play with your cats are prohibited.

Another trai... wait he is already a traitor.

>Half of his leaks would not be known by someone in his position, thus he was likely lying

>Snowden and co know more about geopolitics and the big issues than you could ever hope to understand.

He was an expert sysadmin. He knows shit about anything non-IT.

What is wrong with this faggot?

>"I came here to shitpost"

He was a WASPy Libertarian. He's spent too much time around all those hard-Left types.

>makes no mention of his preference
>just says that the near-50/50 divide vote in Britain is telling

Why is this Sup Forums so retarded and illiterate?

He's a convenience for the jews.

That's all you need to know.

Holy shit lmao